A Strange Synchronicity Yesterday on TV

I was trying to work on some project yesterday which required my TV, at the same time I thought I might just happen to see what was on "TV" and out of nowhere, I tuned into an episode of the X-Files, and immediately the discussion of this episode was "Mulder" being schooled by a Woman about how UFO's actually have nearly everything in common / to do with Insectoids, and the conversation immediately went onto the subject about how Humans were more or less some kind of experiment that "pretends" to be something it's not and how Humans are the only species of creatures who like to pretend that their life revolves around anything but Breathing, Eating, Reproducing and Sleeping.

And how much I thought to myself, what are the chances of this coming on like that, at this very exact time!?

And how true the statement is, in fact that's one of the things that bothers me most about the Human Species.

Humans,would at least get a crumb more of respect from me if  they at least admitted or were true to themselves about what their real core intentions were behind anything.

From that standpoint, it makes Animals one "iota" at minimum, more respectable than Humans.

Animals don't have to go about "pretending" top be anything other than their nature.

In the animal kingdom, you would never see another animal mocking another animal for wanting food or sex.

But this is what humans do, and it's usually Men who get mocked for wanting "sex" or told they are entilted and selfish for wanting to eat "meat"

Animals aren't particularly "deceptive" in the sense of telling lies or pretending, they are pretty straightforward, but at best, they might use some clever tactics to exert dominance over another animal or establish territory.

For example, I was watching this summer with how some Hummingbird quietly crept up on one of my Hummingbird feeders by clinging upside-down and then suddenly emerging to present an element of "surprise" to the other Hummingbird there and just suddenly appared out of nowhere with a look like "This is my turf and you know you don't belong here!'


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