All The Ridiculous New Virus Scares

Has anyone taken note to the endless new virus scares that the Media is trying to push, especially new scares in Africa including things spread by Mosquitoes!?

They are even trying to push a new scare of EEE here in Massachusetts.

Even talking about new COVID strains and surges again.

Anything to get the NPC's "prepped" to accepting an all new big event.


  1. Do you think they will plan a new thing when the election comes? So far there hasn’t been any fighting yet but I think all the fighting and people harming each other will happen once the new president is in 🎺

    1. @JunkieAmerican, Probably either a new Real or Perceived Scare / Plandemic. Maybe they are intending on releasing Mechanical Mosquitos that have something :D If not going with some deadly thing that infects others, it's hard to see that they won't resort to going Nuclear pretty soon, but from my understanding, nothing all too exciting is supposed to happen until the Election period comes and passes.

    2. @PSA Sounds like we are fucked. Are you preparing for death Prussian? It is worrying knowing we will be dying soon. I am only 22 years old and thought I had time. However the special day could come very soon.

      Stay away from the white light or water and do not get convinced via their forms of communication is what to do so far for when I die. It's strange people will plan their tomorrows work day at their slave job but will not plan for death. Maybe the NPC mind doesn't fear death.

    3. @Kyle, I guess I never really think about much as far as preparing for death, except my idea of it has always been to prepare by doing everything I've ever wanted to do "first" in life and then just letting it happen.

      Speaking of which, while it may seem coincidental, this year I am supposed to complete 1 of the last 2 things I've wanted to do my entire life. I won't reveal the first, but the second thing involved a long trip to Sweden, but I'm not sure if I'll be making it there. But to be honest, after these 2 things are fulfilled, I really don't care about this life anymore, and I really don't care about it now either...

      For me, generally, life has become more of annoyance ever since 2016 but even the few years leading up to that, and it's absolutely a constant drag since COVID. I've been developing problems dealing with this reality we live in now where every person you come into contact with is utterly out of touch with reality, I'm not sure how much longer I can deal with it, because it's actually affecting me really badly.

    4. @Illumination, That's exactly right... What's interesting is how they've taken ALL OF THAT away and still try and act surprised that the youth aren't so "motivated" to get dirty and roughed up in a system that gives them nothing. It won't even allow you to fight either! Even though you technically "can" in a way, but they seek to punish Men from anything and everything.

      It's so ridiculous and sickening.

      And yeah, I'm contemplating about even the next 15 years if I even make it that long, if I can really tolerate any of this... I hope to just pass away in my sleep.

  2. @Illumination, They sure are! As expected. I mean they just anounced another scare in the last few days, "Sloth Fever Virus". And there are news reports suggesting people should mask up again, IN ADDITION to a "NEW COVID SURGE". I mean FUCKING REALLY!?!?

    People are buying this shit! It's so obvious they are planning something really big very soon. No way they would have started this Decade off and now about 5 years have passed with getting used to this new reality, to let this just fizzle out.

    It was just a small test run and sample because they know they intend to drag everything down into the pits and want people more willing to tolerate it along with any enforcement guidelines for them to follow.

    I think next year or shortly after they will try doing something.


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