An NPC Who Gives Men The Perfect Recipe For Living A Daily Life Of Slavery


▪ Promotes Morning Push-ups

▪ Promotes Cold Showers

▪ Promotes "Going To The Gym" (tm)

▪ Promotes being a Provider and Protector as what makes a "Man"

▪ Uses the word "CAP" in conversation for something that doesn't mean a hat on your head, a ceiling on something, or the tops on a bottle.

If you ever listen carefully to these "gurus" or "influencers", you will always notice that everything they speak that comes from them is always Hypothetical or Idealistic, but never Practical and Realistic.

They speak about realities or conditions that don't really exist.

They'll tell you to "GO ON AND GET OUT THERE" and "Make Friends" in a time when Friendship is actually heading the way of the dodo bird and it's nearly impossible to make genuine connections with others.

More Hustling and More Grinding.

They will always be the ones to tell you about how there are so many great opportunities out there, and to have an abundance mindset, and all these lofty things, but in reality none of that actually exists.

These ideas actually originated in people who experimented with Psychedelics, only to be regurgitated by indoctrinated Millenials and Gen Zers, and some who also experimented with those same Psychedelics.

All of this ideas, it's just never-ending blabber, it's constant Feel-good Hoopla.

None of it has any real meaning or substance to it.

It's just always the same message, over and over and over and over by these Influencers.

Notice how the ideas behind "Success" that NPC's promote, is ALWAYS revolving around stereotypical Narcissistic, Materialistic ideas and goals, with the design of trying to impress or please others or to make them jealous.

What if my idea of success is trying to change bird behavior in my yard, or creating / testing new Barbecue recipes, or different configurations with my Stereo?

Those were actually some things I spent in my leisure throughout this summer on some downtime, and for me, those are successes.

All of them had nothing to do with stroking my own ego, impressing others, and none of them brought any money, attention or validation.

Yet they were things that are absolutely life-changing and enjoyable. They actually have made some new additions to my life to otherwise cope in this meaningless existence. I also learned a lot of things too, and of new things to avoid doing, solving some mysteries of some previous issues I had, and with the birds, it had a lot to do with reconditioning them to behave a certain way based on how they remember details and locations.

All of these NPC's out there really don't have any unique hobbies outside of things with Gym, Fitness, Sports, Smoking Marijuana, Watching Anime or Playing Video Games.

I'm really bothered by this being the "wave of the future", since this is how everyone is now.

There are never any people who are truly into any unique or simple hobbies or interests anymore, which are not part of the small common pool of Narcissistic hobbies.

Otherwise, people will think you are "weird" or "boring", at least that's how NPC's view all those kinds of things.

It really is bad out there. As I've said, all guys I know now, and from any age group, are trying to bring up "the gym" topic as a conversation diversion or connection point in discussion.

I'll never forget the 62-year old friend of mine who I had recently got back in contact with after years of not being in contact, and immediately he talks about getting more serious about the gym and we got into an argument about the Science-based "45 Minute Workout LIMIT".

Men who love saying they spend 3 Hours working out at the gym! Going 6-7 days per week.

Every day, all I hear about is the gym, the gym the gym.

It reminds me of how the Jews often try to direct every road of a conversation back to the obsessive topic about "The Holocaust", only it's goyim now who want to find any excuse to bring up the gym.

So Many Men in this world nowadays are truly so lost, they don't understand any purpose of anything outside of Providing or Protecting, or trying to impress others.


  1. I have always hated the message of providing for these clowns, I have even heard these clowns say that men must force themselves to go through traumas to mature, while women must always be protected. I even had traumas in my childhood and that affected part of my life, I always wonder if I had not gone through that, how my life would have been more free and natural and because of those traumas I had to find ways to stand out. But when I did, I wasted the opportunities I had, it was too late. Also, to do everything these clowns say, you can only do it if you don't have a soul, you must be a complete robot, and that is so boring, like those who talk about stoicism, I almost fell into that trap, but my inner self always warned me that it was garbage.

    1. @blood, You bet. It's all about keeping the status quo in check, and while it may seem like a far stretch to say this, the REAL REASON many Men want to keep this system going this way is because these types of Men are obsessed with maintaining an order whereby they use Capital and Status to attract and obtain Women, and if need be on the lower end to pay for prostitution.

      Traumas definitely NEVER help with life, they only make us worse off. All the hoopla about "learning / growing from your trauma" is a bunch of nonsense. Trauma ruins our physical and mental health and also puts dents in our auras. It also makes us develop more forms of becoming closed-off, due to the negative experiences.

      Trauma almost never goes away, it lingers as a scar forever.


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