Is It Possible To Repurpose Women Into Efficient Slaves?

Yes, despite the fact that Women are indeed a less valuable Slave than in a Man in blunt terms, Women can absolutely be repurposed to be beneficial slaves for the sake of carrying out necessary labor tasks.

The fact, however though, is that unfortunately, a Female Slave will never be as Valuable as a Male Slave, and that will never change, even down to the actual Auction Market Prices for purchasing or making a bid on a slave.

That's just the natural order of things, as Men have greater productivity value, strength and endurance.

Deprivation is one of the best tools to use in the conditioning process to Prime a Female slave, and it can be achieved within 30-60 days of reconditioning the specimen to a new environment, and it is essential they have no access to windows or the time.

The key to maintaining proper slaves, is that they must however be well-fed and have ample sleeping conditions and some form of health maintenance, and while these can become very much added expenses, the whole idea is that the productive output of the slave well exceeds those expenses.

Drugging them up there maximize performance and efficiency is also a possibility, but it will likely shorten their usage as a slave and certainly their value as a slave, especially if resold.

Some Women are utterly worthless as a slave, especially if they are obese or have diabetes or a thyroid condition.

The best slave classes to maintain for fulfilling the needs of slavery on any level, are most definitely Women and Criminals.

It is also common to hire them in very dangerous positions and also in Waste Removal Services, and in jobs where they must handle hazardous chemicals or environments.

Modern Western Civilization is so problematic, that it believes even criminals deserve rights or even the potential to be free. But we Prussians do not agree with that.

All rules of rights should be discarded for criminals.


  1. Men are the vast majority of criminals FYI. If you are against crime, it doesn't make sense to hate on women.

    1. @Fander: It's pointless to get into definitions and semantics with you about who or what is a "criminal". Since we've already long established that you don't view Adultery and Infidelity as a crime. Keep masturbating in your lonely little corner.


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