Just A Few More Faces Of Losers / Trolls I've Gotten Into Arguments With Over The Years

Click on their images below to "enlarge" them.

I mean, it's not even "AVERAGE" Internet Users who call me and other Men online these things.

The specimens below, have routinely called me an "Incel" or "Racist" or "Anti-vaxxer" and all kinds of other ridiculous things. I suppose the only part they get right is that I am an Anti-Vaxxer.

I also had some pathetic bicyclist when I'll find the photo, who was sending me death threats everyday from trying to organize offline "meetups" to fight against the COVID Policies, but he is not pictured here, I'll find the photos sometime.

For some reason, Obese, Absolutely Hideous, Disgustingly Demonic creatures, are the ones who think they are "better" than others, and that they belong to the club of "cool cats", and that someone everyone else is a loser. These people think they are "sane", "healthy" and "normal". And yet they will also be someone who tries to insult someone like Goatis as well.

I just want you all to know and see for yourself, that this is what our world is becoming. A world like this, where all the actual losers, somehow think they are the winners, and have gained an upper edge over Genetically fit, healthy and spirited Humans.

I hope this illustrates the "side effect" of when you tell Ugly and Disgusting People that they are "Beautiful" and that everyone is "Equal" and come up with ideas such as "Pretty Privilege" or even the notion that only admiring others for Looks is superficial.

You really want to question that aspect of Human Behavior!? You'll think twice about that after seeing these faces.

This is what happens when you believe that Looks don't [or shouldn't] matter.

What disturbs me, is how these people are so confident that they think they are the Pinnacle of the Human Species, and that they think everyone else is "Untermensch".

This is not anywhere near the whole length of the archive, but a small sample dating back from 2020, as it would take a long time to compile the rest. In the cases where you see more than one person in the photo, it means that at least "one" of the pictured persons had been the one involved in arguments with me.

Some of these faces are actual from Online arguments with people I got into heated hours of discussions and flame wars during "COVID" who were also people in the Medical Industry that were trying to issue me death threats and make all kinds of outrageous claims against me. I have the old "COVID" Archive from that time when I was peddling out a major Information War against COVID, and the creatures that would come out of the woodworks were hideous:


  1. Yeah these are the same women who call me an incel lol! They also claim men like older omg ! Never in a billion years! They can fuck off old bitch! There is this black girl named vanity on YouTube can’t stand that 27 year old fat woman !she calls me all this shit and claims men like “older” shes black and just makes fun of younger girls bodies.She pisses me off I know exactly how she looks too snd her alt account’s because she tries to report me on her other alts are (chubby cheeks girl) on YouTube (vanitydivend) and (amber summer2685) that’s all her accounts I wish I could show you the picture but I don’t know how I could let’s just says her face isn’t young and chubby its bloated LOL!

    1. @JunkieAmerican, Their AUDACITY, really gets me... I mean, with how ugly and deformed many of them look, how much worse could I honestly be!? There really isn't much lowering of the bar left! However, I have some even older ones of other trolls from the years which might test that, even!

      I'm sure if you notice carefully, if you look at Humans from decades ago (doesn't matter the country), even if the Humans are average looking in some cases, they didn't have this "off" look about them like these NPC's and Autists...

      They all scratch each other's back. If anything, it's "UGLY PRIVILEGE" which is the "thing" that exists, and is a problem!

      I'd sure love to see the photos of that girl you speak of. I'll try looking up the name.

  2. Exactly they didn’t have this off look crazy how times have changed peoples features are just so off.

    Yeah try looking up ambersummer2685 she’s black she probably change her profile picture by now after she knew I screenshot it and drew the words fat bitch on her face. If you can’t find it I will put her on my YouTube channel profile picture right now.

  3. She has an obsession with white guys she can fuck off no white guy wants her unless he’s desperate seriously . She made up shit talking about white guy called her cute haha I know she is lying! Unless the white guy is homeless!or a druggy. She also said guys with girlfriends give her attention all the time I say bullshit! No guy is looking at her seriously maybe to look at her booger hanging out her fat nose.

    She’s a crazy slut who listens to disgusting rap music her playlist were cardi b songs she’s disgusting off the bat I knew especially when she would say she’s too tiny or something stupid I say she’s perfect looks young and she calls me a pedo! And says something about I’m a pervert or something about attracting perverts She makes alt accounts all the time I know she’s reporting me. wait until she finds out her “white“boyfriend would leave her for a teen in a heartbeat. I love to piss women off with the word teen hahaha! They get so mad even in public this lady in her 40s gave me a rude look after I said I’m looking for a young little cutie.I saw school kids come by and I was looking for eye candy.

    Women online attack me and others they think older women should be ideal which is ridiculous and will never happen. People seem to not wanna talk about this which I guess I understand because legal reasons but man I heard a feminist say the age of consent should be 21! Isn’t that crazy.!? I told this woman around her 30s she said you’re just a creep men like their age or even older women sometimes I tell her oh yeah!? Do you shave your vagina? To make it look young 😱I also said do you know school girl is the most popular role play. She just said I’m a pedo incel.

  4. It's rather strange how these people call you guys "incels" or other buzzwords despite looking how they look.

    @Junkie that Vanity chick will never be loved. Who would want to to be with her? Unless someone gets with her out of desperation and has one or two kids with her on top of that, but relationships out of desperation won't last long. She'll definitely be alone with her cats and dogs.

    1. @rey that vanity girl is disgusting her playlist were cardi b! I can only imagine what she does. She was talking about how stressful her job is and how all that stress is going to her tits or something. I said well looks like you have some toxicity going on lol. Idk what she was trying to pull by telling me that but she’s just an 27 year old woman who will be alone for sure. She’s too old way too old. She also claims she’s better than teen’s because she has bigger boobs or something like that she’s just some flat ugly bitch I don’t care about her tits! I would take some teen with little lemons over her bulky old self.

    2. @rey that vanity girl is disgusting her playlist were cardi b! I can only imagine what she does. She was talking about how stressful her job is and how all that stress is going to her tits or something. I said well looks like you have some toxicity going on lol. Idk what she was trying to pull by telling me that but she’s just an 27 year old woman who will be alone for sure. She’s too old way too old. She also claims she’s better than teen’s because she has bigger boobs or something like that she’s just some flat ugly bitch I don’t care about her tits! I would take some teen with little lemons over her bulky old self.

    3. @Junkie oh boy! She's a Cardi fangirl! It wouldn't surprise me if she also listens to City Girls, Ice Spice, and Sexxy Red. She's the type that would definitely bully and be hostile towards Kpop girls. She'll probably get upset if she walks in on her "white" boyfriend beating his dick to Kpop girl fancams. Obviously, you don't advocate for race mixing but could you blame him if he was in this situation?

  5. @rey she does have sexy red and city girls too on her playlist lol! She is hostile towards small framed girls she always says something about them! Lol her “white “ boyfriend is definitely watching that or if not he’s watching anime we all know why anime is popular.

    I see 30 year olds with anime girl stickers on their car it’s cringe but that’s their way of liking young girls because society attacks men who say they do so anime is an undercover thing haha.

    1. The anime watching is understandable! The anime girls are better looking than the vast majority of Western women even though they're fictional.

    2. @rey I think anime girls look 13-17 body wise so that’s part of the Reason I really digged deep into this anime stuff it’s crazy how girls look so much older now. I was looking at middle and high school girls they all look so much older their faces are just 24 or so. As unrealistic a small frame is for a girl it’s most definitely cute! Only Japanese girls have them or if we are lucky a teen girl.

    3. @rey people have anime stickers like this LOL! It’s usually 27 or 30 year old guys who have these. the animated characters look 15 or 16 😂 while there 27 year old bulky or muscle girlfriend abuses them they secretly watch anime.




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