Never Trust People Who Act Like They Are A Friend But Never Involve You

It's a major problem but also very manipulative, and it's actually a very disgusting form of backstabbing.

It is also a part-time of all the Races from the British Isles, so naturally Americans very much take on this behavior from them.

There are many people out there in this world that act like they are somehow doing us "favors" or "watching out for us behind the scenes" but are forced to lay low in their interactions with us.

This is especially even more true for Germans in general, and I warn all Germans to never fall for this bait.

It's an abusive tactic by people who see themselves as superior to us, even though they know they are not.

They purposefully choose to not keep us informed about something, only to drum up demands on us at a moment's notice so they can blame you for either not responding or not responding properly.

Another type of thing these people will do is make it very evident that they are watching you. They will even be the type to say they saw you somewhere but didn't actually come up to you to say Hi, or will routinely say they thought to invite you somewhere but decided not too.

You must distance yourself from these people, as they mean you harm, and it's usually a type of harm you cannot see or sense, difficult to detect because they are extremely vindictive behind the scenes.

They will often tell you of something thoughtful they were thinking to do but then claim how they changed their mind or thought it would be too much or something else.

A friend does not behave this way.

These people are testing the waters with you to see how far invested or reactive you are to them, and if they see that you are, they will try to dig their way deeper.

People like this are always seething with jealousy.


  1. Man, this is EXACTLY!!!!! what happened at my work in the UK.
    I was backstabbed by my coworkers, and little things I told people, were used to weave lies and outrageous assumptions about me.

    Like this is exactly what happened, they were always testing me, but not giving me real support or a chance to improve, then I'd find out 2 weeks later, from a second-hand source, that this one coworker ratted on me TO MY MENTOR and said I was clueless and didn't know what I was doing.... because I 'wrongly' waited for her to tell me when she wanted me to move a chair into someone, & it was my first time on the job?!!?!! This same person would get mad at me for EXTREMELY small things, like not making a towel the 'right' amount of wetness, putting a towel on someone before their gown was completely off, putting my feet on the staff lounge sofa(I moved them when she asked, & they are extremely cheap & other ppl do it), but I just KNEW she used this against me, and ratted to my MENTOR, about how I was such a horrible coworker. And she directed so much anger towards me. I didn't get it lmao.

    There was this other women, who was looked up to by everyone and regarded as very good, but around her, I always maintained professionalism and told her the bare minimum, because every good deed she did was something to look good, she would push closeness, but I could sense she was actually my mentor's 'spy', and trying to gain info about me.

    I received no feedback, then after a few weeks, they dumped most of the blame on me, and I found out weeks ago someone had a problem with something I did, and didn't tell me, but rather told it to my mentor, like they didn't want me to get better but in trouble. Even though it was their job to train me.

    They also took a special focus on me, it seems, since I was not British.

    1. @T345, Yes, those are the types of things they do. Actually during the period when they would likely tell you that they will give you a chance to improve or something of that nature, it's already been privately "decided" to get rid of the employee or what the real policy or final decision is for someone in any type of situation.

      This can happen in any kind of environment too, not just at your job, but even at a private club or gathering, if it suddenly decided that you are "Persona Non Grata"

      They will watch every little detail about you, even down to the way you hang your coat, and will even take notice to when you wear a coat or don't wear one, or if you somehow place it differently some day. Every little detail is tracked.

      I have to think that these things are FAR, FAR worse now in the workplace now, especially after COVID, so I can't even imagine what it must be like... Even in my daily runs, when I go out to places, I'm seeing more and more malaise and lower morale in most employees everywhere.

      The thing too is that this program applies to anyone of any Race, it's not just whether someone is British or not, or even just inside the UK. The UK is just the headquarters of the "Nest" for these activities, along with factions in the Vatican and other Intelligence Agencies. A lot of what they do however, relies on using technologies that install thought implants into people about others. Much of it is automated especially in these times.

    2. THANK YOU! This is exactly what I picked up on, this is so validating! I felt targeted, unsupported, and almost set up to fail, but I didn’t mess up bad enough for them to fail me. I felt like they were waiting... or wanting for me to mess up...

      Have you lived in the UK? I’m surprised you are so aware of this.

      In the UK, I have the instinct to ‘compose’ myself around others. Looking back, I realize that I instinctively don’t trust people there.

      I was confused why I was targeted, because there were Nigerian students and workers there, & they didn’t draw as much attention or scrutiny as I did as an American, besides some patients being racist to them. You’d think since they are more different, they’d get more 'evil-eye'?

      (Also, they were much kinder & SUPPORTIVE, than the Scot workers )

      One of the Nigerian students had a lisp and a confusing way of talking, yet he wasn't nearly as watched and nitpicked as I was. Neither were the English coworkers, who are treated no differently than the Scots. Which is surprising considering how patriotic & anti-England some Scots act.

      Interestingly, when the Nigerian student & I were asking questions about something, he told me to go ask the nurses because according to him, “they’ll listen to you better than they listen to me.” Which I was surprised about because, I always felt an 'evil-eye' from them hovering over me. Maybe he perceived a bias towards himself, but I did not pick up on that, and I did not feel like I got the long end of the stick either.

      Another Nigerian coworker thought I was Scottish, and was surprised I wasn’t. I asked her if I looked Scottish, and she said, you're more composed and calm LOL.

      I definitely felt like the "Persona Non Grata". Even my supervisor really pulled strings to make me admit this job was too harsh or not for me, or to give up. Basically after 2 weeks she sat me down and told me, your doing badly and not good enough, I'm going to fail you, fix it yourself. Despite the fact I was a student with no previous experience, and given no direction, instructions, or a detailed tutorial of the tasks. And this was only after 2 weeks btw. (Based on me not learning fast enough & some coworkers sht talking about me to her, making me sound incompetent). I also never worked with her, so she was getting all her info from others.

      ALSO, they try to trick you by pretending to be empathetic or concerned for you, so that you tell them something. WHICH is what my mentor kept trying to do, everytime she wanted me to admit it wasn't for me, she'd gather up some strategic empathy.

      But thankfully I’m back in America now:)).

      I actually did a DNA test and surprisingly got Scottish, so you’d think that would give me an edge to working with them lol, NOPE. My % isn’t high enough, so you don't know what other backgrounds in you might influence a reaction.

      My % has gone from 22-39%. Ive never felt a connection with scotland, I actually wanted to move to england not scotland, but ran out of options.
      People there are very low energy, and you'll encounter too many nasty people. The good people are neutral. I'm glad to be in the US again, as much as you can be lol....

      I put my DNA through an ancient ancestry website, and I only got 2% Celtic matches, so maybe my Scottish ancestors were mostly Germanic, & not from the typical Scot pool???

      I'm interested in what you say is a nest for these activities, I do see gang-stalking a LOT. And almost know exactly what your talking about. I myself am still stumpted why it happens to certain people

    3. @T345, Believe it or not, I've never lived in the UK and never had visited! I only know a lot about it from a distance, because I need to know. It plays a large role in our history with the UK as far as Germany Goes...

      So when I speak of the UK, I speak so based on my historical understanding of that country, and my interactions with "British People".

      My impression is that the UK can maybe seem like a great country on the surface at first, they have an excellent transportation system and have been a World Power for sometime, and their residual effect of their Superpower status is still even felt today, while their nation is in its own death-throes. But I bitterly hate the English, and so do many Old School Germans...

      Particularly with us Prussians, anyway, we never liked the Saxons even when they were back in Germany. There are other Germans today who also do not jive well with us, but, that is our history...

      If you ever need to speak to anyone who can tell you a most unfolded experience about living in the UK, I strongly recommend consulting with Sv3rige / Goatis on that, since he spent many years living in Hull and visiting London and getting exposed to the Lovely British [Brutish] Culture!

      Honestly, outside of the Goth Scene there, and maybe Fish & Ships and their Birding Culture, I find very little to nothing admirable about Britain, outside of having never visited there to give a first-hand account. They always had struck me as a "weird" people.

      Who knows, maybe the actual potential employees you dealt with are even more prone to the types of behaviors I had indicated over there, I assume they would probably function a lot like Americans do. One thing I've always observed about British people, almost through and through, they are terrified about ever showing emotion or even "going against the grain" of common belief that is accepted, as it's considered "naughty" behavior.

      This character about them, was carried over in the Puritan Settlers here in America, from them... And so it makes them a very rigid people who are not open to other viewpoints, and become highly dogmatic, and judgmental in a most inappropriate manner.

      Honestly, as a German, as much as this life is a living hell overall, I would lament my existence even more being born a Brit, because what a completely dull, lifeless, boring and horrible existence those people must endure along with the weather there, that makes them the miserable chaps they all are.

      Without a doubt, I will say that conditions in the UK now cumulatively and overall in the grand scheme of things are FAR WORSE than they are in America, however America sings and dances to the same tune of the problems in the UK. However, the UK has more of a cultural "identity" compared to American people, and that's one attribute which will make America far worse, and even less likely to rebel against their own government.

      One thing I do not like about British people, and some Scandinavians, is that you will never see or experience the "true them" until they are inebriated with alcohol.

      Look, I'm cool with having a few drinks here and there socially with others, but as a rule I do not trust people who only reveal themselves when they are drunk, if they cannot be their true person when they are sober.

    4. @T345, the UK is a disgusting crime ridden shithole; I've had the misfortune of living in this cursed place for many years, it's hell on Earth. I'm not surprised you've had those experiences at the workplace, it sounds similar to the kind of garbage I've had to deal with at work. This country is full of liars, backstabbers and hypocrites who will try to destroy your life if you don't lick their shoes.

      "I was confused why I was targeted, because there were Nigerian students and workers there, & they didn’t draw as much attention or scrutiny as I did as an American, besides some patients being racist to them. You’d think since they are more different, they’d get more 'evil-eye'?"

      This is another thing people don't know about the British scum, because they are afraid to be called "racist" if they criticize blacks or browns, they take out all of their frustrations on white immigrants from other countries; because they see you as an easy target. The British are despicable cowards and liars. They can never be trusted.

    5. @Alex I honestly feel the same way!
      I admit I was attracted to the UK once, but now I see it for what it is. I suppose over time, you realize what matters in life, so a superficially 'alright' country doesn't cut it anymore- when the people, weather, culture, lifestyle, and all meaningful things in life- are sub-par.

      Can you move out? Honestly, from the sounds of it, Save yourself. If it really feels bad enough, it might be worth it. I think it's always best to listen to your gut. And honestly, I would take it seriously, because it's your life, and you could become scdal, or get trapped there.

      I don't want to convince you of anything you don't instinctively know, but I know how draining living there can feel. Although I guess you can admit they aren't all bad, or admire some of their qualities, being around them made me so drained and scdal, and you will always be an outsider on some level, if you're not them.

      I just moved back to America, and I already feel recharged. As much as I hated the school system & trauma I had, I realize there is space for me to move, weather for me to enjoy, and interesting people to meet. But the UK... it's suffocating. People don't even express themselves, if you do, you're breaking the British-bro-code, which puts you socially at risk. It's suppressive but for no good reason. Their culture is nothing interesting, their people are dull soulless, and depressed, etc.

      The more overt Brits are often aggressive and nasty. To be honest, what are these people fighting for? Their boring dull lives? Their boring dull people, architecture, culture??
      That's not what they do, they just attack innocent people and easy targets to take out their frustration for their sub-par lives, and maybe to look tough.

      Ironically these people will blame foreigners for 'making their country worse', but the thing is, it was already bad and it's plenty their fault.

      They'll blame foreigners for crime, yet their own people are huge troublemakers. I've seen so many Brit teens shoplift, vandalize, and harass their own communities. Brits have so many slang terms for their white British criminals, which shows just how much of a problem it is over there. NEDs, travelers, junkies, roadmen, chavs, and more. They have so much white trash there that they have to come up with multiple terms for them. They've also created almost nothing interesting, outside of drinking and clubbing, and they tend to lack emotional expression and ostracize people who do.

      Are you a native Brit? It would be great if you had another home to go to. I bet it's easier said than done, but long term I think it's best to prioritize your mental health...
      as in leaving Britain is good for your mental health lol.

      I was thinking about what you said, about why they treated me like that, I was very confused before you mentioned it because it didn't make sense how I as an American was the most watched, and often nit-picked. Even when other foreigners were hard to understand, which is an even bigger visible mistake... You'd think that would garner more criticism... but it makes sense now, I was just an easy target

      In British groups, I felt I was an outsider, with no social leverage, and being in a non-'protected' group, as you said, makes you an easy target. Even if things get so unfair or the consequences so disproportionate. Discrimination is equally as real and destructive, no matter who is the giver and receiver. I don't think everybody conspired against me. But when people get the memo that you're 'persona non grata' as PSA says, people will always side with whoever has the most leverage, especially against an outsider.

      Look, I feel the pain, lol.
      Can you move? I'm sure many/most other places would be better lol.

      Save yourself!!!

    6. 'Can you move out? Honestly, from the sounds of it, Save yourself.'

      I am planning to leave this hellhole in the next couple of years. It's insufferable living here, and it's getting worse by the day with regards to the crime and constant riots. I'm not British, I have a different passport so I can move elsewhere.

      'I was thinking about what you said, about why they treated me like that, I was very confused before you mentioned it because it didn't make sense how I as an American was the most watched, and often nit-picked. '

      People don't know how evil and backstabbing the British scum are, unless they've lived here for many years; at first it might seem confusing, but if you stay here long enough you will realise what's going on. Over the years, I've heard the English trash make snide remarks about Europeans from the mainland or Americans, while at the same time they don't dare say anything about the millions of blacks and browns who are destroying their country.

      They are also massive hypocrites, many of their own people are criminals but they won't say a word about that. Right now on youtube, there are several English 'patriot' channels who post videos of crimes committed by foreigners; but never of crimes committed by their fellow English people.

    7. @Alex, Spot-on as usual, it gives me a great feeling of refreshment to see that there are still some "sensible" people like yourself out there. Because I'm fucking tired of how milktoast most people are to these issues which you respond on.

      Most people have an "okie-doke" approach to everything, and this especially true with Americans on nearly everything, including the levels of corruption in this society and also with even how useless, incompetent and corrupt that Law Enforcement is.

      Same thing in UK of course too.

      I am tired of these losers from these countries, and it makes me sick that in America, there are less and less people of European descent worthy of interacting with or engaging here.

      You astutetly described the English, and the crazy thing is that it's ALL the people of the British Isles who are more or less the same too. Whether they are Irish, Scottish, Welsh or Cornish, or of half-breed mongrel Norman ancestry, all of them are absolutely Human Refuse!

    8. Most Western people today have no honor or any values to speak of, so they don't stand for anything; anything and everything is acceptable to them, as long as it doesn't negatively impact them at that moment.


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