On Parents Sending Their Daughters To College. I Already Warned About This Many Years Ago

Back on my old website, and even former websites, in which I received plenty of Hatred from others for telling about how every father who sent his daughter to school [university] has failed his daughter, and should be charged with crimes, it only has more recently come to light with the reality of how University does indeed Damage Women and make them worthless.

I believe fathers who send their daughters to University should be executed. They are all cucks.

This girl in this clip is a lying bitch and grifter anyways, but she just wants to ride coat-tails on the issue.


  1. I’ve always knew this those girls are nasty and majority are ugly. I don’t know what this word hot indicates but I hope not beautiful because they are far from it.I believe “hot” is a disrespectful word I would never call young Rachel macadams “hot” but pretty very odd because I swear collage girls are 3s and 4s this word hot is for sluts

  2. Also guys who go to college are ugly I swear people are delusional this old lady is weird has she never seen college kids Jesus’s I’ve seen at least 30,000 collage faces and they are all ugly that’s why I know this word “hot” is for sluts of something it’s means nothing,

  3. Another thing is gen z isn’t having sex those girls are just sucking d with their no lip self and they’re sucking ugly guys and those girls are ugly themselves they just want attention because they are ugly. Fags go to college 🌈or low testosterone I can show you a video on how collage kids look wow “hot” more like not she’s so delusional if hot means in a disrespect way than sure call them that thank god she didn’t say beautiful. https://youtu.be/Rn6lj2UzqvI?feature=shared

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You are wrong in thinking that beautiful people are necessarily good people. Do you not see the irony when you comment references to beautiful models of the past, not realizing that modeling is just a catalogue of high tier prostitutes for the elites? Do you have any idea the quality of women the elites worldwide have access to? Do you not see how common it is for very handsome men to be hedonists and normies?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @Read Plato, What you stated is true. This is where matters get tricky even with Genetics, because there can be some very attractive people who are also some of the most horrible types of specimens. Their energy signature is usually revealing, but when someone does not take into consideration any other factor of knowing the origins of someone, that they can be duped into getting with a parasitic type. That being said, ugly people belong to the dark side for the most part. The problem is that each one of the "types" are all playing some type of certain role in this reality to create certain trends, symptoms and issues which plague society, and this is also why Beautiful people get so heavily shamed, and that envy is a constant problem in society.

    5. The fact that you said normies and talk about “black pill” and other cringe words tells me your some anime flapper behind the screen. I’m talking about young beautiful people anyway not some old skank beauty is rare too. But I didn’t say all were good If you can ever find them brad Pitt for an example is a great guy people are so jealous of him calling him uncanny looking and brad armpits same goes for young Brooke shields I can tell she was a sweetheart when she was a young girl. Now these ugly skanks sleep around because they are worthless and know they will never be loved. And if you can see as generations pass people are becoming uglier I mean look at young John travolta that was considered average back in the 70s seriously he’s was just an average guy which there is nothing wrong with that now the average is a 4 maybe 3 who the hell know maybe the average when gen beta comes will be 2s and 3s they will think John travolta was this 8. This is some crazy shit no one loves each other it’s all fake because they are ugly .faces have gotten so bad why do you think all this body talk is popular all this gym shit girls and boys just have ugly faces now also people who go to the gym do all type of crazy shit like have sex with dogs and other weird things I don’t even want to think about. You are probably the same guy who says “chad “and “Stacy” and claim they are common sleeping around town smh.

    6. Beautiful women are not rare, particularly not in european and oriental populations, the reason why they seem rare in "real life" is because they are all taken up by the rich and powerful and kept away from the reach of pleb men, so it's as if they are living in parallel societies.

      Funnily enough, the two examples of Brad Pitt and Brooke Shields that you gave consist of tools of evil elites.

    7. Attributes that actually are rare in the population are virtue and intelligence.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Oh and mark Zuckerbergs wife is his looks 🫢😮oh but you probably think she’s this rare beauty huh? It’s hilarious billionaires I’ve seen have terrible looking old wife’s and yes they are billionaires I know a rich lady named terry ugly as shit LOL when I came over to her house in Jupiter Florida I helped her move from their from Naples I’ve seen it all if you know what I’ve mean. People are each others looks always and if he’s a guy with 300 million or billions which I’ve seen they hate to be around people who don’t have money because people like to sue but they have an average girlfriend at best lol! And they aren’t powerful jerry springer was an absolute asshole in real life he was powerless and even trumpy irl he’s nothing he’s just an old fart with his ugly wife as they eat fast food.

    10. These are all political marriages.

      The elites marry amongst themselves and take all of the plebs' (best) women as concubines.

      Also, the figures that you mentioned (Trump and Zuckerberg) are public figures, so they aren't representative of powerful people in general, given the fact that the most powerful people are unknown.

    11. Yeah I know they aren’t powerful they look-like shit irl anyway same goes with their wives well im speaking for trumpy bear and his wife I don’t know about the other guy trumpys wife looks 90 in real life.

      Anyway beautiful girls are rare in general that’s why I’m confused what you don’t understand the girl in the picture is rare and if these elites have her then only a few there aren’t billions or millions of her that’s for sure. Most guys really find their girlfriends ugly and just use for company that’s why all this cheating is going on. Also wouldn’t these elite males be rare beauty’s as well? I would assume.

    12. My response to all this, is that I'd say it depends on the country you live in. In the Anglosphere, many Men are routinely accustomed to less than stellar options for girls, ones who are ugly or with bad genetics and obesity.

      In countries with healthy genetic pools, at least 90% or more of the Female population (and usually the Male population, with the exception of Slavic countries) are attractive.

      That is how it is supposed to be.

      However, there is an untold level of just how many secret trafficking networks exist in the world who routinely house or keep "Women" for themselves, and these rings are everywhere.

      They usually have Women who are with the best of the best in features. The Elite have more control over this than they ever have had in the past, especially since the development of the New World.

      What most Men are getting nowadays in most countries are just leftover scraps, at least as far as genetics and top tier beauty.

      Take a country like Romania, it is a strong network of places of Elite control, however there are countries where their local girls are "less" controlled at least by outsider networks, for example like Albania. Most of the Women in both of those countries are extremely attractive, but in terms of all races worldwide, Albanian Women are represented the least of all Women in both Trafficking and even in the Adult / Porn industry.

      So there are variations.

      What Men in the US don't seem to understand, is that the US is basically a sex prison and you absolutely have 100% no right as a Man, and that having sex, children or getting married to Women for any reason in this country is a death sentence.

      Even as someone who was born American, I always limited my involvement with American Women, never liked them or trusted them, I also find that they tell lies about all sorts of things including their age far more than other Women. Most Women I have been with were either directly from Europe who came here with family or are living here, or I have been abroad.

      Home-grown American stock is nothing but a dumpster.

    13. If you know the "elite", then he is not the elite.
      If you can see a woman, then she is not top tier.

    14. @@psa Pluto was talking about beauty and Baltic countries the people well half for what I’ve seen are decent which can mean attractive just not beautiful but the word beautiful has lost its meaning now this is why I say rare beauty no Baltic girl looks like this realistically no girl does I am not even attracted to the one girl I just linked but she is an example. I feel people just say anything just to say it that’s why if someone were to call me handsome or beautiful it would mean nothing. It’s kinda confusing you know? To say these girls I just linked are not rare is very odd because they are very rare how do people think they got their looks? They had to had fathers lol why do ugly girls even get praised but a guy to be beautiful needs to be a 9 life is rigged a 4 girl can be called beautiful-or even a decent average girl. But what about Paulina ? How is she everywhere like pluto said? Or they are hidden but why would he say they aren’t rare?
      https://images.app.goo.gl/R9FPej2eYoGRhz4q8 or young Paulina porzikova

    15. @Read Plato, Have you ever crossed paths with someone part of the Elite ? Do you know who the Elite really are?

    16. @PSA not that I know of; No; I just assume that the elite would not allow others to know that it is the elite.

  4. @Read Plato, Your comments also reminded me of a very important point too, in our Modern Society. Not just for the West, but most certainly originating with the West. And it is the fact that Modern Men and Overall Society I'd say, highly disregard or completely underestimate how much the Elite and Organized Crime Syndicates of all kind, have near complete and total monopolies over Beautiful Women and Access to them. When it's not them, it's people involved in Finance, but that just ends up serving as an extension of the control by the Elites, because that system allows them to perpetually manipulate having access to them in their favor.

    Even the most ugly loser shrimpy Drug Dealers, have Access to some of the most Top Tier Women out there, and it really should not be that way. And meanwhile, Attractive Men are still routinely convinced that they need to work "harder" for Women.

    The Era we live in has actually not only the least amount of Natural Selection taking place, but is also marked by one where the average Man or Person in society things that all of this is normal and just the "way things have always been". Not realizing how much power the Elite / Controllers actually have and how they are manipulating the landscape of Human Relations, even in so far as courtship matters.

    Today, it is extremely dangerous in the West for a Man to even have anything to do with ANY Woman period! All of them are out to destroy you, yet Men go around peddling delusions that they try to convince themselves of to believe that there are still "plenty" of good Women out there.

    The only time when there were "plenty" of Good Women, those Women are from their upper 90's and 100's, and I don't see many Men willing to join the bandwagon of dating and bedding Great Grannies.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Take a look at this:




  5. That woman in the video disgusts me, Prussia, has it ever happened to you that there are women who approach you with interest, but you feel something disgusting in them and you move away, like energy or frequency fields, it happens to me a lot with some types of women, although they show interest and approach me, they make me feel uncomfortable. This is happening to me more frequently after covid. I don't know, but that vaccine really did something profound to humans, I feel like they are on another plane, I can't keep up with them.

    1. @blood, Same here, immensely so, she is a HUGE FUCKING BITCH, you can tell. She has a nagging voice, no empathy and is a total brat and annoying turd. She is another incarnation of Roma Army. The sad part is that many Men might get hoodwinked to look at these Jezebels as "Allies" when they are not, they are profiting and benefiting off of both sides of what they do, all while appearing to be fighting for Men or Masculinity.

      I have rarely found Women who actually prized Masculinity in and of itself, and usually if you ever do find Women who are like that, they tend to be bisexual.

      I have many times experienced what you spoke of with sensing something off or disgusting about girls who are even very beautiful and feminine. It happens often, and actually it's those types who anger me the most, because you just know that they are a big parasite in society and are duping many unsuspecting victims left and right.

      The reason you would feel something "off" about them, is because they might either be Demonic themselves, or may be a host for rotating sets of Demonic or AI personalities that work within them.

      The thing is too, the COVID vaccine actually "alters" the etheric network that NPC's and other Humanoids operate upon and puts them all into a new hive nest.

      While NPC's have always been a Zombie or Robot to some degree or another, if you notice of any NPC's you knew before they were COVID vaccinated, they are now even more Robotic, more "Scripted" if you will, and even are completely less aware of their environment and also cannot get away from this script.

      The secret about the Vaccines that most people deny because they tried claiming that the Vaccines did not contain Graphene Oxide, however this has been shown to be false.

      DARPA including other Advanced R&D capabilities that were implemented into the Vaccines, were designed so that the Nano-bots that change the electrical wiring, DNA and neurology of someone are not immediately evident in the vaccine, because they are only "produced" once the vaccine is injected and interacts with one's DNA, and then the nanobots are activated.

      All vaccinated people I know are NOT the same for the most part, and I've known many people for many years and how they are, and while there are several who have not changed, I have to believe they might have taken placebo shots.

      Everyone else, has become completely different, and it's so bad you cannot even talk to them or reason with them, they also have new listening deficits that they have not had before. They become absolutely frustrating to deal with.

      You are 100% correct in your assertion of them being on another plane.

      I like to think of it like the various tracks of an Audio Recording.

      Many songs are recorded with at least 4 Tracks for a Demo or maybe up to 16 or more tracks which usually include a track with vocals, sometimes even "center" oriented tracks. The positioning and priority of vocals versus drums or guitars or other instruments change depending on how the Tracks are Mixed and Produced, and so it's similar with the Vaccine.

      When someone takes the COVID Vaccine, it's like even if they sing the same song, they end up on a different "track" which throws everything off.

      When I say that NPC's operate off a script, I mean it in the most literal sense, because this is how they are programmed to operate.

    2. @blood, CONTINUED:

      If the NPC doesn't have a script, they are as useless as a computer without a hard drive, or a camera without a memory card, and it doesn't know how to navigate life.

      Where do these "scripts" come from!? The Scripts are generated by Artificial Intelligence on a collective basis from information collected from other NPC's in their interactions with Humans.

      They learn and study Human Emotions, Behavioral Responses, Techniques and so forth, and then this is broadcasted to the entire hive network of NPC's which is why ALL OF THEM emulate the same ways of talking, thinking and behaving.

      And what makes them so much of an NPC is the fact that if you notice, NPC's are almost never bothered by their own cognitive dissonance if you catch them in a lie or contradiction about two opposing thoughts or possibilities.

      Some may try to write it off or use plausible deniability or what not, but in most other cases, they just completely act unaffected, and this is because only Pure Humans have a true response to something that does not make sense.

      NPC's aren't as concerned if something makes sense, unless it is NEEDED to benefit them or somehow inconveniences them.

    3. @PSA I have to admit, at first I was skeptical when I heard that the COVID vaccine alters peoples minds and behaviour. I always knew the vaccine was bad from a health perspective however it is becoming more evident to me that it alters the mind.

      In my experience, my friends who have taken the vaccine have changed. One used to be so fun to be around however a few months after taking the vaccine he began to change. Lip licking, bad focus, more selfish etc. it didn't happen straight away, he took the shot in November 2021 and it was around summer 2022 when I started noticing our friendship had declined. My nan who has taken the vaccine has become more pessimistic. My family members who didn't take it have stayed the same.

    4. @Kyle, the worst part of it is now is that between the WHO, CDC and other Hospitals / Task Forces and Vaccine Manufacturing Companies, is that they have all teamed up to upgrade ALL future Vaccines now to be based on mRNA technology, so that means that even if a child is born and gets their regular immunizations, almost all young children now are perfect "Cyborgs" who've become mutants of sorts...

      This is how they will totally take over and own the youth in the NWO.

      I also have noticed similar changes in people as you suggest, they are not fun anymore and seem to have a very limited or restricted personality and also idiosyncrasies about them. There is no passion and they also seem to have lost all of their boundaries and have totally gone off their rocker.

    5. @Kyle, Oh, before I forget, and I probably should do an entry on this specific trait of the "Vaccinated" COVIDIOTS. One of the biggest tell-tale signs of them is that they never make it clear the context by which they ask questions or suggest something and have difficulty to navigate conversations that "flow" in a way to where context is properly understood. It is a constant problem with them, and they never can deal with complex scenarios, even though this never used to be a problem in the past. They also ask questions and pretend to be interested in something, only to try to waste time without any real conversation or dialogue being built up.


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