Someday, Even My Most Staunchest Critics and Evil People Will Agree With My Words

My words are not very fun to listen too.

They bring dread and doom, of times and events people would prefer to never think about.

They tell a story or a time that goes to a whole new way against the grain.

Against everything you've been taught to believe was true.

But what you don't realize is also how thankless and torturous the work is in this field, and in what kind of ways you become despised by others and how there is literally no benefit in it except for the fact of it being the truth.

There is no reward, no praise and not even any support or encouragement in this line of work.

Only suspicion, doubt, malice, anger, denial and rage are the emotions that get stirred up in others.

Most people want to hear instead about God or Jesus.

There is an amazing capacity in Humans to overlook the meaning or reality of their existence to be willing enough to cope in their hellscape.

To even attempt to build a big life in this system and even ruin yourself and your health in the process.

There are beings that exist who are not so reckless and even have intelligence in them which would prevent them from ever being willing to endure such chaos and self-destruction.

From my earliest of years it was always a mystery to me how people could see hope or purpose in this life or how they were capable to not be bothered by death or at least the idea that they are mortal.

But when I truly studied the way the Human mind works, in the NPC's, I began to understand that the time perception warps their ability to think rationally over time, and that because their mind does not live in multiple time sequences, such as past, present and future at the same time, this allows them to be manipulated in that position.

Humans can generally only think based on how they think, feel and see in the moment.

When I realized how different my own thought processes were from other Humans, I began to realize how much of a lonely place this world is, and that we really are just living with zombies.

What I will say that will probably shock and disturb most of you in months and years to come is just how even more vastly indifferent and apathetic most Humans will become to even more greater levels of evil and horrible things all around us.


  1. Don't you think that ability to live in multiple time sequences goes beyond the rational?
    Therefore, human who is mereley rational and strive towards such norms/laws of life-nature-cosmo, is, in "reality", in simulation.
    He is thus trapped by the program of that side of the brain (cerebral cortex) where he cannot penetrate the depths of the matter to be "possesed with the ideas as the most authentic expression of life - hitting him in the center of the personal being" (which is the self), the existence there accumulated, etc... where one can differentiate it from the conscious and limited self, from the rational self.
    Nietzsche, for example, always said how thinking with the head hurts, unlike with the feet - with self, with all of life, while walking, climbing...
    This is also where we possibly coming to trace on having activity of the human heart as something extraordinary that can be described as the sonar that senses the matter and dimensions of the world where possibly "the beyond life is as important as life itself", and it cannot be understood with the mere brain, with the rational mind?

    Anyway, have a nice day.

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    1. Depending on the context, sure, because on the physical level to some degree, everyone lives in the present.

      Then the issue becomes the fact that the physical rational reality actually ends up being pointless, but yet that is also what got people convinced into buying into this reality.

      There are some people who have "think" which makes the brain hurt, but there are also some who just naturally automatically know while the thinker has to think.


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