Watch Your Backs As It All Collapses

I am beginning to see very new phases of Collapse here in America.

The worst part about it, is how out of touch with reality and mentally sick the population of there people are here.

The days of being able to even remotely assume any level character of others on even small civil matters, is completely over.

I refuse to even demonstrate civility to most people, unless they have somehow otherwise first proven it.

Even that, is not a safe bet either.

The one thing you can expect is that the most Aggressive, Backstabbing and Dangerous people at least from the standpoint of Race besides the Jews, will no doubt be Caucasians and Negroes.

I was even accosted today twice in public, by an Older Lesbian looking lady who made a strange approach and negative comment to me, and also from some aggressive Homeless Negro.

If there were no sujch thing as Law Enforcement, I would have slugged these people automatically.

Here's what you need to know... There are really only 2 Options when dealing with Aggressive Strangers or Offenders who accost you.

1. You remain absolutely silent, indifferent and ignore them. Not even a Hello, Nothing. As tempting as it is to engage on some level, you must not, even if your intention is to retaliate.


2. You go immediately in for the Kill. And I mean Kill, in the most literal sense. It is best to not say a word but immediately act strange or different around them and out of nowhere to deliver a hard blow, or if you are armed, you know what to do. No hestitation. Only fools hesitate.

There can be no in-between. This reality will absolutely unfold once civil order breaks down more and more, and when the Law Enforcement becomes less effective and completely sterile.

The type of person one needs to be in these coming times is one who is ruthless to where you may totally annihilate someone for being in the wrong place at the wrong time without remorse.

It will be similarly as bad in Europe.

When the SA Stormstroopers took to the streets of Germany when it was on the brink of civil war, they were faced with the same problems with Communist Agitators and other Assholes of society coming out of Capitalist Democracy, created a most unstable and schizophrenic society where almost everyone is or can be a threat.

This is how America is as a country, and it's why it must be destroyed and tossed to the dustbin.

Most Americans, so biased and brainwashed in their views towards Nazi Germany, is that they believe those SA Stormtroopers were a bunch of losers and bullies, and little do they know just how desperate the situation in Germany had to become in that such manners had to be taken to deal with, even against Religious Leaders or Figures and other minorities in the country, as well as Political Party Activitists.

These sorts of things emerge during a civil war. America now has her turn at this nightmare, and with no experience to boot.

I am always ready at a moment's notice to slug the next person who really gets on my nerves, but the point is coming soon were just seeing these people's faces in public will be enough to trigger the desire to turn them into pulp.

A lot of people need to have a nasty ending to come to them and also the people who gave birth to them and their families.

All of this stuff is coming soon to a neighborhood near you, even if you cannot see it right now.

A lot of people also are acting in ways, or with poor cognitive function where their brains are deteriorating more and more rapidly, and conversations do not flow on any level, not even to conduct a transaction. And I find myself having to constantly water things down or rearrange the cards (figuratively speaking), to even get their puny brains to have a sense of understanding.

I seem to be finding myself in more and more situations with people who mumble or try to talk to me or get my attention without facing me or giving eye contact or cues or some way of letting me know they are addressing me.

And they will just stand there, over and over and repeating themselves in the same volume and the same words like a robot waiting for a Human response towards its demand.

That vaccine is really doing wonders on their brain health.

Drug Use and Homelessness is increasing at a compounding rate, along with Inflation which will continue to feed into further.

You can only expect people to act in more unpredictible and strange ways.

People who own and run businesses are also getting more sketchy in the way they ask about How business is doing, and as I said, things are really so bad now with the public here, that you should not indicate that things are necessarily doing very well, or very bad, regardless of your personal financial circumstances.

These people will be coming for everything you've got, especially if they know you have it, and if you don't they will try to destroy and shun you anyways. As desperation sets in, they will even inform all of their friends about you as well. Best is to just suggest things are up and down or "the usual". Keep it simple, Keep it casual and short.

You cannot trust anyone in this fucking country.

Everywhere I have been going in the past few months, there has been a very different "tone" and "energy" from the public, and a lot more financial whining, and yet people do not see the economy is collapsing. More and More Men are also being vocal even in public about how Women are trash, and that's a good thing, but what I'm hearing from these Men as well is mostly unemployment or hard situations they are trying to engage in to make ends meet or where to move or what not.

The thing is, most of the types I hear in these masses are still NPC's, and so they are still part of the problem, part of this Matrix. They bicker endlessly in an echo chamber (Men and Women alike) with friends or acquaintances about all these lofty ideas, which little do they know are long gone and will never be able to happen for them.

They also think Inflation will just somehow "come down" and that the "Government sooner or later has to do something", even though the Government actually does not have control over that whatsoever.

Business Turnovers are becoming even more frequent and out of nowhere, especially this year, like I've never seen in the past. Even some businesses which had formerly been run by "2nd World Immigrants" who bought and ran them for years by "First World People", have now sold their businesses to "Third World" types, and the faces I see from these countries are not even your typical run of the mill immigrants. You can tell they are even worse, like the total dregs...

From Iran, Syria, India, Pakistan, and certain less common African or Carribean places.

But the breeds I'm seeing, look VERY different than even other iterations of these people.

Then there are the Sleeper Cells that have been already been activated.

Things have been very bad for many years in this country for Simple, Honest people who are worth their weight and mean well, but it's about to get a whole lot worse. As the disparity and jealousy increases, the attacks on anyone or anything decent that still remains, will increase massively.

More and more, 2025 is shaping up to be "that year" when the catastrophe is expected to hit.

The question is, how long will it be until you see that there is absolutely no future here whatsoever, no matter how much you will it to be so, or try to have children!?

And it's not just America which will be a disaster zone... Get that straight...

America, Canada and UK, with what you see in these Nations, will be the fate more or less for much of Europe and many other countries very soon. To speak nothing about "Germany".

I have my contacts and friends in Germany, and none of them even feel like they are living in Germany anymore.

What makes me absolutely sick to my stomach is how well I know White People, and how they will largely not fight back or try to organize with other Whites to offer resistance and rebellion. It doesn't matter how bad things will get.


  1. I've been wanting to eliminate people on sight every since the beginning of Covid. I realized I was behind enemy lines and at war ever since.

    I had started to type an elaborate answer about future violence, but really as a young man working hard to re-wild myself and turn myself from a semi-urban prole slave to a dignified food-producing landowning peasant - all I really want to do is to emerge unscathed and Superior in Virtue (capacity for action) to my current state. Next week I move onto the farmland and begin welding with my friend!

    Because eliminating the negative is one thing, but safeguarding the positive is even more crucial. Without a basis for power projection, there can be no war effort long term, only impotent sporadic disorganized sparks. Not a healing inferno

    What comes after the downfall? A rebirth, or worse?

    I'm beginning to think that the best thing that can happen is for the soft and leftist, and also cuck-servative institution system pigs who happen to be semi-competent on account of their vestigial White genetics; I think that once the table is cleared of these Christcuck and ZOG-bots, the re-growth can begin in earnest. Right now I think we're witnessing the collapse of the Bourgeoisie and competent middle class real producers that remain, the collapse of any personal drive and familial satisfaction, and the gaping hole of public trust

    The younger generation does not exist, and is incapable of doing more than operating simple machines and performing slavish menial service jobs. Jelly
    So: no more civilization. The money will buy nothing valuable
    Complete putrefaction

    So the "future" (at least for my humble state) consists in clinging to the rocks for dear life, while attempting to lay the groundwork for a larger scale systematic Settlement and Expansion, a new and pure Wild culture

    I actually think it would be great if, in addition to all the wholesome Amish type settled Peasants out there, if there emerged a glorious Neo-Scythian White Imperium based out of the Great Plains area. Massive birth rates of absolutely hostile and sophisticated Raw Beef-eating Horsemen. That would be glorious indeed. Vigorous and Roaring with explosive spiritual force

    1. It was such a joy learning from your comments earlier today
      Receiving lessons in Class

      Please take care of yourself Prussian, we can't have random niggers accosting you - you are Sacrosanct

  2. Quite frankly the only thing left to do in the West is to be a black pilled savage, like Anton Chigurh:

  3. The UK is the same, it's full of scum that have no manners, no class and don't respect boundaries. There are so many people in this society that deserve to be turned into fertilizer.

  4. you get pressed by an old lesbian and homeless nigger becouse you are your'e self physically weak and pathethic while my self as being a demonic fascist everybody fear me. also your'e self talking about being a murderer but you are even too scared to going to exterminate all the jews like no russian style

  5. but then you follow people like goatis someone whose only goal is to just eat raw meat and ask for money on the internet how can you expect your life to improve in any way?

  6. I will never understand what the meaning of goatis' existence is. okay raw meat original idea and it fits but it knows nothing about chemistry and real genetic superiority. you follow these people who drain a small part of your wallet and energy you only know how to complain saying that the goyim are all NPCs etc and complaints about the economy as if I were a retarded Marxist. obviously being a fascist and narcissist I am always one step ahead of everyone both in terms of supremacy of physical and mental appearance

    1. @TristanLouisino949 Hey Schizoid... Once again, I have to remind you of your mental disorder, in how you constantly bring up topics that have nothing to do with the subject of the topic thread. Jumping from Goatis, to Goyim, to Economy and Marxism all in one breath, and calling yourself a "Fascist Narcissist". You are nothing but some video gaming dweeb who lives with your mother playing video games all day, and consider your ability to "fight with weapons" on video games to be equivalent to the real thing.

      You cannot even speak properly, your speaking style is jumbled and all over the place, you cannot even use proper punctuation. Get over yourself, you subhuman.

    2. the problem of the goatis who, even if he is more intelligent and cunning than the average white goyim and sandniggers, on an economic and artistic level is unable to create anything. he only knows how to say that eating raw meat is good for you lol and that everything doesn't matter or make sense. in your Nazi regime he would have been put in a concentration camp as an antisocial to see the empty nothingness. then sorry, what would be wrong with fighting using bacteriological weapons from a Japanese game? to tell you virus G and G means growth hormone no? you Nazis are very ignorant and dishonest you took the swastika from the buddha and passed yourself off as "Aryans" when Aryans you are not. then I don't even play video games, I play yu gi oh which is a rather edgy, cool and complex card game. then you call me subhuman when you'll probably kick yourself in person just because of your physical size since you claim to be pressured by lesbians lol. also I might be your only friend right now haha

    3. I have never advocated playing video games or fighting with video game weapons. I just said that resident evil could be real. well, after all, you're a Nazi idiot who follows a guy who only thinks about eating raw meat and doing nothing at all. The problem of you Nazis who are arrogant, hypocritical and limited in terms of mental capacity and open-mindedness in general like believing that Hitler had everything under control at least Mussolini to tell you knew that he was sending people to die like cannon fodder and that sooner or later he would have escaped


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