What "Uncommon Sense" doesn't "get" about the Ladies...


Sadly, I have to be honest, but while I had initially liked this guy somewhat, my opinions on him have become a bit more soured as I see he is largely influenced by Social Media memes, trends, including New Age ideas, such as the "abundance" mindset.

Which really is just another "cope".

The people who sell the idea of "abundance" are actually part of the Matrix system and problem in this world, because it fuels Narcissism or this idea that anyone is somehow entitled or deserving of something, even anything, even to manifest "money", while they never have done anything to deserve it.

There is no such thing as abundance in a finite system with finite resources and finite energy, and especially in a world that is overpopulated with Humans.

The world IS overpopulated... Whether you wish to believe it or not, and it's not a "Left" thing nor a "Right" thing.

Look around you and see what has changed especially since the 1970's and how much more toxic and scarce food supplies have become with overpopulation.

Now, let me be clear. This guy has absolutely worked VERY hard to get his life in order and even to build his physique, and one cannot put any discredit towards that.

But the problem is he is using coping mechanisms and inverted forms of mitigation methods to actually deal with this reality and his personal life situation, which may in part also be attributed to the fact of him growing up in Sweden.

I completely get what he's trying to do, or how he is trying to focus his life, but unfortunately he will probably find that there's nothing that will come of it, even if he works even harder.

There isn't only one issue for this, and in fact there a whole slew of problems at hand, along with the fact that he does not acknowledge that Women by and large, do not think the way he wishes or hopes to believe that they think.

For example, Women don't really think all that deeply about the type of Man they want, despite what they might tell you or anyone of what they like in a guy.

Most of their reasons for liking a guy have nothing but the urge to fulfill reproduction copies of her genetics with another low-life like she usually tends to be.

And she only wants a Man based on the ideal set of standards or values associated with a Man who is a douchebag. I have spoken before about this genetic encoding in females, and it is not evolutionary despite what scientists will tell you, but it's actually a predatory aspect of Females.

As I've said, Females largely decide whom they will sleep with not based on physical or sexual attraction, not even sexual fetishes, but instead, a Man whom they want to produce more genetics with to continue the species of their degenerate kind, by not raising only more degenerate females, but degenerate males as well.

The genetic urge for this is pronounced in NPC's and Demonic Classes of Hominids, whereas it is not pronounced in Pure Humans, as such Pure Humans hardly reproduce.

Considering where the world is heading, it's probably better at this rate, because the only other arrangement that can exist is killing off all the NPC's and bringing the world population down to only a tiny few million people. And, I am absolutely in favor of that.

There is also an aspect about how human coupling works, because the decision or bonding process actually occurs on other dimensional levels first, in the ether, even before it actually commences in real-time here on this physical dimension / plane. That is a complex subject to get into here, but worthy of mentioning.

The thing that this guy will probably learn soon, is that if a Man or Woman is not partnered by 30, it's highly unlikely or very difficult to ever get partnered after that time.

Naysayers will always suggest how they met their "perfect match" later on in life, but the truth they will never tell you is how many concessions and compromises have often been made to get those relationships to work.

When you do not have early footing and experience growing up with someone in your youth, you have entire pockets of life going unaccounted for with someone, and the person will always seem more like a stranger you met, rather than someone you "grew up with".

I think Most Men would honestly be shocked how Idle most Women's minds are.

Women do not have tendency to think in linear patterns, as is obvious the case of how this Man thinks, which is normal.

Women actually don't do a whole lot of thinking on any level, because they prefer to have Men be the slaves doing all the thinking and the working.

I've done full studies and analyses on the Female Brain, along with anecdotal tests on them.

Women really have very limited brain activity compared to Men, in addition to having smaller brains.

Under scans of Women's brains, the regions of activity are much more dull compared to Men's brains overall, and the things that seem to serve the most stimuli towards Women's brains are when they endure pain and trauma more than anything else.

Men on the other hand, love adventure. Women almost never do. Not in the true sense.

Women do not have this natural "urge" or "drive" in them that comes natural to Men.

Women actually don't even have pro-active thinking either, in the way Men do.

You will almost never find a Woman who has interest in solving problems, instead they like to talk about problems.

Telling Women how to solve a problem or fix it, has a negative effect on them, and they become turned off, which all the more proves that Women are containers run by the Dark Side to enslave Men here in the Matrix without them realize they are being enslaved by Women.

Women instead, seek to opportunize instead on someone who is "driving" and who will give provision and this is one reason I don't like Females.

From a young age, even before I came to intellectually understand Women, I intuitively knew something was "off" about them and never trusted them or had a high opinion about them.

What I also came to realize in school is how keenly Women are able to pick out a "Provider Type" male, and I recognized very easily that they knew I was not a Provider type, and also even just the way they would talk with me or associate with me, they would talk to me as if I was a gay man.

That's how low the female species really is. It's actually downright pathetic, but then again, as I said, the only proper view of the Human Species is the understanding that they are a Genetic Experiment, and secondly that the Gender and Race they are born into designate their Container Type for their Body.

This is how I view and process them. Most Women to me, are absolutely nothing, they are just "play things", and even most Men in their most inner primal ways view and treat Women the same as much, because they are absolutely only "play things".

The problem with this guy's mindset is that while in many ways he loves to claim how he "used to be" a certain way, the truth is that he still is very much that same person. People NEVER Change.

His issue will haunt him someday, because the thing is that he is on the precipice of a total downward spiral, and a lot of it has to do with displaced ideas about much of what he has been doing in his life.

For example, he's all worried about trying to "prove" himself to a girl, even how much he'd do everything for a girl and even "die" for her, but perhaps it's a much better strategy for him or any guy to start being more concerned with a girl who will be obsessed to prove herself to "you" and be willing to risk her life for you because of her obsession with you.

It's just a total energy drain to do the opposite and chase these ideas in your head about Women, when the whole entire time they are not even thinking ANYWHERE on that level about you, for the most part or in most cases.

However, his behavior and attitude is very Normal, Acceptable and Predictable of course, considering his life circumstances. That is simply what will happen to a Man who is completely suffocated and isolated from life and society.

It's a very big problem in the entire West, and as you can see, it's not *just* an "American" problem.

The sad thing here is almost all the things the guy mentions, while I can sympathize with him, I know that almost not a single Woman ever will, not even on one issue he mentioned.

They just don't think that way, don't care and don't have empathy. They don't appreciate anything either.

When he really discovers the truth about Women someday, he might end his life over it.

The thing is, he believes that he will gain Women's respect by demonstrating what he's done in life and how great of a person he is. But sadly, that will never be appreciated or recognized.

At least he does recognize and understand the truth that Women have really very little to nothing to offer to him.

Almost all Modern Women are completely and utterly worthless and used up rags.

Women don't do anything for Men, they only work hard to protect and enable Criminals and Psychopath Men, and to help spread their genetics.

Men and Women are extremely different, and so different in ways that few would find not to be disturbing if they realized the extent of how different we are. Even with how different our Total Life Experiences are.

Copers will always talk about how our Differences are complimentary, but they really are not. Outside of Fucking and Reproduction, there is nothing complimentary about us, we have literally nothing in common. Even when we do have the same interests, there is still friction, competition, haste and contempt.

But, point blank, a Woman is not likely to want to come over to see your new Stereo system, or your New boat unless it involves you riding her around in it and so she can take selfies for attention.

A Woman isn't going to excited and passionate like you are about a Nice ice cold beer and wings.

A Woman isn't going to feel the same level of excitement you do as a Man when you finally solve or fix something that was broken and get it all working again. Sure, she may like the fact that it's "working" again, but she will not feel that same drive of pleasure you do from getting something to work and will not reminisce anything of your thoughts from the entire process.

The More I've come to learn about Women and completely extent my intellectual understanding about them to be up to date with my Intuitive understanding about them, I absolutely not only do not like Women as people, but I utterly despise them and wish to see them eradicated even more than my desire to have sex with them.

I'd prefer to see most females be exterminated even if meant I could never have sex again for the rest of my life. I hate them. Women are absolutely garbage.

If I were presented two choices in life, to have sex with the perfect girl of my dreams versus the choice of exterminating the entire female gender, I would absolutely choose the latter without a second thought.

What really bothers me so much and makes me even more hopeless about everything is the fact that Men like him are still absolutely full of so much unbelievable energy to commit towards being Slaves for Women, and willing to do everything and pedestalize them and hold their hand every step of the way in life, and not making Women learn to earn their worth. Assuming they ever had any in the first place.

In all honesty, it can actually be very terrifying to the degree Men are willing to defend and fight for Women, because it is tied in with Violence or at least the willingness to utilize it. That is what is really terrifying.

All Women will ever do is waste your time in life, and you'll get nothing out of the deal except some fun-hole that even they make "boring" most of the time.

Women have wasted so much of time, that I regret ever giving them my time. Don't let them waste yours.

I always think to myself, that the only reason Men work 40 or more hours per week is because they don't understand their own value, because if they did, they would have never signed up for it and recognized something was wrong with it and rebelled against it many many years ago.

Men only are willing to do that because they have "battered" self-esteem and come into a world where they only know Work and Slavery, and this idea that they need to Provide for a Woman while a Woman just sits on her sorry ass and consumes.

I'll never forget my early years in school when I was pressured to get a job, and how I had no interest in it nor to be a part of Modern Society. I'm glad I never fell for it and saw right through it, because only low self-esteem Men can possibly endure this shit.


  1. People look even older today actually most 16-22year olds look 26+ already as crazy as this sounds I knew a girl who was 17 looked 40 but I would say half of 17 year olds look 24 so if they aren’t “partnered”🌈 by 23-36 it’s done for them they are usually older looking and just seek roommates after 22.

    1. @JunkieAmerican, Yes, they are all aging super rapidly. It has to be between coming from more racially mixed genetics, skin care routines, staying indoors too much and with really bad diets that are contributing to it.

    2. Oh yeah the race mixing too! I meant to say 23-26 not 36 lol!also all of the food is all low quality. No one really looks youthful anymore they lose the youth look at age 12 or 14 maximum.

  2. It's great to see a post analysing how women think. I do wonder how their brains work. They literally get no motivation for doing anything with their life. They just want to sit at home, have a few children and post Instagram photos of how great their life is. I do wonder if they actually have a soul or are just mindless NPCs. They definitely act like the latter. Being a man is a huge amount of responsibility, loneliness, and struggle. However, instead of sitting on the sofa watching Tiktok all day. I actually go on adventures in this world and question the truth of our existence. Women will just follow the NPC narrative of law of attraction, God (despite being sluts), global warming HAHA, white privilege, women are oppressed, etc. They have no thoughts of their own.

    This post made me imagine a male only community and how brilliant that would be. Our own society where we work 15 hours a week and no one is leeching from our hard work. Two 8 hour work days a week and a couple beers after work. The other 5 days spent socialising, playing sports, and actually living life instead of working all the time and having most our money spent on women. Having women around is a net negative as they literally do nothing. Raising children isn't hard, it's a gaslight that women use so that they can get out of work. In fact raising your child should be enjoyable unless the child is on the autism spectrum.

    1. @Kyle, Thanks Man... Yeah and if there were any doubt or anecdotal evidence needed before Science came along to prove this about Women... Take note of the fact that the best artists, inventors, musicians, thinkers, architects, poets and other types of prominent figures in history have almost exclusively been Men.

      Women rarely come up with something interesting, because they are not creative and do not think a lot. Women err on the side of the cunning and deceptive nature to get things done which they want, are are completely impotent at engendering anything on their own, because they are just vessels and parasites. Parasites never create.

      Once again now and then, there will be an exception, but those exceptions are so rare, we are talking literally 1 out of millions of Women who *might* come up with something interesting on their own.

      The other fact too is that Men are always constantly and routinely empathizing with Women, while Women never empathize with Men.

      Women should see how it will be like to go without the tampons and pads that Men invented for them.

      It is important to understand that the Human Species is nothing more than a Slave Race, with some Spiritual Beings out there who have been forced to be enslaved in these Bodies but who otherwise have consciousness that comes from outside of the physical.

      The so-called "complimentary differences" between Men and Women do not exist! The creators of Mankind are laughing their asses off when Humans say this, not realizing that the unnatural deficits between Men and Women are designed ONLY for co-dependency and for the sake of survival of the species.

      Women were made purposely weaker than Men, so that Women would need to depend on Man to be their slaves. Women's intelligence also has been modified and altered to suit vessels preferable for Demonic Elements to reside in, and with the element of beauty and femininity to be used to siphon energy from the Men who will be willing to give it to them.

    2. @PSA no problem I appreciate the hard work you put into this blog and research.

      Yes that makes sense. Make women weaker than men so that men get gaslit by women into looking after them because they are weaker. Do other animals follow a similar pattern with males being stronger than females? Whilst men are smarter in the good ways. Women are smarter than men in the cunning and demonic ways.

  3. Yes, I've always been bothered by this difference in sexual desire between men and women, it seems like men are being forced to put themselves at the mercy of women, it's almost always the man who has to take a risk and prove something to the woman, I hate that, nothing is demanded of women, and it's because this sexual desire is not as strong as in men, there are some who say that women have a strong sexual desire but only for very attractive men, but I don't know if that's just women's narcissism.

    1. @blood, It is bothersome, and the problem is that Men who are NPC's aren't in the least concerned with that, since the objective of a Male NPC is only to spread his seed, and only cares about the idea of "getting off" and having a cum dumpster.

      And so the genetics that promote Women who prefer to just play what is called "Starfish Mode" in the bed, are mostly prominent.

      There are Women who have higher levels of sexual desire, but usually have a masculine edge in their personalities.

      It's my belief, especially with the extremities and imbalances that exist that even this deficit of sexual desire and especially with the unfair advantages Women have gained over Men even in the last 60 years alone, will absolutely spell the end of the Human Species, even if all other problems for Humanity did not exist.

      Women who do not have an equivalent sex drive to you or that of a typical Man, are pretty much worthless to have sex with no matter how attractive they are, and I have learned this myself from my own experiences, and I also know that it's not specific to one people or culture either.

      The most important and alarming factor about this, however that you need to keep in mind all times, is that if the girl just "lays there" and does not have the sexual drive like you do, it means that they are invariably a Sexual Vampire.

      This means that they are feeding off of the Man's pranic energy during the sexual acts, since the Women have no sexual energy of their own. And this will weaken, age and destroy the health of a Man. In some cases, a Man can also get possessed by a Demonic Woman during the sexual act, particularly if the Woman is a witch or involved in Sex magick or Tantra.

      Everything to do with sex, even if the sex is to be good, comes first down to Energy and Energy Exchanges, and then second it comes down to Body Chemistry / Hormones.

      It is a grave tragedy that Men don't realize how horrible they have it, and that few can detach from this notion that they need to constantly go around trying to prove themselves to females or impress them and introduce them to things, when in fact the Women are the ones who are supposed to be impressing and pleasing us.

      In all my years I can tell you that the only type of Women that ever really know how to please a Man right and seem to understand our anatomy the right way are Dominatrices.

    2. @PSA this is very interesting to me. My ex girlfriend couldn't keep her hands off of me. We were both 21 years old. She matched my sex drive. One time when I didn't want to have sex, she manipulated me into doing it by saying "you make me feel undesired". My notion is that this woman was just trying to baby trap me. In bed she was happy to try lots of stuff and wasn't a starfish. However this woman was a nasty person and never paid for anything. But the sex was good, however I got rid of her because she didn't pay for anything and that doesn't fit my beliefs.

      Another woman I used to hookup with never initiated sex. She was very quiet and starfish like in bed. It was very confusing. However she paid for me a lot and was very nice to me. She was 30 and I was 21.

      We have two completely different women here and both seemed to have their good and bad. I'm unsure what one is the most toxic one? The sex crazy, nasty ex girlfriend? Or the boring nice woman? Who would you say is the better option, not that women in general are a positive or even neutral investment. However the second woman actually paid more for me than I did for her and I could get away with doing whatever I wanted.

      Your last point, how do dominatrices please a man? I always thought being dominated by a woman is emasculating and should be avoided to keep pride and dignity. Aren't dominatrices the most man hating women out there?

    3. @Kyle, Yeah it's very nice when you find those occasional "gems"... Only problem is, if they have a toxic personality otherwise or other "issues" in their life, sooner or later it all ends up posing a problem in the relationship and destroys everything in the long run, which sucks... In general, 85-90% or so of all Women in the world will just be boring "Starfish".

      I suppose the best scenario would be if there was just a sexual relationship with these girls but with the notion that they do not desire "other sexual partners" and at the same time you both don't want a relationship. That would be the most ideal circumstance, in modern times.

      Sometimes you have to be a bit open-minded to find what it is you want. I've gotten with dominatrices in the past, not because I wanted to be "dominated", but they actually know what the fuck to do in the bedroom and actually are willing to do the most crazy shit and have no mental hangups like regular girls.

      But I would never get with one who considers you their "client", if you get what I mean... But yeah a lot of them do also hate Men. More so nowadays than in the past. The good days are over, unfortunately.

  4. Just one question. You mention above that the female will drain the man's Pranic energy and weaken the man, but I am positive I have seen you previously mention how men should masturbate and that storing up seen is unhealthy??

    1. @HUMAN PASTE, Yes, if they aren't getting laid, sure. Because it all translates to the law of physics, and with what happens to things that "stagnate" including muscles or trapped water in a pipe that never gets released, etc.

      It is a biological fact that ALL body fluids that are excreted from the body, help to detoxify the body along the way and stimulate more production, so they only provide benefits, and eliminate disadvantages.

      Look, I've been around for a long time back. Back in the 60's through 80's, the old version of "NoFap" used to be known as "Old Wives Tales" told by Religious Scholars or Female preachers that would scare Men into thinking that masturbation causes impotence, could make you blind or cause other health ailments or even was a sign of demonic possession... When you begin to see that things like "NoFap" are just a 21st century iteration of these old things, you begin to see the bigger picture.

      Just like Christianity too, the Christians actually practice a Pagan path that was "Judaized" for the goyim and watered down from actual Gnostic texts, and they even mixed in Egyptian Mythology and Deity concepts in the religion.

      Ever wonder why Christians always say "AMEN!?" It comes from the ancient Egyptian practice of worship of the "Sun God" from Ancient Egypt, who was known as "Amen-Ra".

      The irony is, if you ever tell that to a Christian, they will deny it and never have the slightest interest to understand or know more of the truth in that.

      While that is a different subject altogether, my point is that Humans have tendency to follow riddles and practices that existed in the same form for many thousands of years, only told through new superstitious beliefs and folklore.

      Back in Ancient Egypt, people thought "Amen-Ra" was their savior, it was their "Jesus Christ" of the time...


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