A Guy Who Gets A Girl Pregnant Demonstrates How He Is A Typical Hylic!



Guys it’s finally happened! My wife is pregnant, what happens now?

Me (32) my wife (30) got married earlier on this year and she’s just done a test and we’re 3 weeks pregnant!

I can’t begin to explain how overjoyed I am, it’s all I’ve ever wanted, I’ve had dreams of this moment. We’ve been together 9 years and married for 4 months

Now what? I’ve started to over think things already and I know it’s very very early I don’t want to get ahead of myself until we’re past the 12 week scan. We never thought it was going to happen.

I’m just so exited I can’t explain it, I want to be the best supportive husband I can be. What can I do for my wife? Did you quit the things your partner couldn’t have to show you’re in this together? How did you support your partner through the pregnancy?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated


Anyone else find the major cringe factory in all this?

Such a typical hylic, as they are only concerned with reproduction and survival and so he admits that he is overjoyed about it since it's the only thing he ever wanted in life. Feeling "accomplished" and creating a mini-me to live vicariosly through.

This guy reeks such effeminate nature to him, it's insane, he's literally counting every week and keeping track of time meticulously, and he needs to wonder "what's next?".

Completely unaware of the hell he is about to embark upon, and the fact that Women's sex drive reduces DRASTICALLY after the first child and if not, most definitely by the second child to  almost nothing.

A Slave, proud and excited to be a slave who lives to serve, and to raise up another slave who will be forced to live the same destiny.

Having children is "not" a fun thing, and those who tell you otherwise are majorly coping with their new way of life and keeping out all kinds of other details, and trying to make the "best light" of their circumstance of new stress.

I knew a couple last December who had a child at the very end of the month, and for the first 2-3 months or so, it was like the next greatest thing and biggest excitement of their life.

Around 6 months in, the couple has totally "changed" and new issues between them have erupted, and already the Woman is getting really tired, exhausted and realizing how the complications just keep evolving.

With the post above, while I don't criticize any Man's efforts in doing things to help out, the level of his enthusiasm is really out of control, and it is so obvious that this was much more his own decision than hers, and I can already see the trainwreck about to happen miles away...

In case you still had a doubt, if you read further in the thread, the guy was asked about if he has given anything up so far in light of everything... Innit!

Having a child is a nightmare, and I've known this for many years, and I also know how Women usually become as Mothers and how they begin to develop this sort of resentment and total indifferent to their Husbands or Boyfriends, along with any other Men, as the children become the centerpiece of their life in every sense of the word.

For example, I know mothers who have children who think nothing wrong to make you exposed to their child who is currently sick or in case they will drool or vomit on you, and will insult you if you don't want to be around them... Even when you are "not" the boyfriend / husband. No thanks!

On top of it all, to bring someone to life in a world like this now!? These people are demonic!

Congrats mate! Buckle up, you're in for a wild ride.

Did you quit the things your partner couldn’t have to show you’re in this together?

If you mean alcohol, I barely drink anyway so it wasn't much of a sacrifice to stop completely. The other stuff, my wife has a very sensitive nose and this gets heightened during pregnancy. There's some strong-smelling foods and condiments that would make her nauseous in the first trimester so we stopped using them. The main annoyances there were vinegar and curry, which I use a lot normally. Needs must though innit.


  1. 30 years after having his first child, it will surely be by caesarean section, and that will already have harmful effects, how could he wait 9 years for that? rhetorical question. Obviously he is not aware of the important things in life or his environment.

    1. I think my mom gave birth to me via C section. I'm not sure!


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