America Has a Fantasy Obsession with Disabled and Handicapped People Which Is An Anomaly

One thing I notice frequently mentioned by Expats from Foreign Countries who come to America, or the Americans who travel to other countries is how much they remark about how ahead America is when it comes to Disability Services and Priorities for the Handicapped.

I can't believe I really need to address this topic, but it definitely does need to be addressed.

America has a sick love for disabled people, and a pure hatred for the Able-bodied.

There is a major agenda at play, and there has been for many decades to have all kinds of Federal Laws, Programs, Institutions and Services that are offered to Disabled People and people who have Mental Illnesses or Drug / Substance Abuse issues, to leverage them higher than that of an Intellectual or Able-bodied person.

Treating Handicapped people with more rights than a Healthy person, is a really sick and twisted form of discrimination, and it's not that all these other countries except for the USA are "behind the times".

It is that they are geared more towards maintaining a Healthier population, not a sick one like in America.

To you, this may seem abnormal or behind the times.

In recent years, I am seeing a shocking amount of people who visit the US or who are from here which constantly take note to this issue, ignoring the fact of how more disabled and sick the American population is.

Many other countries, even in the EU where there are lots of ridiculous laws and regulations, also have far less Social Programs for the Disabled and Drug Addicts.

Personally, I actually don't believe in treating most Handicapped people with respect. A lot of them don't deserve it.

For example, some asshole in a wheelchair yesterday pretty much felt he had right of way around me and didn't give notice to his presence for me to move.

You should not respect disabled people, or at least not more than a healthy person. Doing so is something that retarded people do, and perhaps you should join the ranks of the disabled.

When someone is disabled, they need to quickly learn their place in society.

Showing them respect is cowardly and also against human nature.

I've traveled to many countries, even countries with people who have less preferable genetics, but the one thing I can say is that I have never seen many more disabled, morbidly obese, genetically defective and also mentally compromised people than I have in the USA of all countries I've visited.

It just shows the real truth of what happens to a population when you abandon Eugenics, Genetic Fitness, When you try to make everyone Equal and also tamper with the food supply to affect people's health.

Travel anywhere in the world, and you will realize that even in a country like China or India, extreme problems with Metal Illness (genetically inherited) or other genetic problems, is not a sign of a viable population or a healthy civilization.


  1. The West is absolutely disgusting and revolting, anything that is ugly and unnatural is promoted while beauty and strength are demonized. This is why fat/ugly women and hideous primitive third world immigrants are put on a pedestal.

    William Pierce also talked about this decades ago, in many Hollywood movies the protagonist is usually ugly while the good looking Jock/Chad was portrayed as the villain, or the ugly/fat girl was portrayed as being nice and sweet while the pretty girls were portrayed as being mean. If you look at the directors and producers making these movies, they were ugly/fat themselves, so their movies were a way for them to demonize the good looking people they were jealous of.

    1. @Alex, EXACTLY MAN!

      Part of the problem too, is that the moment I or anyone begins to challenge anything or stand up for people who are Healthy & Able-Bodied, the brainwashing in the NPC's creates an "emotional response", because consensus bias or at least the perception is thought that Healthy and Able-Bodied are "Privileged" whereas the Disabled or Sick ARE NOT...

      Therefore, they begin to associate us as being "MEAN" and "INTOLERANT" or "HATEFUL" and so they completely ignore the whole heart of the matter that a Healthy and Able-Bodied person is now at best, put as an "Equal" to a Disabled person, and then expected to compete on their level. Which is absurd!

      In addition, nobody will ever willingly see that there is also a Long-Term Subversive Agenda by promoting Disability Rights.

      In actuality, "Disability" or Handicap Access to things, is a PRIVILEGE, and not a right!

      Someday, they will have EVERYONE disabled. And it's a part of "normalization" and an extention of the LGBTQ Agenda as well, since they also promote "Disability Pride".

      If there are any thinking peoples in the future, they will heavily regret and scorn that Disability, just like things such as Fat Acceptance / Body Positivity, were ever Movements to be "taken seriously", when in fact they should be ruthlessly scorned as something that is NEGATIVE and UNDESIRABLE for a Population.

      Hollywood Programming is a perfect example of achieving the whole intended mindset of people developing "reflexes" based on a certain type of character or personality, only for it to lead to a Mass Formation of getting the public to resent something or someone which is actually "positive".

      Now, "Steve Urkels" are becoming the new "Alpha Male Figure".

    2. Funny thing is, here in the cucked UK I went to an interview about a year ago and even though the interview went reasonably well; the manager didn't give me the job. A couple of months later the person who got the job instead of me, showed up; and he was a middle age cripple that walked with a limp, I couldn't believe it.....

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @Alex this was well said! People despite beauty so much and I believe that the media did a good job at making people uglier in the face than previous generations.

      People want to focus on things like having a gym body, being tall in height, getting tons of tattoos, earning money, and if they're men shaving their heads or cutting their hair very short if they're dealing with hair loss.

  2. @PSA do you think Western media has done a good job at making people way uglier than their ancestors? I believe it has with what I told Alex.

  3. Do you know why there's a pattern of people who almost always have:
    Dyed hair, tattoos, do dr#gs, animers, gamers, lgbtQ+, e-girl/boy, emo, alt, consider themselves non-conformists, often autistic, have personality disorders, r slw00rsidul, &/or usually leftist?

    I keep seeing them, they are one of the biggest non-NPC group's...... I've always felt uncomfortable around them.
    what type of neurochemistry causes that??

    1. @T345, EXACTLY, and it's always these same types who have all the same hobbies only specific autistic interests, and nothing outside of it. They all are inevitibly "queer" and they love portraying themselves as bullied "victims", when in fact, they are the bullies and the losers. All of them are toxic AF.

      It's mostly autism that causes them to be the way they are, because since Autistic people don't have boundaries, they blur the lines between everything, even bordering on the distasteful, and they see nothing wrong with that. Even dressing in clothing that makes them look like a clown.

    2. There are so many losers in the West now days who look the same, they have scruffy beards. tattoos, blue/pink/purple hair e.t.c. They are all dysfunctional freaks...

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have seen unhealthy people I Mexico, but nothing near at the level of the US.I have seen many people in the US so fat that they look like a cartoon character that has been run over by a steam roller.


    You seriously need to look at the entitlement level of this utter cunt. His channel is full of videos of him 'timing' rating and complaining about the performance of the transport staff who he treats as his own personal slaves. In some videos he literally puts his legs up when the train door opens and starts a stopwatch. I would bet money that he isn't even disabled.

  6. I used to know someone like this who was confined to a wheelchair with an 'untreatable' 'mystery illness' for years.. Raking in all kinds of benefits and government assistance in his big house while he fucked around all day making lame electronic dance music on his expensive computer equipment. At times he was 'miraculously' able to walk when he had to.

  7. Thats why i call USA the great slut. The laws and general land favors women preposition, including their very twisted interpretation of "equality".

    Its all socio-emotio points and goodfeeling. False virtue of sorts. Like how a women would gladly call a man they like gay for not talking to them, but never insult a actual gay man. A lot of their regulations and organizations are not based on logic. These programs are purely vanity. Because everyone knows, a true mentally ill person can NOT recover. Its often genetic or situational.


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