Brief Update and Likely "Closure" on the LUNA-TICK

Well, I figured I would at least give a summary on what's up.

She has 100 Desperate Thirsty Simps who bought all into her agenda for many months now, all to realize that the return on their investment is not paying off, and that the story and situation keeps evolving to show what a joke it all is, and also the fact that her movement has been nothing but a mental masturbation session for all involved.

They are now seeing through her deceptions and also that she isn't the person she claims to be and that this has not only been a grift for her, but also just a major ego stroke to get people to follow her lead as like she waves a baton.

The stories, the suspense, the hysteria of it all are now growing stale and old, with nothing new to placate these thirsty simps.

So they are growing tired and becoming irritable.

Sooner or later, someone will dissolve her little e-begging empire.

Most of her followers in recent weeks have learned that everything that was supposed to be happening this fall, has basically been nothing totally blown out of proportion and exaggerated.

A big nothing burger!

Her whole take on this movement from the get-go was always a gamble, and she knows that. She wants to live a free life and have others pay her way of life.

What she has done now is desperately resorted to trying to call someone's bluff. And it has backfired on her because it all obviously is absurd and doesn't make sense!

She really must think all of her followers are really just that stupid, but granted many of them are!

Her calling one's bluff has pretty much put the last nail in the coffin of her pathetic little movement.

There are some of the simps who are trying to raise their voices and rallying call, to cheerlead her on even more with support and encouragement, but those are the exact signs that the movement is in fact in it's death throes.

To real eyes and ears, they see the writing on the wall.

She seems to think that even at the expense of sounding totally ridiculous, that she can just pull out a statement that sounds reasonable from out of her ass, and make it sound good or believable, so as in order to buy her some more time on the tail end of this grift.

I reckon that likely by the end of September or possibly into the next month, things will be rapidly wrapping up with it all, and she will lose far more supporters by that time who see what she is all about.

As is, most of her viewers are tired with spinning her promised cage wheel that leads nowhere.

Many of these viewers sent insane amounts of repeated donations. All for a sob story and no results.

This will likely be my last entry on this topic, since it soon is about to fall into the dustbin and her support group will disband, and so it will be pretty much pointless to comment further after that point.

Even the "emulator" hasn't posted much of any new content either and has clearly gotten bored to tears with it, because there is nothing to report.

Unless I have any reason to publish a new entry, I probably won't do so, as the role of the whole movement has played itself out.


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