Dealing With NPC Clients

It's amazing how worse NPC's are becoming these days, especially in workplace settings.

And especially more so, since the "COVID Vaccine".

This New Trend I notice constantly, is for people asking me "What's Next / What Do You Need" or simply suggesting to proceed with something before I have either confirmed or reached something necessary, or if a part hasn't been provided or something hasn't been planned or organized ahead of time.

What's "insane" is that they ask me "What's Next" when it's not even the right question to ask and is completely irrelevant to something I bring up!

And when they ask me what they need, they do so after I already explained it!

Then they look at me like I have 5 heads when I further elaborate something.

These people really seem to think things can somehow just work or proceed anyway, and they seem very uninterested to come to understand technical terms in anything, especially when it comes to repairing something or even when you suggest budgeting or planning something in for the upcoming years.

None of them want to think that hard, and at the same time they expect something to be done for the cheapest and with only short-term mindset.

Another thing I really, REALLY do not like Post-COVID, and which has become a new reality that future business is being modeled upon, especially to "save money" or obtain other benefits for a business to run, is hiring Employees in other countries, especially from various countries outside where a Business has Headquarters, and people of different races from these countries.

There are "work-from-home" businesses now, which might have a Principle Location for example say in the United States.

They will then have maybe 5-10 Employees, and maybe only 1 or 2 of them along with the Owner are based maybe in the United States.

They will then have 1 Employee in Brazil, 1 Employee in Germany, 1 in the UK one in India and  elsewhere.

All of these FUCKING places are in completely different time zones and have different business or operating hours or when the Employee is at work.

Some of them don't speak English of course, and then on top of it, it's not easy to reach them by Phone for obvious reasons, and all of them live in a different Time Zone.

Then I will get blanketed or bombarded with E-mails or Telephone Calls, and they expect me to work miracles or somehow be always available or at their beck and call to be able to manage all communications.

I really hate that companies are doing this nonsense, because it is extremely difficult to get everyone on the same page about anything or a project, and having to dance around Time Zones.

A lot of these companies also depend on using "ZOOM" to do conference calls and something called "TEAMS" and sometimes "WhatsApp" so that all digital communication arrives and is seen by all in real-time. Even still, that puts a lot more pressure and dependency on everything, and I choose to specifically not get involved with that jazz.

I've actually even been on work projects in the past, even as a "Hired Contractor" where I suggest that I need to complete something later because it's lunch time and either these people themselves are denying it or insane but they look at me as if they totally forget about "Lunch" or the need to eat or somehow are just used to employees being ready to skip meals!

No concern for the fact that if you do not eat, you may underperform or get sloppy.

In many more past years as a hired contractor, I rarely ran into incidents like this but it seems to be the norm now after 2018.

You are also not permitted to get sick or have any downtime whatsoever, but in what I do, I have many days and weeks which are just bad weeks for certain projects or I need more time.

This fast-paced, instant society is truly ridiculous and not sustainable.

Most people in the corporate world, believe we are just robots or machines.

And inevitably, it will be machines replacing almost all humans labor.

In times when businesses were run properly and not all about constant growth and expansion and greed, you would have jobs which had employees who say might be a janitor or some other menial position who were also trained to say, take over the front desk or even drive vehicles or in some skill to take over if an employee calls out or needs to leave early or something comes up.

Over more and more decades, this practice has eroded as Employers prefer to keep skeleton crews and hire less employees, cutting expenses and yet demanding that even on "off-days", an employee must expect to possibly be called to come into work if someone calls out, on a moment's notice.

This is a big thing here in America.

Unfortunately, this is all part of the "Globalization Model" as well, and I see this only becoming worse in the future, because companies now want to save overhead from Office Spaces, and while I don't blame that specifically, it creates too many more issues and conflicts with people who you can't see right in front of you. There are many more risks and volitaile situations that erupt from this practice, and I see a lot of Millennials who are creating companies where they do this to save costs and get the most from their workers.

Businesses are also, far, FAR better when they are Family-run and have a vision. There is far less exploitation and much more mutual interest and altruism between all workers and even from the owner.

It also makes it much more pleasant to deal with them because everything is much more personal and it's easy to find everyone on the same page about everything with no loose links in their operations.

This is another reason why I am dead sick and tired of work, and I choose to work fewer hours more than ever and only taking on projects that suit my interests, but even at that, sometimes it all ends up being a lot more of a nuisance than I initially haded expected I would embark upon.

There is no fucking future in this.

Your children will not have jobs or any money someday!

Keep having more and more children through, because all that counts is "survival of the species", right!?


  1. It's funny how all businesses want to replace their workers with AI and machines... completely ignorant of the fact that if nobody has jobs then nobody can buy their stuff.


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