Just A Brief Message To The Masturbating Spergs of the LUNA-TICK


I just had to post this, because they are already frothing at the mouth and behaving the same way the Left did when Trump got elected, in disbelief that it could happen...

Now they are in disbelief that they didn't get the results they wanted, especially after shuffling hundreds, if not thousands of Euros to a dead-beat individual and a dead-beat cause.

Honestly, what were you spergs thinking!?

I told you this whole movement was a sham! And it's not just the one at the very top, but all the other links in the chain who pushed a "Moralist Do-Gooder Justice" Movement, it was all about a cash-cow more than anything, even over pursuing Justice or any so-called "Human Morals" that you believe in.

Now you fuckers can get your panties in a bunch with the disgusting reality you now confront in how right I was about what I have been stating for months, and that this situation was nothing more than beating a dead horse, and how nothing would come of it.

Now I get to sit back and chuckle a bit. You went crazy over some creature who would only show you half of her face this whole time.

What did you really think would happen!?

You really do not understand how things work, or just how blown up the whole case was.

Even the so-called fear that she spoke about for "years" based on someone who lives in this country who doesn't even live there, doesn't add up on any level and most certainly will not even be taken under consideration with anything to do with Laws.

You're all just a bunch of losers. You will now have to face the shame and humbling experience that comes with following some stupid movement that went off the cliff and realize you were just a sucker being used the whole time, and on top of it, you don't even get to get laid!

The raw truth about the whole thing too, and even from her female supporters, is that none of them actually "care" about her, as such.

They are all playing an act and a role, and it was all designed to muster up ridiculous loads of sympathy by using hyperbole mixed with a sense of urgency and possibilities, along with completely untrue claims in the realm of possibilities or what's really going on behind the scenes, all in order to lure people into the trap.

Even the devil herself, have you all not noticed that she has lately been speaking with an unusual accent and vocal cadence!? All of this is not unusual, and designed to manipulate you!

I had watched the formation of the Movement from early on, and saw who some of the key figures were behind the whole grift, and it was all about manufacturing as much belief as they could to make money on your hopes and sympathies.

Bitcoin, ironically or not, operates the same way. When the people at the top want to skim the system, they dump money into it to get the hopes of others to do the same, theen it has a cascading effect because others begin to buy into it, but the truth is that only the "EARLY MEMBERS" are the ones who reap the rewards, like everything else.

The ones who get in late or don't know what's going on in the inside, end up being the suckers who later end up holding the bag, when they finally dump the cryptos.

But, back to the actual "topic", like I said, end of this month, the whole thing falls to pieces, and by October nobody will give a shit except for some few remaining desperate slithering losers who refuse to accept reality, and who would be willing to bet the rest of their entire life in a desperate hope to make a nice buck.

Don't you see how all these morons have been stringing you along!?

Ever heard of "Pump and Dump"?

You were "Pumped Up" all summer.

Now that your use has been played out, you are all being "Dumped".

Still waiting on that "Metal Album" we were promised about, of Parodies, which I know we'll never see.

This should be my closing entry, I don't think I have anything new to report after, I will keep an eye out but I doubt it. The verdict is out, literally, and yet you have people who want to deny or have outrage over this so-called "lack of justice".

Your video game consoles are collecting dust, boys!

Over 500 years ago, this devil would have been burned alive naked at the public square for committing adultery and bringing shame to her country people.

Toodles, Losers...


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