Natalists Are So Fucking Stupid

It absolutely amazes me how much Natalists have this tendency to view themselves as "Winners" for creating life or survival in this world.

Even though you will never get to cheat death one day!

They think that people who survive or make it [alive] in this world are somehow heroes, even though sooner or later someone dies and anything they achieve here, is meaningless.

Most people, after the age of 40, sooner or later come to realize how much of a waste life really is and how pointless it is, especially as they look back and ask themselves if this is all life has to offer!?

By that point, they likely already have brought a new breed of children into the world without having thought much of that back then, and their own children will be subjected to the same fate and will have more children and repeat the cycle.

All because their biology or culture told them to do so.

If you have children in this world, you will suffer more, unless you are employing your children as actual worker slaves.

Having children lowers the lifespan and quality for both Men and Women.

Compared to all animals, when Human Women have babies it literally destroys their bodies and hormones in almost all manners, whereas this isn't the case for other animals.

Don't believe it!? Watch how easily any other animal gives birth like it's nobody's business and just another day.

Only humans need "help" or "hospitals" to birth children.

Women also become mutants after having children, in a sense.

They say this world favors the brave, but doesn't really?

This world is increasingly a place only for parasites and losers who choose to "adapt" to ever worsening conditions but are not brave enough to fight against oppression but instead, acquiesce to it.

Trying to defend existence just looks sillier and sillier with every passing day, especially considering how hopeless this world is anyway.

Better people are offing themselves at higher rates than ever, while it's the putrid scum who live this place and want to have endless loads of children.

As outrageous as this may also sound, almost all humans only agree to participate in this place or thing we call life because it's all they know and it's because they are forced too.

It's so obvious.

You didn't ask to be here, and you are given a name assigned to you at birth that you also didn't choose.

You are born into a family and culture or country you may not have wanted to be born within.

Most families around the world today are toxic, not only in the West either, but culture and traditions can mask that fact.

If you knew any better or knew anything outside of this, you would want to wash your hands of this place. Anyone would.

And that's because most people instinctively know that life sucks as is pointless, mostly boring and non-stop torture and slavery.

As you grow older, your life relevancy also fades rapidly as your own family members, peers or others around you die off.

Only NPCs are in love with this world. For Divine Beings, it's a hellhole.


  1. I don't even know if I want kids anymore. The world is just a mess and many women sleep around and get used up. They do this because they're ugly and worthless.

    1. I think you have the wrong mindset by even desiring kids from the start. People tend to have rage and animosity torwards women because of resentment, not logic


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