Not Participating In The Gender War / Trying To Remain Virtuous Is Pointless And Futile

One should never mistake the whole brainwashed notion of trying to appear as the Bigger / Better Person.

Unfortunately, since most Modern Men, but especially Caucasian Men are inflicted with this mind virus, you will always find that Men are so eager to not take action and to relegate themselves to passive roles, or to try to convince others of their "virtue" by trying to appear "Good".

It doesn't get any more Judeo-Christian than that!

Meanwhile, the Barbarians come in and pillage while these so-called "Good Men" try to convince other Men who look up to them to be patient and not give in to calls of "Civil War" or falling into the enemy's "traps", even though the enemy brought War to our doorstep!

I see far too many Men in our midst, who are always ready to turn the other cheek and are even lazy or ridiculously optimistic to a point even with the situation concerning our "Women" that they are all banking and waiting on society to collapse for Women to "go back in their place once again".

And that's not going to happen.

Furthermore, it is also an admission of incompetence, since one does not want to take an active role to fight back.

Women will "not" go back in their place once society collapses, because they are all out to fully destroy Men even before that could ever happen.

It's foolish and childish to think this way, yet Many Modern Men, I notice, think in these terms, and also do not see the necessity of this Gender War.

Meanwhile, Women are all in total agreement in their War they are currently conducting against Men.


  1. There's a reason Gandhi is propped up and worshipped. It's to implant passivity as the way improve things.

    1. @Here for the apocalypse, Yep! And of course, Gandhi was a CIA Asset. And the CIA is an outgrowth of stolen Nazi Intelligence. This world is a fucking clown show. Almost all the figures that people worship or look up to, even Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela and other figures who they think were "Freedom Fighters For Mankind", were actually either part of a secret brotherhood, or a plant or some kind of controlled opposition agent or what not, all for the people to idolize and worship...

      The same thing with the Tate Brothers... In a few years, nobody will give a rat's ass about Andrew Tate.


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