The Genius Of Marilyn Manson!


This song has really left a long memory in me, especially when it comes to the talk of Revolution, because the lyrics by Brian Hugh Warner really hit home on this, and it's something that ought to be rubbed in the face of all the other so-called "Revolutionaries" out there, because they are just a bunch of talkers.

I've had this song stuck in my head a lot lately.


  1. Can't agree. I bet he is massively jabbed up like all of the other rebels in the music industry. And if he had not been embroiled in controversy he would have been all over the place pushing it. Just another complete fake like Trent Reznor of Dave Grohl from Jew Fighters or any of the other cunts..

    1. @HUMAN PASTE, I suppose anything's possible. I haven't kept up on celebrities with the vaxx, but have you heard if he did take it? I'm just a big fan of his Music, well his older stuff anyway and believe he is a Musical Genius. He does have some excellent stuff.

      Sadly it's true, a lot of Musicians are often times plants or sell-outs, etc.

      I agree that the cult following behind "Trent" is quite manufactured too. NIN is largely an overrated band, they had 2 good albums and a couple of scattered songs, but a lot of the other stuff is really mediocre.

      Even the same with Kurt Cobain, Nirvana was an overrated band and Kurt Cobain's figure is totally exaggerated as this type of "God". He is actually one of the biggest losers and pieces of shit to ever live.

    2. Haha. Kurt cobain seemed like a massive simp. But he did hint at sex conditions which may have aligned his behavior torwards women traits.

      Honestly, most celebrities are horrible people by the nature of it, and theres zero chance you hit mainstream and remain mainstream if you behave like a human. Only chance is if you were somehow pretending to get along but even then you would still be a massive black sheep.

      The medias way of cancelling you is not to give you good or bad publicity, but phase you out completely.


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