Understanding That Tradition Does Not Necessarily Correlate With Truth

For those of you who have followed us for many years, you will understand our Founding Principles have always been based on Prioritizing the Esoteric over Tradition.

Tradition is not always necessarily a bad thing, but it often is not necessarily a good thing either.

The idea or notion of "Tradition" in any form, is sort of like a proverbial "certificate" of something to suggest that an idea or way something is done, even a recipe, is less likely to be turbulent or lack consistency, as it has been continued for generations from the original ways that were once perhaps understood better by our Ancestors.

This can boil down to cultural traditions, the way a beer is brewed, or some kind of other recipe or any practice or ritual that exists within a culture.

But it doesn't always mean it is truth or the best option in every case. It simply means that where these Traditions came from, were the best known circumstances for that case or point in time.

Tradition is usually well-meaning.

The Tradition usually suggests or implies a practice that is less likely exposed to Turbulence and Volitality compared to other Methods or Experimentation. It can be understandable why people seek Tradition on this basis, for Stability within Society.

However, it can also stagnate a Society or Culture as well, or keep it behind the times.

Tradition ends up being a lazy alternative to reconnecting to the Esoteric understanding of things, because it's more so relying on the opinions and methods of people from the past than doing one's individual due diligence.

Tradition does not demand one reflects back into history as to why we currently do things the way we do, and it does not question if there is ever a better way, and it just assumes the best.

It is akin to hiring someone for a job who has a "University Degree" but has otherwise not proven to you or demonstrated their skills and abilities, and it comes with the same risks of prioritizing that.

So it is important to recognize what Tradition is, but also maybe even more importantly at times, what it is not.


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