"You're Just Depressed!" Is an Egregore Promoted by Hive-minded NPC's

It's amazing this age-old term still gets tossed around by the NPC's who love to claim to someone "You're just depressed!" or "Sounds like you have depression!" whenever someone explains something about reality or sees something for what it is.

It's always the go-to statement by NPC's who've never endured any real hardship.

This is a pure example of an Egregore or a "Thought Form" Implant that is used and broadcasted into their minds.

The whole objective of it is to make Pure Humans think there is something wrong with themselves and to question their own sanity or judgment, and it's a part of the NPC's keeping you along the lines of their "script".

All NPC's are inevitably enforcers of the system, and this is why any time you step outside of it, or explain something that goes against it, you will be humiliated, ostracized and slandered for it by the NPC's.


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