Alcohol DOES NOT Kill Brain Cells

It's amazing this rumor still floats around, but while it's commonly believed that Alcohol kills your brain cells, the real problems I cite with it are as follows:

1. Alcohol Disrupts the Microbiome. Alcohol, is essentially an anti-septic agent. While it's often thought that the destruction of the Microbiome allows bad pathogens to take over, it's not true in every case. There is a such thing as having a "desert" for a Microbiome. A lot of microbiologists try to tout the whole notion of the good bacteria fighting off the bad, but it's not always so simple as this. There is a such thing as having almost nothing, especially if by stress or antibiotics, or other issues that deplete ones Microbiome.

One thing people do not realize about the guy microbiome is that once it's permanently altered, it can almost be impossible to restore to its native or full potential state, no matter how well you eat, unless you get a fecal transplant procedure, which is enough to kill your appetite. You can thank the hydrochloric acid of your stomach for that fact.

Don't believe the lies that you can simply just "repair your gut microbiome" by eating properly. This is not necessarily true whatsoever, and nowhere near as easy or practical as it's preached.

2. Alcohol Promotes Dehydration and Disrupts and Inhibits Collagen and Growth Hormone, especially when consumed in earlier hours. Most people do not understand why Laws that restrict early sales of Alcohol exist, even many Liquor Sellers probably aren't even aware of it, but the main reason is to discourage the harmful effects against HGH production in the morning hours, along with discouraging Alcoholism.

3. Alcohol abuse can lead to serious malnutrition issues over time. But you have to have a serious alcohol addiction.

4. Many many advocate for the idea that Alcohol should be a substance that is prohibited and do not understand why it's permitted to be sold. There are frankly two reasons for it being sold, and half of it has to do of course with the government's interest to tax and control it as a substance, but also in terms of all drugs, it is the only drug that can possibly be used without permanently altering someone. The thing is, most drugs, including Marijuana, even though not lethal, has lifelong consequences of changing your neurotransmitter function, along with the fact that THC accumulates in the spine.

In light of all of this, the best approach to Alcohol is one of mitigation of these factors to make up for it if you do desire to still consume it but do not want it to lead to your own self-detriment.


  1. Does blacking out affect the brain long term? Whilst the killing brain cells is a myth, what about when we are told that alcohol kills the cells? Surely brain cells as well? Does alcohol lower brain performance and IQ overtime?

    Wow I never knew that about the gut microbiome. It explains why people who have had antibiotics are in poor health even if they stop taking them. I have never had an antibiotic in my life so I am very lucky. However I have had plenty of alcohol so have probably messed my gut this way.

    I have noticed heavy drinkers have worse off wrinkles on their face. Also why does the government care about our HGH production? One huge problem I have noticed about alcohol is it's effect on sleep. Even getting 8 hours of sleep after heavy drinking still makes me very tired the next day because of the lack of deep sleep.

    Is the reason for the government making other drugs like marijuana illegal because it will mess up a persons mind and make them a less productive slave? There are other drugs which are alco interesting like cocaïne, heroin, meth. I have only tried marijuana a dozen or so times and I didn't see the point in it. I think a few times I felt good and found things funny. But most of the other times I had very bad anxiety and was thinking very deep into my existence. I wonder exactly what was happening to my brain.

    Luckily I have never touched any other drugs and it does seem like drugs are a bad thing. You have these magic mushroom fanatics people who believe that mushrooms help them understand life on a deeper level, but Goatis said it's just the brain being poisoned.

    I do regret drinking as much alcohol as I have done in my life. I am only 22 years old so plenty of time to recover. I started drinking regularly at age 19. However I have had plenty of blackouts and times where I have had 10 or more drinks. Unfortunately alcohol is everywhere and telling people that I don't drink it or am taking a break, is looked down upon. It's the only drug where if you don't take it, people think you have a problem. When I was at the pub drinking a non alcoholic beer, I had 3 people come up to me asking why I was drinking it and 2 offered to buy me an alcoholic beer.

    Looking forward, I plan on rarely going to pubs or bars due to how expensive they are. As for alcohol consumption, I plan to socialise with friends without going to the pub or a bar. That will cut down my alcohol usage by a lot. Going teetotal from alcohol seems like too much of an ask right now.

    1. @Kyle, Yes Blacking out is in indicator that some damage has likely occurred, and your body has "shut down" or sometimes can even enter a coma to protect itself. It means the limit for the body to even manage the alcohol at any reasonable level has been exceeded.

      The only "reason" the government would have any interest in the effects of Alcohol on the HGH, is for the sake of having a working population, because alcohol would heavily impede the performance, especially Alcohilism amongst a population. Growth issues and severe development consequences in the population would occur if morning drinking, especially among young peoples was highly prevalent, and it's also why they established a drinking age, even though it varies from country to country or based on the level of "development".

      Marijuana permanently alters neurotransmitter activity in someone, and it just makes them a dumb lazy fuck and a bum over time.

      While Alcohol can make someone lazy, especially if they are a habitual drinker, it can be snapped out of over time and especially if they work towards gaining the nutrition again in their bodies and that fuels their brain, which they've lost.


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