Another Very "Strange" Idiosyncratic Aspect About Americans

You can never doubt, that Americans will "ALWAYS" astonish you not only with their ignorance, but especially their pre-conceived notions or suspicions, ideas or beliefs about something, and where they lack any imagination but also leave no room for any other possibilities except what they believe is the right option in their head.

Then, they take "offense" that you didn't go through with their idea or suggestion or idea all along, even if it just doesn't fit your own situation.

An female employee today in the supermarket noticed when I picked up a package of meat, that I picked up "two" of the packages instead of the double "family value" package which, doesn't really save you a lot, maybe about 20 odd cents.

I'm pretty strategic about things I buy in a certain quantity based on what I will consume or how it will be stored, and I even have a stacking strategy for the freezer where I stock this one particular meat item, so the smaller packages are much more ideal for my situation, plus to easily defrost them.

So as this employee tried to suggest to me about the "savings", and honestly I cannot tell if she was really using this as an excuse to start up a conversation or not, but she happened to mention how she happens to be "single" and also buys those too but that she tries to save as much money as possible and recommends the larger size.

I really did not want to bring up my situation of the freezer I use and how I stack items, and it's also an item I don't want to get freezer burn, so it's just better to have them in more divisible smaller package for when I defrost them.

In any case, what is interesting is that the Employee's approach to be was based on a presumption that I didn't notice the larger package, and when I had mentioned about my knowledge about it and how yeah it's a few cents difference and I mentioned only how it's more convenient for me to defrost them this way based on how much I need to use, she seemed to almost take offense because I didn't go with her suggestion.

It all ended on a very sour note, because she looked at me like I was some kind of jerk or showoff, and it all ended "silently" and I just moved right along after that, because to begin with, I was already on a mission for what I am there for, and I don't have time to dilly dally.

The female employee, for what it's worth, was in no way attractive whatsoever and not really feminine. Even if she were!? I still wouldn't have acted differently.

What's even freakier, is that I had a premonition in my intuition for a split second that she was going to notify me about how I could buy the larger packages, and only seconds later it happened.

The thing that makes these encounters bizarre, is that the thing is if you just choose not to do something, it's not necessarily because you are trying to purposely ignore or reject someone's advice, but that you know your own situation, and it's pointless to even bother to go into any more details, and I usually get very uncomfortable bridging the gaps between personal life and intimate details about something in my life in contrast with talking them with them on the basis of the "persona" they are on their job.

It makes me very uncomfortable, and as a result, I am usually very curt and brief with anyone in public, whether an employee, a customer, or an authority figure of some sort.

I also even explained how I sometimes do buy the family value pack but it depends on my situation.

It's amazing how something this simple causes such dissonance and a social disconnect with someone on any level, for whatever intent or purpose, nevermind the fact that who knows if she expected me to take the conversation elsewhere. They get offended so easily.

A lot of things Americans don't seem to understand about us Germans, is that we always and only answer something according to what you ask us or tell us, and we are not good with just "assuming" anything unless you are direct, and Americans just seem to have this "knack" where they think they can be "fake" or portray an ulterior motive and lack proper dialogue and rapport when they talk to you and you can never reason with them because they automatically develop this suspicion of you or think you are being mean or something.

They always expect that you will somehow just "follow through" with their fake mannerisms, because you are expected to be, what is socially deemed "acceptable" by their terms or ideas.

It really is annoying about them. And it's far worse with this kind of nonsense after "COVID".

Germans have never been known for "seeing more into things" than what are there, or trying to pull up the slack for keeping the conversation going.

Employees also seem to not realize how pathetic they look when they do not bridge their conversations properly, because most Employees work in "Auto-pilot Mode" and they are trained in a mode of life to operate through the lens of their Workplace and what is expected to them, so I am not really interested to debate such trivial matters with them. What would be the point!?

I had a similar incident some many years ago by a Nun neighbor who saw me moving, and she insisted I ought to bring in the mattresses through another way, even though it made no logical sense to do so.

She seemed to take offense to this.

Americans are such a weird bunch! Can't stand these fucking people, and the thing is you never want to get further into details with them, because they then believe you are trying to "over-compensate" because you are lying, and then they begin to believe you are taking things too seriously.

There is just never any understanding. I have never, not once encountered this issue in ANY country or with any Foreigners in my life in other countries that I've had to interact with, even if I were to reject the notion of something, they don't take offense to it.

Americans take offense to everything! And then you just simply dig your grave further if you explain yourself.


  1. "What's even freakier, is that I had a premonition in my intuition for a split second that she was going to notify me about how I could buy the larger packages, and only seconds later it happened."

    The NPCs are very predictable, you can usually predict what they will say and do before they do it. They are all the same...

    "Americans just seem to have this "knack" where they think they can be "fake" or portray an ulterior motive and lack proper dialogue and rapport when they talk to you and you can never reason with them because they automatically develop this suspicion of you or think you are being mean or something."

    Many Westerners (especially the Anglosaxons) are very deceitful and manipulative, and because they are sneaky and devious; they assume that everyone else is like them and have ulterior motives.


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