Dissecting Sophistry Methods Women & Snake Oil Salesmen Use...


On the point of the statement by Richard Cooper, it is interesting how he brings the equation to whereby only about 10% of Women remaining will have anything to do with Men where Money is not involved.

He is absolutely correct about this, and this translates back to what I stated that at any given time, the World only has about 10-15% of Women in it who are "visual", and it's only these types of Women who will even be "direct" with you on any level, even especially as far as sexual attraction and desire goes.

It is absolutely true that almost ALL Women in the world are only having Sex with guys for Money and Security, but even out of the 10-15% of Women who are visual, it also does not mean that they are not dangerous or out to destroy you, so therein lies the problem with Women overall.

What does this all mean!? It means that only that roughly a potential of 10-15% of Women worldwide will have sex with you for the same reasons you want to have sex with her... Sexual Pleasure & Desire.

All the rest, are putting on an "act" that they enjoy sex, but despise having to give it up and will act like you are "doing them a favor".

Your chances of meeting a prostitute who actually is "into the sex" is FAR, FAR greater than your wild chance of ever meeting Women these days, anywhere in the world, who naturally enjoy Sex, and you can take that statement TO THE BANK.

I do not support prostitution and am frankly against it, but to put things into perspective, if you were to get a Russian prostitute, you would probably have the greatest sex that you'd likely ever experience compared to any Western Women or equivalent, maybe with the exception of Latin American Women, and that has a lot to do with certain repressive issues that exist within the Russian culture specifically. Russian prostitutes are wild animals with meanly fit bodies in the bedroom and will do anything that Western Women refuse. Even Western prostitutes these days are "picky".

Understand that, these "attributes" I describe, are a clear-cut example of the unfavorable situations and detriment that exist in the world today.

The reasons your chances will be so far less of Meeting these types of "Visual" Women I speak of, is because the majority of them exist in predominantly Older populations of Women, but even regardless of the age, almost all of them already are Married or taken by someone who locked them "down", so-to-speak. That is, unless they are seeing other guys too.

The real truth is that the majority of Women you will ever have sexual encounters with in this world, will leave you "wanting" and not satisfied, and majorly disappointing. And the lack of them being visual plays into this, along with the component as to whether or not they have sex with you on the basis of mutual sexual attraction, that is absolutely required.

Understand that, by when I speak of "Visual Women", it does not mean that she too cannot use sex for getting a Man's money and even being willing to have sex with Men she isn't legitimately attracted too.

But what I am saying is that it is much rarer to a larger degree, and they have a tougher time with it and are generally less likely to be inclined to do that, because of the need to be attracted to the Man.

This is genetically wired into them, so it's not like a "choice" as such.

Most Men today, I believe among younger generations just inherently believe sex is overrated, but are not certain of this defining factor or characteristic about Women, along with the sexual energy that is siphoned from the Man by Women who are parasites. It will make the experience a horrible one, with the risk of impregnating her.

This cunt here saying "Look, I get it" is also one of the most insincere, emotionally detached gaslighting statements someone can make. This is all to play both sides of the argument, to pretend that they sympathize with you, even when they don't.

It should be quite obvious you, as I have warned, that Women are never going to relinquish their position or even accept a return to the status of Second Class Citizens, unless the use of Force and Violence are inflicted upon them and particularly by the means of Ultimate Enslavement.

It doesn't matter if the power goes out, or civilization collapsing, they will still do what they do, as they are beneficial chameleons who always know how to test the waters and winds of where things are going, and how to adjust accordingly to siphon resources from Men.

This bitch has almost 500,000 Subscribers at this time, and tries to make it seem like her Channel is "meager" and as if she could grow it even more if she didn't have such "Humility" is what she tries to portray herself as.

In other words, she also admits that her "grift" is drying up, while trying to pretend that she has been doing you a favor all along.

This "Billie Rae Brandt" is but one of many examples of Women who I am talking about, who are absolutely relentless and unwilling to accept the new reality that they will need to provide for themselves and society in the future, and that their protections and rights are drying up.

Thankfully, More and More Men are showing true indifference and how much they don't care.

In recent weeks, I have also seen alarming new channels of Women trying to even Poll Men to really see if Men are truly done with dating, particularly in the "Western " countries.

And, truth be told, they are done.

The only thing is, the Men who go to Asia don't realize it but while they think they might have landed themselves a Happy Wife / Happy Life, the truth is they just settled for a very different form of a money-getter, who is technically willing to cooperate just a bit more to get what they want, but they turn these Men into Ultimate Slave workhorses to provide for their ENTIRE Extended Families down to every little need, and use these Men for securing their own Generational Wealth for the future to empower "their racial people", not you or your family.

If you notice from Billie Rae Brandt's voice, she uses all the typical vocal cadence rules and inflection styles to try to grab your attention and also twist the context around by playing with the narratives, and then only to try to shame you for believing "ALL WOMEN SUCK".

Remember that most Grifters / Influencers in general, are always trying to sell you a "rosy" picture about just how much more abundant or well things are out there, as as if you didn't "find" them yet, and in this case, they want you think that there are all these truly large numbers of great women out there.

Let me be quite clear guys... THERE AREN'T THAT MANY!

I only have encountered 4 Women in this life that I have any respect for. Women are dogshit.


  1. The nastiness of women truly knows no bounds. Even strippers today are nasty and make zero attempt at seduction.

    I find that absolutely fascinating. They are trying to get men's money and instead of seducing them they talk to you with the attitude that your lucky to be around them. The whole point was men went for the illusion the women wanted them. They knew it wasn't real. Now they can't even bother to do that.

    1. @Here for the apocalypse, They really are nasty and cruel creatures beyond boundaries... What I rapidly began to notice in any of my interactions with Females is how they thought they were "hot shit" for trying to tempt a guy and then not give him anything. On the other hand, it's always the ones you don't want who are always eager and ready to give it to you and will throw down on you...

      A lot has changed with how sex is now between Men and Women, and from what I've seen, sex is actually almost about nothing except control and suspicion now...

      Women who don't want to have sex with a Man but want to act like they are, all to get at his money are just absolutely pathetic. It's ridiculous that everything has to be one-sided, while the girl herself isn't as interested in sex, but will dress like she loves it.


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