Feli aka "Girl From Germany" Explains how America Is A Slave Country... Without Realizing It's A Slave Country


The Thumbnail of her video even speaks for itself, because basically that's what becomes of "Women" once they come to the USA, they begin to dress and act like Men, even down to wearing a lame baseball cap.

But what she doesn't understand about our Homeland issues in Germany, is that the "Customer Service" issues and other problems that plague Germany and even Europe, are a result of its current position and the disatisfied lives of people, including the cascading damages of Both World Wars, which still remain as "unfinished business".

While I do agree that Bureaucracy in Germany is a bitch, the thing is there are some things that "are done" in Germany the old-school way, or which otherwise might seem like a drag, but they are for GOOD REASON.

Even despite being an Orphaned State run by a Foreign Enemy and in a Permanent State of Occupation, that will of course be how things are.

If we had the Reich, these old "methods" would still be practiced today and yet still be fine.

Believe it or not, even as a German myself in America, I still use paper calendars that I scratch things out on, and I prefer in many cases to do things with an actual letter, it's more formal and it feels more authentic and valid.

The thing is, Germans are smart enough to know that if the grid "did" go down, that they wouldn't need to scramble to re-establish paper trails for communication, which would not function if everyone is stuck in the digital world.

Just because you can do something with a computer or phone, doesn't you should do EVERYTHING with it, and I have even warned routinely about getting out of the habit of using or scanning QR codes whenever possible. You will thank me some day for that when you see where the slavery will go with using QR codes.

I understand you cannot avoid them if you travel on Airlines and certain events, but you really should not make a habit of these things, even if doing things the other ways is less efficient and tedious.

We Germans prefer to do things in writing on paper, and we also prefer to conduct business and friendships with a handshake.

These days, most people don't even shake hands, or they do cheap-ass imitations like the "Fist Bump".

What I find interesting is that it took her this long to only come around to realize how inferior things are in the US.

Americans are a sad pathetic lot, they are absolute surefire losers, to be specific.

The only normal people by and large that I have met, have been from some European country or elsewhere, Americans have no sophistication and no warmth in themselves whatsoever.

They are a soulless, rootless, robotic bunch, they lack and vibrancy to them. As Felicia pointed out, Americans do not have a sense of loyalty or friendship.

It is true that Friendships, when they do exist in Germany, are everlasting because we are not superficial people.

Most Barbarian races, are Superficial, but especially the Americans.

Felicia would do well to recognize that the "stereotype" about Americans with their fake smiles and glib facial expressions, are indeed superficial. They might seem nice and sweet at first, but quickly escalate to an annoyance once you see it's all an act.

She should see that Germany has been ahead of its time on this note, and it usually has been historically for the most part up until 1945 in most areas.

America is a horrible country, and it also runs a Medical Industrial Complex / Medical Totalitarian System which I would describe it as, since it all is designed to serve Commercial or Corporate Interests, and not Health or National Interest of its own people.

That's why things like "Medical Debts" exist.

Also not forgetting that over 70% of America's food supply is literal "Frankenfood", grown in underground Laboratories and Vats, along with utilization of Hydroponic growing methods and other types of turbulent, experimental methods of creating "fake food" that is denatured and without proper nutrition. This is why Americans are sick and obese, and the Medical Industry is a huge Enterprise.

From most people I've met in this world, while most people ARE generally fake, and we live mostly around NPC's, some of the most Fakest People and Habitual Liars I have met in this world are from America or anywhere in the Anglo-Saxon World, Asian Countries (Including India) and Arab / Middle Eastern countries. Many Negroes can be fake as fuck too, but especially the American ones.

But Americans by and large are just completely fake all around. Not a bone of authenticity in them at all.

As far as any "decent" Americans I've met, I could probably only ever count them all on my own two sets of fingers. They are ultimate losers, and the world is thankfully beginning to realize this, and someday Americans themselves will have to recognize.

Felicia has recognized correctly that the American obsession with danger and crime, goes to show how complacent Americans have been about the corruption and rot of their entire culture and cities, because they lack any sense of cohesive nature to them, they never rebel or demand against conditions, and just pretty much let everything go.

America has some of the most dangerous cities in the world. However, some Germany cities and other European countries with some cities have pretty much become "tied" with the dangerousness of American cities with the migrants and everything that has occurred after the "COVID" Agenda was set into motion.

Felicia succinctly recognized that Americans are in no way frugal, and this lack of "frugality" is with their obsession in being "show-offs" and to make it seem like they are rich, and think that it appears as a "broke" person to do things here and there to pay less.

It's amazing how Americans are this way, because it's exactly why they don't have money to do all kinds of other things in life. Germans, even many other Europeans, hell even Chinese and Indians and other peoples have no scruples about being frugal or even waiting for things to go on sale, or trying to make best of a situation so as to not overpay, and they don't give a rat's ass if anyone thinks they are "poor".

Americans have absolutely no wisdom as a people, and they don't seem to put "2 and 2 together" with the fact that the more they unnecessarily spend, it means the less options or other things they have that they can spend that money on, and this will translate to them needing to work even harder and more hours or multiple jobs to afford things, all because they want to not appear "poor".

Then you have the substance addicts.

I have gotten into so many conversations with Americans who smoke Tobacco or Drink Alcohol, and they are UNWILLING to budget their money to buy in bulk or at discount liquor or tobacco outlets, because in the immediate run, it feels like they are "spending a lot more money", even though in the long run they would be saving money.

And the other fact is they all admit they have impulse issues, so if there is more Tobacco or Alcohol around, the temptation to go through it all, even well above their regular consumption levels, is too hard to resist.

That is what type of people you are dealing with, when it comes to the Americans, they have absolutely no self-control, discipline, or any set plan for how to do things the right way and to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Not to mention the fact that blowing money on Tobacco and Alcohol is completely worthless to do. There is nothing worse than being a slave to vices.

Meanwhile, I will enjoy watching the stupid Americans go broke.

America is basically one fat lie, it really always has been, in fact... It's just that in its earlier days, it had a successful "business model" it used that made a few people very lucky and very wealthy. But it was quite a short run.

Everything Felicia has described, is the perfect illustration of a Total Slave State.

Yet so many Americans think that America is the greatest country in the world. They are "FAR" from Free.

Everything is status-oriented here in America as well, even down to having friendships or healthcare or anything.

For the most part, Friendship doesn't exist in the US, there are almost no real friendships in America between Americans, everything is all about what someone else can do for them.

Felicia needs to recognize that America is not a "True Nation". A True Nation, has an ethnic body and the ethnic body more or less usually tries to look out for their own tribal interests, which also would translate to less crimes, more obedient / compassionate drivers, so on and so forth.

She needs to realize Americans are just an amalgamization of a whole bunch of junk races that are micro-managed in a certain way by their government to "agree to get along" while actually secretly at each other's throads and can't stand one another.

That's also why there won't be a revolution.

Felicia is a young girl, and still very inexperienced / lacking wisdom in so many ways... She doesn't seem to understand the old values of our people or Nations, and that the events in our course of history, will make us respond or do things in a certain matter.

If she had a further in-depth understanding of the German Weimar crisis, and the stories of our ancestors from then, she would understand well that much more, why we Germans still love to do everything the old fashioned way and writing things on paper.

The same is true with the Italians. For centuries, the Italians were exploited through their Banking systems, especially when the Jews ran the Banking system in Venice, and also with other historical plunders. Italians have a consciousness in them to understand to never trust the "Banks", and this is why many Italian Businesses only accept Cash and refuse to take Credit Cards.

It's not that they are just not "getting with the times". They have a damn good reason for it, and it comes from history and experience.


  1. "The only normal people by and large that I have met, have been from some European country or elsewhere, Americans have no sophistication and no warmth in themselves whatsoever.

    They are a soulless, rootless, robotic bunch, they lack and vibrancy to them. As Felicia pointed out, Americans do not have a sense of loyalty or friendship."

    Sounds just like the British, they are fake, pretentious and superficial. When you talk to them, it doesn't feel like you are talking to a real person, it feels like you are talking to a robot who is simply repeating whatever they think is 'politically correct'.

    And that's the reason they are losing their country, they have no loyalty even amongst themselves, they will not support their own people even when attacked by outsiders. At the same time, other races stick together and put their own people first; especially the Jews and the East Asians.

    1. @Alex

      Exactly Man, you worded it perfectly! That has been my exact experience also in interacting with the British. What I find absolutely stunning about the Brits is that you can lay out all the most logical "facts" to them, as they LOVE to deal with "facts", and then they will like just autistically sit there in confusion as if they should have the "right" to get angry, as if you need to remind them to actually be "angry", and that it's "okay!"

      Even on their Illegal Immigrants for example, you'd still need to sit down with them to convince them that they ought to be angry and they'd still show uncertainty!

      Such a truly bloody fooking bizarre people!

      A very backwards country and culture, it's no wonder why the UK has no future, but it technically should have collapsed almost immediately after WW2.

      You are so right that they will not support their own people, even no matter how dire the situations get. Same thing with the Americans too.

    2. And it's not even a bad thing that their shithole country and the US will collapse in the near future, because they are the biggest proponents of everything that is vile and disgusting, such as multiculturalism, feminism, homosexuality, LGBT e.t.c. The sooner they fall, the quicker other countries will be able to hopefully go back to normal.

    3. @Alex, Yep. America is a parasite country, so it only suffocates the rest of the world and deprives them of freedom. Isn't it ironic how almost everything Americans think, the actual opposite is usually true!? Americans are oppressing the world, but yet they'd think nothing other than to tell you how much they are "Defenders of the Free World!" and "Fighting Tyranny!"

      However, in the past few years, this sentiment is becoming more diminished, because even those who espouse it are having a hard time justifying it...

  2. One need only look at the port strike to see how pathetic Americans are today.

    They could use this as a spring board to elevate themselves and deal a major blow to the corporate-goverment control but instead they lambast the workers.


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