In The Future, there will be Food, Air and Water, but all of it Toxic and Worthless

 As it is, we are pretty much already there.

All the food, air and water is contaminated, and much of it is bereft of the essential micronutrients and cleanliness that it once possessed, which are vital to Human and Animal Life.

Consider this fact alone...

From the beginning of time, at least roughly to what we can record, 99% of Life Forms from this planet have disappeared and become extinct, with other Life Forms replacing them.

Yet I hear so many Pagans talk about how "Earth Mother"still loves us.

Most of the Life forms that still exist on this planet that have been Prehistoric, are often Scavengers.

In the last 50 years alone, Human Activity and Overpopulation has contributed to at least 30% of decline of Bird populations and species, along with relatively similar levels with other common Animal Populations.

I won't extend the argument here to Efilism, but let's just say that the quality of life already is also impeded that much more for these Life Forms. Just from Human activity, such as Agriculture and Deforestation and Development.

I am not bringing this up to make a Moralist argument either, because I'm not looking for "justice" in mentioning these facts, but I bring them up to ask you...

What makes you think or believe in the future for Humanity, or that this Earth is really ours?

Unfortunately, the truth is that Humans do not have precise will or destiny like they think they have, and they are not the "True" Apex Predator, but maybe they come as Second Class in all that.

The fact is, all this obsession with Survival and the amount of Energy and Efforts to build what we do, will one day all vanish entirely and become utterly meaningless.

It's not hard to see how the End of Humanity is imminent and these facts alone when really thought about from a mature and wise standpoint, prove that this creation we live in could not possibly be created by God, or who people refer to as the "All Powerful" and so forth...

There can be made no sense whatsoever of this existence based on this extinction fact, and that the likelihood for extinction for ALL life forms, is nearly guaranteed and inevitible, whereas survival no matter how hard it's pushed for, will not always be honored, and more often, will not be honored.

What we see coming for the future is that what a lot of Humans do not understand about the disease and malnutrition they experience today, is that these issues did NOT exist the way they do today, even in the course of where there was an over-abundance of foodstuffs.

Today, in populations with abundant foodstuffs, even ample meat supplies, there is still rampant malnutrition and poor practices employed which means the food quality one consumes, will be greatly reduced.

Today, Humans also need to consume MUCH MORE food to even gain adequate nutrition, whereas in times past, Humans could subsist and quite healthy on even much less food and correlating calories in that sense, relatively speaking.

And this is because the food and water you consume is bereft of nutrition needed for strong, agile and nimble bodies and minds.

Between 2030-2040, whatever Human Populations survive, most of them will be afflicted with Diabetes and Heart Disease.

What is still not understood or even officially accepted by even the most researched Scientists and Biologists regarding Diabetes, is they believe Diabetes is caused by High Sugar and Carbohydrates, when in fact, it is the effect of the "gut" destruction from the Sugar and Carbohydrates or other denatured effects of food Modern Humans consume, which destroys the gut, and essentially what happens is that many of the Hormones and Neurotransmitters that are necessary to process by gut formation, become "lost" from it becoming compromised, and this created inflammatory response and because the other hormones cannot properly be created and managed to permit the cells to be flooded with nutrition, Insulin Resistance arises.

So the correct target method of understanding where Insulin Resistance and Diabetes forms, is not just some "genetic tendency" to become Diabetic, even though it might seem like that, but it means compromised Gut Flora and Immunity, which can be a result from birth issues or lack of proper diet within family lines, whether intentional or as a result of what today is deemed as "food".

Evidence shows that in a Diabetic patient, if the small intestine is immediately populated, with even a temporary colony of Essential Bacteria, within 24-48 hours in most cases, Diabetic conditions subside completely in a patient, assuming that they have not "burnt out" their Pancreas's ability to trigger an Insulin response. If their pancreas no longer responds properly from damage, that is a whole other story altogether.

Much of the damage that gets done to people's organs from Diabetes or even just general high blood sugar, is specifically a problem with the Gut Management of being able to process everything in a state of equilibrium to allow everything to flow along the way it needs to in the body to manage sugar levels and metabolism properly.

Almost ALL Modern Disease that is known to Humans, whether it be Heart Disease, Diabetes, Gout, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and hundreds of other ailments, Fungal and Severe Bacterial Infections all have origins in issues relating to the Gut Micriobiome and/or Intestinal Walls becoming compromised, and this is still not widely accepted through the Practice of Medicine. And only by the means of correcting the gut issues, can these problems begin to be reversed in any correct manner.

No matter how well Humans in the future, especially from 2030 onward try to maintain their health by eating properly or obtaining any kind of food, even if they are even allowed to hunt, much of what they consume will be so contaminated and lacking in nutrition, that this will affect their gut microbiome, and it's why Starvation, Famine and yet having Diabetes all at the same time, is absolutely the future in store for any members of mankind who still live very soon.

Heavy Metals and Plastics along with other environmental contaminatns are increasingly poisoning the food supplies, including any "animals" you might hunt to consume in the years ahead when they want to serve you Factory Sludge that comes from the labs. The consumption of these heavy metals and plastics, also destroy the gut microbiome, and this is why there will be no escape from this Tyranny.

As such, there could even be an abundance of foodstuffs in some places, and yuet you will still find Humans who are hungry, malnourished, sick and disabled, and nobody will understand why, especially with all the food. America is already this way! The rest of the world, tomorrow! And if you dare suggest it has anything to do with contaminats in the food supply and what's done to the gut, you will be marked as some kind of "crazy person" who believes in conspiracy theories or magical thinking.

If there is nuclear "ash" from the result of the War going nuclear, the people who survive will have soil and babies where everything grows "defective" and it will all be contaminated and radioactive for a very long time. Rendering all food and animals worthless to eat.

In addition to that Tyranny, the Humans which will inhabit this world from 2030 onward, will be some of the absolute worst types to be around or associate with on any level when you have to, and 99.9% of Mankind will be that way.


  1. You should have studied engineering and science before making these nonsensical and untrue predictions. after all, what can I expect from someone who follows Goatis, luckily there's me who's also half Italian and I'm a fascist, that is, the strongest and best ideology that has ever existed in the world and in the history of humanity in terms of economy and political power (excluding off course the mistakes made in war)


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