My Dream Job

You guys have no idea how much I would love to have a job of rating people's faces, bodies and genetics all day long and critiquing especially what I might love about over and over.

Seriously, if there was an actual job for someone who could sit back and do this, I might even be willing to consider working a 40 hour workweek.


  1. Hey this is interesting!
    I've actually been really interested in what you think a while back.

    What do you think about the girl who plays murron in braveheart?
    I know someone who looks a lot like her which is why I'm wondering.
    Also she isn't scottish she's 3/4 English, & 1/4 Irish

    1. @T345, I've never watched Braveheart actually, I'm horrible with movies, but I looked up to see who that is. I would rate her like a 4, she is very very average / plain looking to me.

    2. @PSA Rly? I'm surprised, I don't know why I got this fixation on her, it happened after I lived in britain because she has the same type of face as a lot of girls there, and I remember liking their faces so I was searching for some familiarity and she was the only girl I could find. I think British people have a more subtle beauty than other groups- and at first I couldn't actually tell them apart lol, but after living with them I notice certain features more that would've gone over my head when I lived in the USA.

      But yea I'm honestly surprised abt ur rating- I guess everyone has different taste, yea when I was a kid she didn't catch my eye like other females do, and she does have a sort of developed / masculine average look, but wouldn't that make her more attractive? Are there any examples of women you find more attractive?

      Honestly Braveheart isn't all that. It's a macho- historically exaggerated male superhero movie, most of it is just mel gibson fighting people. I'm surprised you haven't watched it but... ur def not missing out

    3. @T345, Oh yeah she is not my type whatsoever. I like the girl and character who plays "Faith" [Eliza Duskhu] in the Buffy The Vampire Slayer Series. I'm trying to think of some other good examples I could give you of "my types" from either Movies or TV Series, but then again I really don't watch a lot of that stuff. I also like Scarlett Johansson, but unfortunately she is part Jewish. The other Actresses I've always been crazy about have been Monica Bellucci, and the girl who plays "Apollonia" in the Godfather. I'm also kind of obsessed over Alexandra Daddario and Anne Hathaway.

      There is a Mexican Actress I also had a major crush on, she is long dead now, but her name was "Katy Jurado".

      My Experience with watching films is really sporadic, I mostly used to be into Horror Movies, but I really have watched a lot less stuff since we reached the turn of the century, just like with a lot of Music as well, I just find so much things today distasteful.

      It's funny, because people accuse me of being some type of "LARPer" or "Trekkie" Fan, all the time, and I am not into any of that stuff whatsoever, or Cosplay, etc.

      For me though, watching movies is mostly a waste of time. I watch many more Documentaries and especially in so far as it concerns History and for our Archival Purposes.

    4. @T345, I forgot to mention, but I was always obsessed with Zombie movies as well. I've watched many Zombie type movie series, even if I've forgotten some of them over the years, but I was a big fan of Resident Evil, and many of the other common ones.

    5. @PSA
      Interesting, I just looked them up and there's a pattern, especially between the eyes and eyebrows. They also are feminine looking. It is not what I expected. You know the more I learn about guys, the more I realize I can't see women through men's eyes. I was expecting you to say the image I had in my head- but it was a completely different type of attractive woman.

      I'm also surprised bcz not all of the girls look very 'Germanic' & I thought that would be ur type. I was expecting something angular, sharp, and bulky, but they're more soft and feminine.

      I suppose as a female, sometimes I'm drawn to masculine features, even in females- so I sometimes think masculine looking females are attractive to guys.

      About movies...
      Yea honestly I don't blame you for not watching much films,
      I also noticed a drop in films around 2000-2010.

      Honestly, I also think it's a good idea to not watch movies right now because of social programming.
      Even if you're a mature adult who can see things clearly- it just sets a bad taste in my mouth watching that stuff.
      Plus, can you stand seeing the same actors in every movie? I swear to God the same people have been playing characters for 30 years+, it ruins the movie for me if they're in it. Their way too recognizable!

      Exceptions to this are people who play themselves like Will Ferrel.
      Also, the new generation of actors are a ton of nepo babies.

      I've found some good shows but it's rare.
      Have you heard of baby reindeer? I think it might..... well..... interest you. It's about a female abuser. I recommend it, but it's heavy, I don't know if you want that energy in your life.

      You know, I used to be into zombie or apocalypse-type things too-
      I used to secretly wish it would happen so I could 'diy' life so to speak lol.

    6. @T345, I do admit I have a peculiar taste when it comes to Women, and I do like ones who extremely Feminine. Especially the "Leather Lipstick Lesbian" type.

      I have a big thing for Brunettes, but I do also like Germanic "Blondes" of course but I'm trying to think of some Specimens I could suggest which are "known", most of the ones I like aren't necessarily like an Actress or someone well known, but when it comes to the Light / Nordic types... I would look up this volleyball player: Charis Ludtke.

      The only other figures that really come to mind though for well known types even if American, they still have Scandinavian Heritage is the Scarlett Johansson type (even from her younger photos) or any one of the Three "Olsen" girls who I sometimes confuse one for another because of how similar they look.

      Yes, sometimes some actors can get a pit repetitive after a while in seeing them in one movie after another.

      Never heard of Baby Reindeer.

      Tastes can vary a lot from guy to guy in what we like, because I had some friends who had completely different tastes in Blondes and Women than I did in general, and they thought I was lying to them when I was completely indifferent to ones they found hot, and they almost took offense like I was trying to "one-up" them or as if I was jealous they liked them when I really wasn't.

    7. @T345 I'm curious though, what is this type of "image" or an example of someone you'd think I would have found attractive. Did you mean the girl in the Braveheart movie or someone else!?

    8. @PSA, Yea, I thought you would like her!
      Actually, my image of what you would find attractive is slightly different
      But I thought you had the same taste as me
      Girl looks that I like are: ana beatriz barros young, emma ellingsen (tiktok), catherine mccormack in Braveheart, rachel mcadams mean girls.

      Logically I'd think you'd like something german, but vibe-read...I really can only feel like 'you'd' like something 'fuller', so to speak.

      I could imagine u liking the stereotypical germanic- kinda sturdy looking german women I sometimes see- Especially since ur background is from (I think) NorthEast Germany.

      And yea, some of the women you listed do have that background, even if their mixed with something else.

      Actually, now that I think about it, you're type does seem to align with you. Even though it's not what I expected. I'm also surprised that some of them were southern European.

      I feel similarly- even people who are considered objectively attractive- like brad pitt- I don't feel any chemistry with, they're just not my type. But some other, less 'flawless' guys, I like a lot. Maybe the guys you were talking about are emotionally attached to the girl or feel like they need to 'defend' her lol.

      You should watch baby reindeer... I would actually be interested in what you think about it. It's about this woman stalking a man, and the abuser literally went on piers morgan after it came out

    9. @T345, Actually I don't have any particular bias or dislike of German girls as such, but the genetic pool has taken a SERIOUS beating on a cascading basis since WWII. I like the German blonde types especially with braids you would typically see from the B&W Photos from that time and before. But you don't find as many good ones now compared to the past in terms of Top Tier Genetics. A lot of Germans look very similar to Americans, except outside of certain regions of the country. I find more Germanic types I love in Sweden with that rich, thick golden hair, and then usually Spanish or Italian girls in general.

      There are some Prussian Women who are very attractive, but once again, we're almost extinct nowadays. We were literally decimated by the end of WW2 and most displaced and even still being destroyed years after the war. But in terms of the Royals, I can at least give one living example, you can look up "Princess Florence von Preussen" as she is one of a few younger surviving members among these Royals. I think she has amazing genetics, is very pretty.

      Actually, Beatriz Barros is pretty decent, I do like her features, better with less makeup, although her features are a little more sharp compared to my usual. I would rate her an 8.

      Emma Ellingsen? Not even close, something looks off about her even in general but did she get some plastic surgeries? I would rate her like a 3 and just she is nowhere near the type I'm into at all, even her energy.

      Rachel McAdams also doesn't really do anything for me, while not ugly, she is just kind of "there". I also don't feel a strong sexual spark either from them, but out of all them both looks-wise and anything sexual would definitely be with Beatriz Barros.

      The thing is, since I am sensitive to energies, I also know whether or not any of these types including the former ones I mentioned like Monica Bellucci or Alexandra Daddario. Energetically, I am not matches with them whatsoever. Bellucci has a horrible personality and is truly ugly inside, and Daddario is a different personality type than me.

      There really are not many Women I match with energetically on any level, and I am able to perceive this externally instead of how someone can just wish and hope who or what they think they are to someone.

      There is actually a girl on Belgian who runs a small Goth channel, and surprisingly the channel is not a lot more popular, but maybe because she is more unique and her own person, but she goes by Orphea:

      Not only do I find her wildly attractive and sexually appealing, but I am nearly obsessed with everything about her especially with her own style of not just how she dresses but the way she speaks and explains things. She is really tactical and well thought out all the time, and this type of person would be someone I'd be able to be involved with in a much more harmonious way and even a plus is that she listens to many of the same bands I like. Her mindset is very much on par with mine, and I don't really find this too commonly nowadays, especially in the Goth scene and how pretentious most Modern Goths are. But I'd like her still the same even if she wasn't Goth, but she is a big obsession of mine, which might come as a shock at least compared to the other example I gave you. She has a bigger frame as well, but I like her body type a lot and energetically she is compatible with me. I don't like the energy coming from most Goth girls these days.


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