Reviewing A Swedish Guy On White Men's Need To Become Tougher


So this guy reminds me a lot in many ways of Uncommon Sense (Youtube Channel), but maybe a little bit more level-headed.

I unfortunately must report, that I had a little bit of a "falling out" with Uncommon Sense and he is just going way too off the deep edge it's unfortunate, but not surprising, considering the state of the "Swedes".

Unfortunately, Sweden is a lost cause at any rate, it's way beyond salvation. This is just telling the truth.

This is absolutely the case. In fact, I notice in his other videos that he has also been called an "Incel" and been accused of being "Gay", which is quite typical these days, but I would like to also emphasize that Nordic Men more than ever, even among most other White Men are the ones who are bearing the brunt of constantly Homosexual accusations, especially the lighter your features are.

Obviously, our enemies and critics don't literally "believe" this themselves, it's done as a shaming language method, and also done as a "rumor" to try to destroy the reputation of Whites, especially Nordic Men.

This makes you lose stability, control and sovereignty over your own Homeland, your Family and Possessions, as the idea is to completely displace White and especially Nordic or Germanic Men.

This is why our enemies do this, including Modern White Women.

Men absolutely do need to become Tougher, but also far more inclined towards being Ruthless, Indifferent and also with a massively Cruel Age.

In all honesty, I view the young Men we have today, and I have to say that the Testosterone Crisis is definitely evident in the majority of Men, because they are afraid of being seen as "Toxic".

They are afraid of offending anyone, and afraid of seeming inappropriate or crazy, and those are absolutely very unmanly behaviors to exhibit, and a sign that Sterile Corporate Culture has overtaken the culture and lifestyle that those Men live under in their society.

In all honesty, Men have to confront a really harsh reality ahead of them, because the deck of cards you have, especially for White Men, is a very bad deck you have been dealt with right now, and for many decades actually.

The thing is, you cannot afford to go any less than a totally "Scorched Earth" policy where the order of the day is Massacreing en Masse.

In fact, if you don't feel this burning urge and desire in you, I'm afraid you already are on the Low Testosterone spectrum, because it's the only urge that should be burning within you.

Men with Low Tesosterone, meanwhile, want to "vote" their way out of their National problems and want to take other methods and "peaceful" methods to try to rescue their Nations.

This is cowardly and it just doesn't work.

The problem is Modern Men largely do not feel they have the right to be angry and vengeful, even to the point of wanting to go all Scorched Earth...

But that of course, also assumes that you "do" have the right to be angry and vengeful. Obviously I don't mean SJW's and Illegal Immigrants.

The other indicator that Most Men must indeed suffer from Low Testosterone, is because the thing is, if your Testosterone levels are "sufficient", you are less likely to relegate yourself to feeling guilt or constantly oweing things to others, especially Women.

Masculine Men prefer to take things into their own hands and exercise their will, even against the grain of his contemporaries or what Modern Society deems as the status quo.

A Masculine Man should always feel ready and determined to kill and destroy any threat and make them hurt real good.

A Masculine Man with high levels of Testosterone, does not care if people show disgust or disapproval of him and want to scorn him. He stands solid and assured of his own beliefs and convictions, and is not "swayed" all because some losers and untermenschen around him get their panties in a bunch.


  1. White Men face the most hate. We work the hardest jobs for society, get told we are the most privileged and don't get any help or sympathy for our struggles. In fact we actually get discriminated against.

    We face racism but get told that we can't face racism because we are the racist ones. We face sexism but again women are coddled instead.

    Meanwhile black women have the most privilege yet they claim they are the most oppressed. There is so much black privilege and black promotion going around, yet they play the victim and some whites fall for this bait.

    Then of course we all know that female privilege is the biggest privilege going. The fact that it's black women and not black men who complain the most and play the victim, really does show how demonic women are. Black women and white women have it so much easier than their counterparts.

    It does show the decline of white men, the fact they allow this to happen to them. White Men should be giving out just as much hate as our enemies do. But instead we are too scared of being seen as racist or getting in trouble with the law, which is biased against White Men anyway.

    It does confuse me how a race which was so strong less than 100 years ago and also conquered the other races, is now not even 1% of the race it used to be.


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