Something I'm noticing that is MAJORLY Flawed with AI, which is majorly consequential...

It's no mystery to me or any thinking person for that matter that AI can NEVER be perfect, and it never shall be, it can only be a work in progress at best at it is utilized.

However, I've noticed that Artificial Intelligence suffers from its own form of "cognitive dissonance".

While you would think that due to algorithms, algorithms depend on mathematical precision, that the Artificial Intelligence would be "Black and White" so-to-speak, in terms of how it functions.

I do not purposely use Artificial Intelligence, but it has been deployed into our lives, and I have been witnessing many times where it will not refuse to give an answer or reject a formula or data, but instead where it almost tries to emulate the learned behavior of Humans to engage in "Cognitive Dissonance".

The consequences that can arise from that, are absolutely frightening when you think really deeply about that, as AI is learning more and more to become like Humans.


  1. The problem with AI, is that it's only as good as the humans that programmed it. Since the companies that make the AI programs are all politically correct beta males, traitors and cucks, they program the AI algorithm, to steer away from certain topics e.g. race and give a politically correct answer when asked about that topic; instead of looking at the facts and numbers, and giving an objectively correct answer based of numbers and logic.


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