The #1 Reason Humans don't Believe in Aliens & Insectoid or Reptile Species Above Them

Part of the reason is because Humans are genetically altered to dish aside such notions of a greater species than them, and there are Manmade religions (first codified by the Anunnaki) which convince them that they were destined "By God" to be the rightful rulers of the earth.

To be certain that Humans also do not get to "keen" on learning other things, they are presented Movies, and Silly Propaganda about "Aliens" or to make them have a sort of juvenile perception on the subject of beings that are well beyond the Intelligence and Capabilities of Humans.

Even Similarly, the "Devil" or "Lucifer" is also made to be this silly cartoonish character, like some Red-bodied Beast with a Fork who lives in the Firey Hell, when in fact, a "remotely" closer accuracy or evolutionary step to understanding who or what the Devil really is, is to think of it as a Computer instead.

The Human, by nature in this system, is an Arrogant, Ego-centered creature, very simple minded and only concerned with the carnal, and cannot see past his/her own Egeocentric understandings of the world, unless they possess Divine light within, and most people on Earth do not possess this quality.

A person with Divine light in them, will understand at a very early age or at least perceive this place to be a prison and this is because they remember a residual event from their past lives and the coercion to "reincarnate" here.

In order to perfect the "blocking" of Human abilities to see, hear and experience things that other Animals including other Primates can see or perceive, including the existence of Higher Dimensional Entities, was by disabling the majority of the Human DNA, and also Humans have been "modified" in a way that no other primate has, in the fact that Two of the 48 Chromosomes that Humans have are "Fused", leaving us with a Total of 46 Chromosomes.

While Higher Dimensional Entities can sometimes be seen by other Humans, this can be from other Genetic abilities or anomalies, or if the Higher Dimensional Entity experiences a "glitch" in their camouflaging or cloaking abilities in this dimension and falls within the Frequency Range that is detectable to Human Senses.

Almost everything you hear about "Grey Aliens" is nonsense. Greys are actually a biological creation of Higher Entities to be as "Servants" for them, but they are just a Slave race of Aliens who were programmed to believe that they will take over the world. It's a big joke quite frankly, and they are not even the real ones of concern.

Many Aliens you would encounter, look and feel just like an ordinary Human Being, particularly such species as the Pleiadians, who appear to be like Advanced Nordic Aryan Humanoids, Beautiful Men and Women with Golden Blonde shimmering hair and the eyes of Alexandra Daddario.

Many Alien groups are also able to siphon positive energy from other Humans or Beings in general, and then use this energy to "radiate" from them to make themselves appear and having this Angelic or Divine energy about them, in order to gain the trust of Humans.

Their native form does not look or feel this way whatsoever, they only shift their identities as this because it is the most comfortable identity that Humans feel "safe" interacting with.

Only the most learned of Extraterrestial Entities on this earth, know that the Pleiadians are malevolent and not out friends, and not to be trusted, and are quite keenly confident about this fact, while others believe they are trying to help us.

The fact is that there is less and less Extraterrestial Help or Interest for Humankind today by other Entities than ever, outside of controlling Humans, and this disinterest of assisting Mankind began to rapidly fade after World War II endeded with the results that became of it.

In addition, because of Humanity's "relative" Free Will, the programming of this in them, at least, makes them far less curious about other things in our Universe, and if anything such things will only make them more angry and feeling the need to retaliate because it dismantles what they grew up with believing or had hoped to be true.

This "detachment" that Humanity has over the Alien Overlords which rule over them, are able to wield such control so long as people believe in the system and the status quo, and know or believe less and less about who these entities are, and why they depend so much on Humans.

If Humans became largely privy to such real knowledge, it could cause entire Economies, Governments and Civilizations to collapse overnight, and that is why they do not want that.

So long as Humans know nothing about life or this existence between Work, the neet to eat and sleep, to pay bills and pump out babies to repeat the process on and on, there is absolutely no way you can distract their interest from Low vibrational activities to question anything further, and this is also the same reason why they don't revolt over the system.


  1. Everything that guys like Tesla and other supposed geniuses discovered, was it really knowledge given to them by aliens? I've always had that doubt.

    1. @blood, It's true that much of what is deemed to be as "Human Inventions" are not exactly as they are perceived to be, however there is something to be said about natural creativity in some Humans. These technologies were released to Humans, but it is largely Humans that put their own spin on what they were given to engineer or develop things in a certain manner. At least to the best of the abilities based on the Human Intellect, combined with the limits of the physical body.

      The problem is, Material inventions lead to egoism, because the actual entities only use these Physical Technologies or Devices when they enter the Third Dimension that we live in. They do not require them or even Physical bodies to inhabit as "suits" outside of this dimension.

      If Humans were on the course of our True Evolution, we would likely have a whole world of even new technologies and concepts well above this realm that we would invent or put our own spin on something that already exists.

  2. Hi! It would be great if you could direct us to the sources of information or publish it yourselves the esoteric teachings and stuff related ot that and the truths regarding the world.Iam currently reading gnosis by boris mauravieff and its interesting to say the least.

  3. hello , i am cognitively impaired compared to you. do i have to understand that the true rulers of Earth are not Humans? and who are the Cabal? are they just the rulers of this society?


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