The Truth About The Programming Of Natalism and Existence...

As I've said, I view most Humans as nothing more than a "flesh bag of chemicals".

It's mostly chemicals that influence them and what they decide to do.

Not any kind of semblance of "purpose" or "spiritual" aspect.

People who "live for their children" are just empty inside. Some of it comes from guilt, for bringing them into this world.

Remember what I've said in the past about ensuring that a Woman who likes you for you, and your genetics, likes you for the sake of yourself, NOT for the children she can taint your bloodline with.

There is a keen difference. I can also tell you from my own experiences, that only Women I've been with who did NOT want children, did actually take interest and attraction to me as a person, without the objective of fulfilling a biological "role" for the children.

But because of head issues and complexes of theirs, the relationships could not have been maintained.

Let me give you another example or point of view about that, even outside of the scope of physical attraction.

I've actually noticed many times when I go out for my seasonal runs for buying "Charcoal" and Barbecue supplies, that Women seem to take notice of it greatly and smile...

I usually purchase about 100LBS of Charcoal per year for the Barbecue season in my cart.

Do you think she is smiling and interested because of the Barbecue dish I might be able to make "for her", do you think she has any true appreciation or love for any talent I "might have" in Barbecuing!?
Or is it because of this biological urge to notice a Man who is "providing for the family" and can supplement taking care of a family, and that she thinks I might have a family of my own that I am already taking care of and am a suitable provider?

Clearly, they see me as the latter! They think I'm probably a Father. And I never return a smile back.

This happens to me every single year without fail, with Women in the stores.

As a rule, I distance myself from Women who use hypothetical, provisional, or idealistic notions of things, because these almost always translate to biological urges for the survival of the species.

I'm not interested in that at all in my life. Never have been.


  1. there are other layers to human existance too, it's just that these biological needs must be met first. It's just nature and nothing you can do about it. You can't blame anyone for focusing on that.

    1. It's still all worthless in the greater scheme of things. And yes you can blame others for focusing on it, and I most certainly do. I don't respect humans who are obedient to their biological urges.

    2. I guess what you are really saying is that a SLAVE should not follow their biological instincs, as the slave should be able to obtain freedom before they have children. The slave need to eliminate his enemies before they can follow their urges and expand in any way. In this case I agree. How can you respect someone that willingly puts their children in the position as slaves?

      Instead of havig family and prospering, the slave should instead risk everything to kill their opressors first, even dying in process. Because for that brief period of him fighting versus his opressors, he has the benefit of the doubt and could be called a free-man. After the fight he could either be a dead free-man or a living free-man. The important thing is that he fights and risks his life.

      As a free people (hypothetically speaking) we should obviously follow our instincts.
      Most slaves in this world don't follow their biological urges, wheras a free man does at all times. Because that's what freedom is, to be able to live according to nature. To have power to take up space and be your sellf.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @Quittingcoffee, Slaves are the peril in the midst of humanity. They deplete resources and also disrupt life for other species. The only use they could possibly have is to be confined to a concentration camp to perform slave labor for Humans who deserve a better quality life.

      Having Families just makes more and more of them.

    5. Only as a slave do you create slave-children. This does not count for a free human, and also would not count in nature (the natural state without technology). In nature we have lots of children, but many are killed htorugh survival of the fittest. Many tribes are completely killed off by other tribes. War is a constant natural conflict in nature and something the freeman embraces. But the war is fought for love and family and the new to take place. If it wasn't for family, then everything would be meaningless.

    6. @Quittingcoffee, There are no Free Humans. See who controls the universe and you will realize Humans are not the Apex Predators they think they are.

      Even the so-called "Elite" are slaves of the Dracos / Elohim. Humans are a genetic experiment.

      So it really is irrelevant what a Human thinks is the right thing, considering that you are part of this experiment and the species is doomed. It doesn't matter how much you reproduce or try to fight.

    7. Do you have any good sources for this information about Dracos/Elohim/genetic experiement? would like to look into that.


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