There will be no "COURSE CORRECTION" in 1 - 2 Generations of Humans, As Commonly Believed

Just as the NPC's out there believe that somehow the real trouble will only start in 2040 and not between 2025 - 2030, there is also this major belief by false optimism that mankind believes in that they will somehow "correct" this world, that somehow things like Feminism or other wrong paths of Humanity will eventually "course correct" and that in 1-2 generations that the problems will be resolved or that things will go back to normalcy.

I want to assure you of some things and put to rest these delusions.

For one, I wish to remind my viewers, that I am part of Extended research of many German Intelligence groups that have been around even before both World Wars, and that we have first-hand knowledge about many events occurring on this planet but also within the universe, and including the Extraterrestrial forces that have connections with your governments on this planet, which aren't even true "governments" any longer.

Much of what had been fought for, or against in World War II, largely surrounded issues that were not just Economic, Political or Geographical in sight, but also had MUCH to do with how the fate and conditions of the Human Species would be permanently altered after these changes would be implemented by some of the most naive, greedy and arrogant Men on the planet.

Unfortunately, since these Men gained the victory after the War, they quickly began to implement not only the technologies, but the genetic alterations and other effects that have put Humanity on a total collision course with itself.

The things that exist in this world, and the reasons behind them, are much darker and horrific than you can ever imagine.

Our records, and what we do know, or to the extent of things we can tell you, show nothing but an absolutely determined fate in this tyrannical future for the world, and to ultimately reduce the Human Species to the most lifeless robot you can imagine.

There are not going to be any new Renaissances or Revolutions for Humanity, nor any improvements even on a temporary basis whatsoever.

People right now who cling to hope or ideas that the future "could change" are gravely in a very rude awakening, and I know that even those who reject what I preach, will one day come back to our website blogs in a rushed panic to attempt to pay pathetic respects and acknowledgement for what we've tried to warn the world against.

It was our only last hope that Mankind could have mustered "some form" of a resistance during the COVID agenda, but because it did not, this truly means all bets are off. Not only from the standpoint of how it has become confirmed that Humanity can easily be controlled pervasively, but because of how much of the Human Species took their special injections.

There is no "turning the clock back" on these effects, and I see a major reluctance in Humans to realize that Time only marches forward, and that there are circumstances on this Earth that are not reversible.

A lot of the bad ideas and philosophies, or things which operate the way they do in this world are not going to just suddenly be abandoned by people for the "right thing".

You may be tempted to believe that eventually Good wins over Evil, but that is not truly the case, and much of the "Good" left in this world has been ultimately exhausted. In coming days, weeks, months and years ahead, you will understand and witness for yourself, the true implications of what I mean by that.

Even when "Good" does temporarily win, it's eventually overridden by the Evil.

A point must eventually be reached in one's consciousness where they realize that at some point, things can get too bad to where one becomes "too good" to be a part of this world, or to even fight for it or believe in it.

The only people who still believe in it and fight for it, are trying to save the evil systems in place, and it comes not from a place of Divinity, but from a place of egomania and self-interest.

The Replacement Process of the Human Species, as I have warned, has neared its completion stage.

At this point, the world has become so obscure and meaningless, and whereby nothing makes sense, that the only few remaining souls in it who can see this world for what it is, live in a state of permanent despair. There is nothing left in the world for real people.

Only for Narcissists, Savages and Frauds of life, who love this place and all the material effects of it.

No amount of personal will, is even capable to change this. Not anymore.

You have to recognize how much Humanity has declined and changed, and how complacent it has become to the levels of accepting and tolerating its own self-enslavement.

If you try to do something of value in this world, the NPC's will have a domino effect of crushing your idea or will.

Believe me, Believe my words very strongly, you have absolutely no idea what kinds of Horrors will unfold on this planet, and to what degree Humans will become tolerant, apathetic and totally indifferent to these developments, and whereby the innocent will be persecuted relentlessly even more than they already are.

All the innocent are viewed as guilty, and the guilty are viewed as innocent in this world.

There is no regard for truth anywhere left in this world, and such a world cannot hold itself together, because it becomes fragmented.

The absurdities you will see develop, will astonish you. And meanwhile, there will be no way to fight or resist against these things.

Everything you've grown up to believe was true or a fact, or wholly put faith in your entire life, is about to vanish before your ideas.

The changes put into place now and in the future, are permanent and irreversible. They are being cemented into place.

Humanity will not have some "grand awakening" as is often prophecised, but one thing it will awaken to is the true shock and horror once they realize that things are going to get as bad as they thought it could never get worse, and they will not be able to cope with the fact that people are so willingly going along with it all, and the fact that there will be no resistance as has occasionally been the case in former times of history.

BUT... Be sure to keep having children!!!

Your glorious "FUTURE CHILDREN" will be BEAUTIFULLY Vaccinated, and Integrated with Technology, what could be grander than that!?!?


  1. I have been discussing this with a person who is very involved in the white race issue, he told me that this is due in large part to the fact that whites do not have children, he has formed groups of whites, especially from South America and some parts of Spain, to go to areas of South America to settle, and thus form, so to speak, an Orania of South Africa, what do you think of this measure in this regard? I have to say that he has a young wife and he already has his first child, he wants to have more, he has been fortunate in that the wife had land and her family has supported them, but I tell him that this is very rare for everyone to happen, today the vast majority of parents are not interested in the future of their children.

    1. Also something that I find curious is that he always mentions to me "we will triumph in the end, it has always been that way" obviously in terms of race, he also says that the elites do this whole process of dysgenesis to cleanse the white middle classes and only leave a single aristocratic elite that will be purified with all this that they are doing.It's like he's saying we're not a losing race, that's for others. I think that's a bit of hope, but the reality is that whites don't reproduce, and I don't see how that's going to change. And even if they did, other races reproduce three times as much in the third world.

    2. "I have been discussing this with a person who is very involved in the white race issue, he told me that this is due in large part to the fact that whites do not have children"

      The European race is fucked, white men have lost control of their governments and have lost control of their women. Their governments are full of traitors and foreigners who hate them, and their own women don't respect them and refuse to have their children; half of them are man hating feminists and the rest are whores and sluts that spread their legs for third world savages. If the white man doesn't get control of his governments and women, he will go extinct.

  2. "People right now who cling to hope or ideas that the future "could change" are gravely in a very rude awakening"

    That's what Bill Cooper said decades ago, the sheeple are too far gone to be saved:

    "It was our only last hope that Mankind could have mustered "some form" of a resistance during the COVID agenda, but because it did not, this truly means all bets are off. Not only from the standpoint of how it has become confirmed that Humanity can easily be controlled pervasively, but because of how much of the Human Species took their special injections."

    Convid was the final nail in the coffin, it was so obvious to anyone with an ounce of common sense who did any research, that the whole thing was a planetary psy-op. And yet the majority of the sheeple not only didn't understand what was going on, but they attacked anyone who questioned the government narrative. It's game over for so called 'humanity', the only thing left to do is for the few awake people to get as many resources as they can to survive the collapse in the coming decades....


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