Why Men Lie To Other Men About The Gym & Getting Pussy

The whole culture about the Gym and Fitness Lifestyles is really getting so out of control.

This "lifestyle" has become the cesspool where all the world's Narcissistic scum come to congregate and be a part of.

Goading Men, especially younger Men to go to the gym, is one of the biggest past-time of Men who are Older Losers who want to manipulate and use these younger Men, or to distract them.

The Old Men, or say, the Boot Camp Drill Sargeant, doesn't actually believe in, follow or practice anything which he preaches to the young blood which he looks down too.

Many of these Men have a serious ego complex, a chip on their shoulder, but also many years of life dissatisfactions and setbacks, which makes them feel compelled to make sure that all younger Men not only experience the same, but if there were any chance that younger Men come around to "see the light" so-to-speak, or even have opportunities in their youth that they did not, they want to crush those circumstances at all costs.

But these Men all the same, know that the best way you can get Men, especially young naive Men who have less experience in life to obey your commands and get them to do what you want them to do, is to promote "FOMO", or the sense of the "Fear Of Missing Out".

In fact, FOMO is largely what fuels young Men to take on dumb things they decide to get into when they are "young and stupid".

Promoting the gym is one of the best ways to keep this cycle of Enslavement for Men going on and on.

When a Man faces hardship in his life, he is told to "Be a Man" and "Get in the Gym".

Young Men should take note, then whenever another Man tells you to "hit up the gym" or whatever other arrangement of words and style is used, do you notice that these words are never told to you in an empathetic tone!?

These words are exclusively delivered in a "pat on the back" manner with a "Kick Me!" sign, because they look at you and see you as a sucker, but want you to feel guilted into going to the gym, and to make it seem like you are a loser if you aren't tearing your body up in the gym!

When a Woman faces hardship in life, she is courted by both Men and other Women to go out for some dinner and drinks, which will almost certainly be paid for by those inviting her out, and she is told about how special she is.

The truth is that the gym makes Men feel invincible, especially if they really get into it and their egos blow up.

I want to encourage the Men who seeing these Gym Influencers online, if even just people in the comments who tell you all about their "stories of conquest" with Women, are not getting anything, at least not on the level like they tell you.

There is a really easy way to tell if a Man is lying about the amount of girls he is sleeping with, because it's always the Men who say things like "I was slinging / slaying pussy left and right" or they will say that Pussy was just "throwing itself at him."

Which clearly means it was not.

Often times too, the stories of these guys all claim that they got "no" attention from Women prior to going to the gym, which means they were either seen as ugly / unattractive / undesirable to Women from the get-go. The gym cannot change you that much to make you all that much more attractive, outside of being "fit".

If by chance, a gym-goer is getting as many ladies as he claims, it is likely because he already belongs to the Dark Triad traits, and one must understand that these traits have absolutely nothing to do with her liking the Man for himself, but only for the notion of creating her offspring, or for protecting the offspring.

This is yet another reason why it's better to not associate with Women who want children, because they only exist for the notion of spreading their genetics and progeny, and they also love to contaminate.

However, there are also Women who will insert themselves into certain family lineages in order to disrupt the future ability for the race or culture to maintain itself.

For example, Celtic Women have a notorious reputation for bedding "Latin Lovers" in order to ruin their progeny. Celtic Women chase after Italian, Spanish or Hispanic Men in order to pollute their bloodlines, and this has actually been going on for some long time, but it has pretty much left those races imperiled today, with many family members who are Witches by blood because of the Celtic Connection. Most of these families also end up becoming dysfunctional as well, leading them to ultimate ruin.

Here are some honest comments I've come across of Men who are trying to tell the truth about the lie of the Gym getting you "girls". Some of the comments, the Men are trying to be helpful to direct other Men to not falling for the gym / fitness trap, but others are showing just how hard they are coping:

What most of tall gym rats don’t understand you still have to have natural looks or height even before hitting the gym. Yeah more women wanna fuck you if you in the gym because that’s where a lot of women are. But you still aren’t marriage or relationship material just because you work out. Look give it a couple of years to get it thru your thick skulls and when you realize you are no more of value then you were before. You’ll understand why going your own way doing what you want is the best option for today’s times.

11 hours ago (edited)
When I got shedded, pretty much every woman who walked passed me didn't even look at me, nor speak to me, nor even giggle, but when I post my body work online, I get a lot of "Congratulations" and "ohhhs, sexy" and whatsoever. 

This is why I take it easy at the gym.

13 hours ago
was fit, then took a nasty blow to the head and suffer permanent migraines that pretty much keep me stationary, before that i had at least some good action once in a while (autistic so yeah) and after every single female pretty much abandoned me - so yeah, if you want some action get fit

16 hours ago
Lol man can someone tell me why I hooked up with over 100 chicks between 16- 23 without having a savings account? While living with my parents working at Lowes theaters? 

Can someone PLEASE tell me why is it, that every single chick who desired me,  " on my nuts " if they saw me today the matrix would tell them that " i can no longer think hes cute any more bc hes not jacked even though when I wanted him so bad, he wasnt jacked....AT ALL. ...... :) 😀

@ddench5132 21 hours ago (edited) Being jacked does help with attracting women. All I can speak about are my experiences. I am black, about 240 lbs, not very lean. I have a slight gut, but I have thick as hell abs, so i still have visible six packs if I flex. Anyway, i have big as hell shoulders, traps, arms, chest and back. I am very wide and i have vascular forearms and a bicep vain with a pump. If im being honest, at the times I go to my gym, I'm the biggest one there. I also have a bald head and a big full beard. I would say i am much more jacked than this guy, and i have probably reached close to my natty potential. When I'm at the gym, I work hard, sweating. There are a lot of women at my gym that are glancing over at me, checking me out while im lifting. In the space of one week, ive had two women just randomly approach me and say something positive about me. One told me i look amazing, the other praised me for lifting big weight. Others at the gym are very flirty with me anyway, and I know that i could smash if i wanted, but i am not like that. Fellas, dont listen to women when they say they dont like jacked guys, they are lying. I speak from experience. Dont be scared if you are going bald - shave your head clean and it makes no difference. Being jacked and bald can probably make you look even more masculine anyway.

@Westernhospitality 1 day ago Badass video. I've been on both sides of this. This guy is speaking nothing but facts. I got into working out because I had my heart broken, and I needed something to work through those emotions, and pass that time. And funny thing is, as soon as I started getting into better shape, there were plenty of women wanting to replace her. I haven't been alone since. Still haven't found a wife, but I'm going in the right direction.

@secfeed6987 1 day ago I learned all these truths when I was 16. It made me distance myself from all the petty shit. Been with many woman through out my years. In the end, still single, never married. And yes, been jacked for most of my life, started going to the gym in my early 20s, but even at 16 I was pretty athletic, so had the 6 pack and ripped as I played almost every kind of sport and did a lot of running and martial arts. I never did any of this stuff to get woman, woman were merely a side effect of my success. Woman are naturally attracted to strength, and I would hang out with the hottest ones in school, and none of the other kids could understand why or how I was even talking to them, to me, their looks meant nothing, it was the attraction of the game the woman would play, I learned it well, and used it against them. I realised no woman actually likes you or loves you. They are merely emotionally attached to you, thats all it is. As soon as they lose that emotional attachment, its over. The problem is people need to realise they are being brainwashed into being emotionally attached, once we get past that, we can see a relationship for what it is. A man and a woman's job is to ensure the success of their child, the rest is irrelevant.

Absolutely makes zero difference to a women. When I got jacked not a single thing changed. Women dont care about looks, they date fat hairy sasquach looking MF all the time.


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