Women are actually Pathetic Losers and Nerds, but the Matrix, Governments & Institutions Make Them "NOT" Appear That Way

As hard as it might seem to be the case, if the Matrix system we live under, including how Incarnation cycles work and utilize Female Templates as the preferred Container Type for Demons to Inhabit this realm, and if it were not for Policies, including those both Governments and Banking Institutions, you would see Women for who and what they are.

In their native "state", Women are full of nothing but Poverty and Disease and they would smell like fish, and be equivalent to any actual "Bum" or "Vagabond" that you see roaming the streets.

You would actually be alarmed at how likely it is for Women to catch "fleas" or "Lice" especially since Women are less adept to naturally understanding hygeine than Men are, especially out in the Wild.

The only reason Women appear so "Chic", "Dominant", "On Their Game" and as if they have all their shit together in life, is only because of the Men, Governments and Institutions which have made it in the decisive favor to Elevate Women in this manner.

In reality, Women would not also be seen as "Chic" and "Sexy" with how they act, but actually as some kind of un-evolved Neanderthal or Nerd, and someone who is backwards to anything sensible or futuristic.

For example, how many times do you hear that Women claim that they even reject "guys they find hot and liked" either because they couldn't handle the situation or wasn't thinking right in the moment, or to get a thrill and feel superior to him?

You cannot possibly suggest that this behavior is "sexy" or "powerful". It's downright pathetic.

In my life of witnessing everything Women do, I can absolutely assure you without a doubt that Women by and large are such stupid fucking losers! They never do anything the way it's supposed to be done, and especially in Emergency situations!

To give you an exmaple, I had been some witness to some incident that took place over this summer, which involved some criminals...

The day after some event occurred where these criminals operate out of, I came around to the scene to discover 2 Women who were neighbors were OUTSIDE on their properties watching this place ALL DAY LONG and talking about!

Like, what were they thinking!?

How can someone be blatantly stupid and unaware of their surroundings or possible dangers?

I also see countless NPC Women who walk around not even remotely aware of their environment, or what entrance they are going into, and are completely oblivious to the way anything functions.

Even an animal grasps onto concepts quicker about how something functions, even if they don't understand it, particularly when it comes to Human infrastructure.

And yet Men want to "jump ship" to save the lives of these specimens!?

This is not the behavior of people who are "Winners" at life, or people who are on the "up and up" or people who you can say are at least going the right direction in life.

In actuality too, while Women's behavior of constantly contradicting themselves and making no sense is thought of as "spicy or "sassy", it's actually also a behavior that makes them pathetic and fake.

Women spend their entire lives giving lip service to try to get favor from others or to get liked, and contradict themselves and yet don't see their behavior as contradictory!

They say Women are better "socially" than Men, but it's not true, because what Women do is they lie routinely about things with other Women as social lubricant, it's just a manipulative tactic for them to get what they want or assess their own power over a roomful of other Women.

Men not only see this as redundant and wasteful, but highly disingenuous and sketchy behavior, and that's one reason why Men may be less social, but it's not about being socially less skilled.

Everything about Women, would speak Anti-evolution, Pro-Poverty, Pro-Disease and basically anything that represents Regression, Destruction and Paraitism in its most whole and complete form.

There is no way that there is anything "Divine" or "Advanced" or "Smarter" or "Superior" about them.

It's these Matrix Institutions and Enforces that make them appear that way, while Men who actually have the positive traits, are made to appear like the Pathetic Losers and Nerds in this system.

When you see the system crash, you will see Women for who and what they really are.

While you might be discouraged today by seeing that even Women prefer to hang out with other Women, mark my words, as conditions of life and quality of life deteriorates along with the value of money, you will find Women less and less being cooperative or on good terms with Women, and they will become even more vicious of trying to take anything they can get from Women.

To be fair, even in my own vicinity, I have seen an increase of Public Female Aggression with other Females especially over issues of Homelessness, Food and Resources, along with even the willingness to give up a public seat, and whereby even other Women will deny giving someone a seat in a waiting room and a whole argument gets made over it.

In the soon future, Men, trust me, you will see a world emerge where Women or to even be born a Woman will be seen as the most pitful thing imagineable.

You will hear things like "Oh, it's a "WOMAN" who will be there doing that? Pfft." Both by other Women and Men.

Women will absolutely loathe their existence of being born a Female, more than they ever perhaps might have out of any peculiar envy of Men.

We Men also reserve the right to make a mockery out of their "Boss Babe" days , and what happened to all of that!?

Women are just NOTHINGS!


  1. Replies
    1. @Charlote, Nerdy like a geek or just "corny" like a cheesy person who comes up with lame jokes or trying to be funny when they look and sound like a clown. I'll get more into that stuff in another entry with Women and provide some video substance to show what I mean.

  2. Prussian,
    do you think In-Vitro-Fertilization has any negative effects on the person created that way? Typing on flip phone, so I must be brief

    1. A simple rule of thumb is that unnatural processes are inferior to natural ones, at the very least in the long term.

    2. @Plumpsquash, 100% it has negative effects. The soul matrix cannot transfer in this method to the child, and the child will inevitably have a lower IQ and be an even worse off NPC, and have a totally compromised gut microbiome. If you do the research about it, you will find that any child that is not formed by the natural process of insemination and conception, and whereby the birth is through the vaginal canal, that the child will suffer with all kinds of issue and not have a proper microbiome or immune system for life. This also includes babies which are born via Cesarean section.

      Therefore during birth, the Cesarean section should only be an absolute last-resort option if the Mother's life or health is in danger, but the thing is also that more pregnancy issues are very likely for any future pregnancies if a Woman gets this procedure done.

      Everything would even be worse with IVF.

    3. Indeed. I found out I was concieved this way a few years ago.

    4. Spelled conceived wrong, theres my low iq huh.
      In all
      seriousness, I knew there was something wrong with IVF.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Women are just stupid animals that need to be told what to do all the time, and sometimes even beaten into submission if they don't listen....

    1. True, but there are also simply no longer men with enough authority to do so, because as Goatis says many men are now women too.


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