Women Are Reluctant To Accept The "New Future" For Them. Still Holding Onto The Past


Women are absolutely going batshit psycho over the fears that are now plaguing them of the fact that Men are not going to come to their aid, nor protect or provide for them, and the fact that even their twats are not enough to even inspire or catch the interest of Men nowadays.

Believe me guys, these panic is about to reach even more of a fever pitch once the real reality shows its ugly face to their ugly faces, and when they have got bills to pay and appear as the broke bums they are on the street.

You see, Women haven't been taking this stuff all too seriously in the past decade, because Women are used to having an abundance of Men in the rotation, or always figure there are plenty of other Men to come along who will be the suitable provider, and could never imagine a "shortage".

The idea of a shortage of a Man who is a Protector or Provider, is like almost a "Frequency" that doesn't exist in the Frequency Definition Book of Women's programming makeup or Frequency Meter.

Women I notice, are going all out between Shaming Methods but also even trying to gain "Consensus Bias" from other Female Friends in hopes that the "Era' of Men as Providers and Protectors, is not disappearing.

I can assure any of you Women readers...

The world is moving FAR away from the model of a Man being a Provider and Protector.

This is an irrevocable condition.

This will never come back, no matter even how willing you might be to try to renegotiate anything with Men. It's done and over with.

You need to start learning to get used to working and living within your means, and to start Serving Men, who will one day be your Overlords again.

Oh sure... We Men will continue being Providers and Protectors for ourselves! We'll be glad to sit down with you over a dinner if you want to talk about what we do and spend our money on "for ourselves" and our next investments of things for our life, for us... You are more then welcome to talk with us about that!

I'll tell you all about the New set of of Speakers I bought for myself :D

But as far as your lifestyle, girl!? ;) :D :v

See all those Boots you have in that closet collection of yours!? Better start learning to get them on and pull yourself up by the bootstraps!

It's time you stop being so allergic to WORK!

Women in this new future will not know a world of Shopping, Comfort, Being Pampered, Attention, Validation, Sleeping around and Boss Babeing around, but rather, a world of extreme Gruesome Work and no freedom or personal life to speak of.

All these things Women formerly enjoyed, are being taken over by Men.

Women today, need to expect a Future of doing RIDICULOUS loads of work, even insane levels of overtime especially to account for all the lack of things they've done and their criminality they have engaged in for many years now!

No retirement plans for you girls! You need to work by the sweat of your brow!

Your game is up! You can keep calling us "Gay" or "Broke" or whatever other nonsense you want with your own pathetic methods of coping.

Have a blast, because that will not change the fact that many countless Men like me will be sipping Margaritas, basking in the Sun, and enjoying extravagant lifestyles and working MINIMALLY while you will now have to endure and understand what it means to do real work and have responsibility and accountability for once.

And if you age badly, get obese, injure yourself or become weak and have other tragedies that happen to you as a result of your job, oh well!

You never had any sympathy for Men who endured that, your first impulse is to leave the Man.

We don't care if you don't get any sleep and if your health wastes away to where you become a useless worker. We'll just line you up against the cement wall and treat you with a sliver of brass, and replace you with another Female Slave.


  1. Great post! I really hope this happens soon. Women deserve equality so they can also become oil riggers, waste women, roofers etc. Is there any evidence to suggest that we are heading for a soft guy era?

    I feel like men are still controlled by women with sex. Unfortunately all of my exes have all managed to find simps who provide and pay for things for them, even in 2024. So a soft guy era with women working seems unlikely to happen. But believe me, I wish I am wrong and am heavily hoping that once again, you are right about the future.

    Also remember we are relying on Gen Z men to be at the forefront of this soft guy era and enslaving women, which is of course, to put it nicely, they are not the strongest generation in history. However I do feel like Gen Z have so much more exposure to the MGTOW community and female nature compared to the other generations. Informative content is all over YouTube for men to educate theirselves on. Which should hopefully make them realise that providing is a suckers game.

    I highly doubt provider men really enjoy it, when I once provided for a woman a few years back, I only lasted a few weeks before throwing in the towel and realising the sex isn't worth the bullshit and expenses. Never again. I don't understand how men can be providers for years, it's slavery!

    1. Well, the reports about how many Women will soon be Single and Childless come 2030, but I will be publishing an Archive of Women now "working" on mechanical and construction sites, etc.

      The only caveat to all this is that Machinery and AI will take over almost all the jobs in the future, at least 80% of jobs, but the thing is that life will not get cheaper, and at the same time, the damage has been done to Men and to the point where Men absolutely will NOT fight for or come back to Women. It's totally over for Women, starting with Western Women first, but even tomorrow China and Russia too.

      Always remember that the Men who are reluctant and determined Providers for Women, only do so because they simply do not know any better because they lack any compass for self-value as a Man, outside of what they can provide, and they have subscribed to this "delusional" notion that has been set forth by Religions and Governments, that a Man must be a Provider and Protector for Women.


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