Women have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what kind of Effort and Approaches They Will Need To Take To Court Men

 Let's be quite honest about this...

Women don't even 1% of the Dating or Courtship Challenges that Men are presented on any level, coupld with the fact that Women never need to pay for anything and end up receiving net benefits on dates or courtship measures with Men, whereas Men get absolutely nothing out of it and are on part with a "Net Negative" by anything he does for and with Women.

Even with a Man showing Women some cool new place or even some hidden gem in their city or some place in the outskirts, this takes energy and work, and it will drain the Man.

What Women don't realize is the hubris they live under, and the resultant damage they have created in every aspect of Society, and the fact that Women have absolutely violated Men's trust on any level, even down to being willing or wanting to hire Women in the workforce and having Women deal with confidential information.

In the future, Women will have a really really tough time to even court the attention of any Man, say even a passer-byer stranger that she might find cute and want to invite over for a "drink".

She would have to work extreemly hard and also not appear as sketchy or with other bits about her that are not "right".

A lot of Women get really shady when they hit on Men in public, because they try to make it a bizarre effort most times, whereas even a frank "Hey, I like you, wanna go for a walk / coffee?" would even be far more acceptable and less sketchy compared to the other ways they behave, and the fact that I've found MOST Women who will flirt with you in public already have boyfriends or husbands, and often will do it unashamedly right in front of their Men!

The question now is, how can any Women distinguish herself to be different than other Women?

Almost all Women are completely the same, and there's nothing unique about them. They are just some worthless cum dumpster and a pest at the same time in a Man's life.

If you haven't sat back to reflect a lot on the reality of who and what Women are as people, you really need to sit back, even down a few shots of whiskey to really think about how big time utter Losers and Boring Empty Vessels most of them are.

When is the last time you've found a Woman that makes her presence fun to be around and where she just automatically understands fundamental things about life, or what you enjoy as a Man, or the "way you like it done to you"!?

These Women are so few and far between now, it's almost laughable to even suggest a notion, but then again, it's telling with how low the bar is for most Men these days since they are willing to settle for any pretty face or just a girl who shows up.

Half of the problem is NPC's but the other half of the problems is the SIMP Culture, because even without the Simps, NPC Women wouldn't even be able to get away with half of what they do, and another half of what they don't do.

But even in cultures which have less Simps let's say, the grass still isn't greener because the girls are NPC's.

There is nothing more off-putting to me than a girl who is nervous about everything and shows hesitancy in certain things or who gives agreeable answers, particularly to maintain attraction or interest.

Also, you need to take into consideration WHY a girl wants attention.

As Human Beings, it is normal and natural to desire attention because we are social creatures, BUT the difference is that Women who are parasites, only want attention for the sake of attention, or to compete against other females, but outside of that, she doesn't know why she wants it and there is no greater purpose to her desire for this attention.

Now that may sound totally "off", but think about this more deeply for a few...

If a girl is trying to attract a "specific" guy, then her purpose [if she has one] would be to capture the attention of that guy, because the purpose is specifically for wanting "him" and getting him.

Notice in most modern times, this is rarely the case.

Women just want Attention and Validation for the sake of it, and from all kinds of Men, sometimes even from Men they don't like, and many times they just want to use it to fuel their own egos even though they might not have any said interest or attraction to any said guy, or even a number of guys.

You can perfectly see this at gyms and at bars or nightclubs, where Women are on the prowl, yet they are not even sexually desirable.

The strangest thing too about Women is that usually the sexier and more revealing they dress, the more boring, vanilla, lazy and lousy they are in the bedroom.

The future will be very bleak for Women on all levels, in what they will have to endure for having any relations with Men, even if platonic, even if it is to get Men to hire for plumbing, electrical or automobile work, whatever it is, she will have to move mountains and pay a nice bankroll to even "get" a guy who might even just "take it into consideration" to go out on the jobsite.

You see, Women also love being sly negotiaters and using charm or "damsel in distress" tactics even towards Repairmen in order to get them to be willing to add in a few "extras" on the job even if they were not quoted for it, and they use this charm to get Men to do things for them for free.

That "privilege" is rapidly now disappearing for Women, and they will have to cope with the consequences of it and learn what it means to pay full price for everything and actually have responsibility for once, like a grown adult, instead of a child.

The thing is, Women by and large just do not see how they have eroded Men's trust, and the worst part is that every withdrawal of Men is going to make us look like the enemy to them and as an attack / discrimination, because Women do not have empathy for Men, and even if you logically try to show the Macro picture of the on-going assault Women have on Men, they will never agree to it or sympathize with you.

From their "Micro" perspective, they see that "yesterday" Men were willing to do this and that, and pay for such and such then, but today the Men are "not willing" to do so, and they look at it as they are now getting ripped off and discriminated against.

And this is why I say, it will soon get very bloody between Men and Women.

The things of "Massacres", especially Rampage Shootings by Men, even of Gangs and Vigilante Groups towards Women are going to absolutely become the type of warfare between Men and Women of the future. The gangs will definitely become big on this stuff.

Moreover, is the fact that especially in the last few years, I have found that Women who flirt or make approaches in general just never seem to be able to do so cleanly. I always get very negative vibes from them and just something that feels wrong and out of place with them, and surely my gut instinct is always right on that.

Women are such despicable lazy creatures who need to start learning a new reality of working hard and making huge efforts of all kinds, and taking on newfound responsibilities.


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