How I'm Losing My Own Morale For Work / Tired Of Work

It's absolutely insane how much more stressful our jobs are becoming, especially since they brought about the "COOF" agenda in 2020.

It's becoming borderline unbearable, and because of the COVID Protocols, all kinds of New Security Measures, along with Toxic and Airhead Auto-pilot Employees, this only adds to the burdens so much more immensely.

I want to tell you that I am embarking upon almost a Full Year Now where I have noticing the Toxicity and Aloofness increase drastically in the workforce with all Clients I'm forced to manage, and it has not given up since.

I rarely have a normal or decent customer, maybe like 4-5 per year, the rest are airhead NPC's who are really a pain to deal with.

What I really do not like with this new workforce is the whole thing of "contracted work", because I am hired specifically for some type of work and this now has added countless new hours of frustration every year, with every new season that they hire these new temporary or yearly employees.

On top of it, the hoops you have to now jump through, make what used to be 1 hour of work, now about 3 hours of work.

Most of my clients don't even have the attention span for 2.5 minutes.

And because of this and their forgetfulness, it also adds to further delays, and most of them are so lacking in any type of attentive manner for very critical things that I need them to be available for.

It is absolutely a nightmare to work nowadays, I do not enjoy it, and I can never finish anything in a timely manner because it's no longer within my abilities because of all kinds of variables and complications that are encountered, and a LARGE part of this has to do with these new hiring patterns with Employees.

Also, EVERY new Employee, especially the younger they are, they are of course more Anti-Social than ever, and it is extremely hard to get them to really focus.

While I work very few hours per week, the type of work I am involved in is extremely critical and requires a lot of thought, effort and planning.

And I am really about to throw the towel in.

What Women also don't realize in society now, is how tired, overworked and exhausted we Men are in general, and for this reason, Women need to also expect that they will be doing the brunt of the work that Men had normally done for many years, as their future.

This new model of life is NOT sustainable, and it's being done deliberately to lay everything to waste, because all it does is waste everyone's Time and Resources. It adds more and more stress, and makes this world more unbearable to live.

Let the Women Work, and let them take up these Men's jobs and have to figure things out for themselves, because Many Men want to retire early.

Women created this world, and the Modern Security State, and all the burdens it has brought, and it's time they lay in that bed they made with this nonsense.

I find myself cursing to the high heavens out loud non-stop and have broken some equipment out of anger over stupid shit I have to put up with every day, and I have even caught my own Postal Man doing the same thing on his job lately too.

The only thing I am grateful of is that I do not work in a type of job that is based on "Redundancy", because that would even drive me even more insane.

We Men are tired of this shit. Women need to start picking up the slack, and I don't give a shit what they think.

They are responsible for this madness.

The amount of complexities and intertwined nature of people's Modern Lives, has also become a constant source of overwhelming and distractions, it's just unbelievable how people live these days.

Then of course, there are Dog Barks and Dog Fights I have to witness and deal with as well, and I have to wait until their fucking dogs are calmed down.

The first nice weather day we just had over the weekend, I witnessed dog fights all weekend alone in public because of New Neighbors, New Dogs that don't get along, and there are more of this than ever, and the stupid dog walkers don't give a shit about it and just stand their laughing and let the dogs continue to fight and bark.

Also, more than ever, a lot of new businesses, the way they are set up is in a way where they can have absolutely NO downtime whatsoever.

I understand something like having a cash register at a public store or retail outlet needs to constantly run, or at least they should have backup systems in place to be able to process transactions even in they have other issues going on.

But the thing is, a lot of businesses I'm seeing now, are not even modeled to have a 24 break down for any reason, and this is like some new dystopic form of slavery.

Clients also are becoming more and more unreasonable about time it takes to research things or order a part or not having an answer right away, because some things take more time to look into.

I really would love to hear anyone else's stories, if you are also really getting tired of Work.

Some of these Customers too lately, have been giving me this awful dog work lately, I really don't understand it, it has been like this really bad for a few months, enormous things that I don't want to deal with because of some complexities or urgent situations in their businesses, and this stuff carries on for months and months, and I just want these projects to close.

Some of these jobs which were just 1 day project of work, I've had to be almost bed-ridden for 2 whole days the next day to recharge because of all the mind and physical work involved.

Thankfully those project scenarios tend to only be about a dozen per year, but I had been swarmed at the beginning of this year with some ugly shit jobs that are a pain in the ass.

The funny part about Women, is Women also say they are burnt out, and a lot of them are banking on a "turn-around" for their Lives and that things need to start getting easier for them, or that somehow Men need to begin picking up more slack, when in fact this is just a projection of what actually is meant for them!

Oh Man, are they in for a big surprise for what's in store for their futures!


  1. These gen z women who go to college are in for a big surprise lol their life is so shit already I’m sure alot of these women are going to commit suicide especially the ones who go to college the girls who go to college are such slut bags they vape, smoke weed and finger themselves 12 times a day

    1. I could never 'settle down' with a Gen Z woman. They are beyond damaged and have high body counts. They no longer appreciate men and its time we stay away from them and let the self delete.

    2. It really is insane! I can't imagine what the next generation and the generation after next would be like. Probably worse than Gen Z.

    3. Yeah it’s just awful gen alpha girls are all sluts 98% of them it’s crazy! they also look worse than gen z

    4. Yeah, I agree! Gen Alpha is so fucked in the looks department. It's really delusional to think they're more attractive than previous generations. Girls/women fraud with makeup! They are not as beautiful as other people would think. It's a 39er/49er situation because unattractive women are entitled and are also simped on. In their minds, these women would think and have the guts to stay that they're more attractive than they actually are. Sorry ladies, if you're a 3 or 4/10 in looks you should accept the fact that you're a 3 or 4. All that makeup and Instagram and TikTok filters are rotting your minds. You can get all the surgery you want in the world, but you can't change your genetics. That big, crooked nose you had before you got rhinoplasty might just show up on your future kids unless they get your husband's nose.

    5. Yes, Gen Alpha, from what is known about them so far, they are even worse! The thing is, there is no end in sight of the degradation of the Bloodlines that started with the Silent Generation and has continued onward today. Think about it almost as if you copy a cassette tape, from one tape, to the next tape, to the next in a serial order. Any defects, glitches and noise will copy over, further and further and degrades with each new copy. This is what is happening to mankind. The thing is the genetic pools are so watered down now and filled with nothing but people who descend from monstrosity family lineages, that this is pretty much the ONLY types of Humans Being born. There is no way out of that!

  2. I also find my job so mundane. I work 25 hours a week and I feel like I have no freedom because of it. I work 6am - 11am and it's good I still have some of the day to myself but it still is slavery. I am hearing talks of them extending my work hours to 3pm and if thats the case, Ill throw in the towel. It is difficult to survive without a job and with rent prices being so high, the only way it could be done is by living in a van.

    1. Yup, Exactly. Also notice how there is NEVER a single thing done or that ever improves to benefit "your" situation as the Employee. This is how it's been going for many years now, yet these Employers and other people can't understand why Men don't want to work, or as if they should feel "grateful" to even have a job. Nothing can ever even just stay the same, either. They just try to pile more and more work on you.

  3. 1. We still live in a (jewish!) partiarchy, because the "matriarchy" (to be correct, the laws that make it appear to people like you that we live in a matriarchy), is just a tool to controll the slaves by our overlords, who are all jewish MEN! The world is TOTALLY run by (jewish!) men, who themselves live in a partiarchy!

    2. You blame women for our clown world? That is not only totally wrong, but it shows me that you either a.) do not understand female nature or b.) you are a pathetic coward, who blames the weaker sex = the problem why our modern white race is at the bottom and not the top anymore. It was (jewish!) men who created feminism! It was white men who took that bait and allowed it to happen! It was white men who allowed their women into the work force. It was white men who allowed their women to dress like whores. It was white men who allowed their daughters to have sex before marriage. It was white men who allowed their women to have sex with subhumans. It was white men who allowed the Jews to live amongst us...I think you get the point.

    To this very day white men do EVERYTHING for women, just to get laid! This is pathetic and weak and the real reason the women now "rule" over us. In reality, they don't even rule over us, that is just an illlusion. They are just as getting used and killed by the sytem like we do. Jewish men rule over us (both, men and women!) and they just use our women as gulliable (unconcious) agents for their own agenda, because if you would understand female nature, you would know that giving women any authority in society, would be like given children authority over you as a grown man. Could you blame a child for then destroying society?! No. It is just a child. It is his nature that the child is easily influenced, gulliable and narcissitic. Blaming women is like blaming children for why they can't run a society, hence why I called it pathetic!

    3. It seems like you are an NPC slave yourself, without even realizing it! Why do you have a job you hate?! Even subhumans are smart enough to figure out that you don't have to work in the west, hence why they come here in massive numbers to live on social welfare and making tax free money on the side. I assume you are a white man, hence why it should be no problem for you to figure out how you could just use option chains to make easily 6 figures a year from home with no work at all!

    Having a job is only for (white!) NPC's! You should use all your time and resources on destroying our enemy!

    PS: Greetings from a real Prussian, living in Germany!

    1. @Amor In all honesty, I find your comment to be quite bizarre or misplaced, considering it seems to be in a context as if we are not aware about these things, or perhaps you have not read things from our website much further back.

      We are living in a Matriarchy, it makes no difference that the Men themselves hold the actually legal positions of power, when it's "Womens" aims of whom they obey and fulfill the wishes of, and when the Women are controlling the purse strings.

      Many things out there in this modern world operate "in name only" or "on paper only".

      Yes we do blame Women, because they are the ones who have consented to everything and they still continue to push for it and fight for everything, there is hardly any resistance among them, you will almost never find Women who are legitimate in any cause who are against Feminism, or even especially "Hook-up culture". Have you asked yourself why is it that even the ratio of Single Men everywhere far outweigh Single Women even though they have a higher population than males, and the fact that they are willing more than ever to share partners and husbands? Women are loving the hook-up culture and aren't even demanding it to end.

      Yes, Jews did create Feminism, but they crafted it in a way where they found how to exploit what were perceived weaknesses in both Women and Men, especially Aryans.

      Sex Before Marriage is completely natural, it's only a modern concept with religions. In older times, a Marriage was simply considered a Woman and Man whom chose each other from early on as a life partner, and they would simply be considered "married".

      I am unsure as to why you absolve Women from the blame of the things they do including mixing with subhumans, because they wilfully are choosing this.

      The other thing you mentioned, more or less we have addressed and constantly complain about especially as far as Simps who cater to every whim of Women.

      So the overall thing is here is I cannot see why you believe or almost feel that Women should be given a free pass, just because of enablers, when both of them should be punished.

      I highly doubt you are Prussian, since your character demonstrates very loose character in a sort of way that is not typical of our people's attitudes or even processing. If you are, then you must be really young and detached from reality.

    2. Yes, the positions of power hold “on paper” don’t mean anything. If hold by a (white) man or women, it doesn’t matter. You just argue my point without even realizing it, since the Jewish MEN in “the shadows” hold the only real control over any positions of any significance!

      Who controls the federal reserve bank? Women?
      Who controls the media ? Women?
      Who controls the public narratives of the NPC’s? Women?
      Who controls most resources (wealth!) in this world? Women?
      Who controls the military and police state? Women?
      Who controls the secret societies? Women?
      Who controls the religious institutions? Women?
      Who created the “protocols” and the blueprint to world domination? Women?

      All these institutions make up and control our current society!
      Are these institutions controlled by women?
      No! They are controlled by Jewish men! The matriarchy is just an artificial matrix for the NPC’S created by Jewish men to establish their world dominance. Just a temporary tool that will disappear as quickly as it came when we will enter the final stage of the script.

      Ergo: If you state that we live in a matriarchy, it demonstrates to me you don’t see reality. Ironically enough, you project this on me, stating, I would be out of touch with reality.

      Question: Are (white) women now better off or not, since we do their bidding to “benefit” them? Are they happier? Are they healthier? Are they safer? No, they are not.

      Question: Are women genetically able to have agency beyond their own narcissistic / natural needs, controlling and collectively organizing their own needs in a collective fashion so that they could control society, bringing men to do their bidding, in other words, being smarter and more organized than all men together…since they control all of us? No.

      Do you really think the programs of feminism and Marxism are representing the NATURAL agency of women?! No. It was Jewish men who targeted our women with this poison called feminism / cultural Marxism. This poison does not stem from a female brain, hence why you can’t argue that men now doing the bidding of women, because that would mean that feminism and cultural Marxism were created by (white) woman in the first place.

      White women and men do (unconsciously) the bidding of the Jews due to social programming. Nothing else.

      So am astounded that you know all about the Jews, yet you still blame our women and even say they run the show, so to speak, since you say we live in a matriarchy and doing the bidding of women. This shows me that you neither are being mature and never entered manhood on a mental level, nor that you understand female nature, despite you being at least 55 years old, as I assume based on your posts. Because why else would you otherwise blame women for their utter (average) incompetence when it comes to logical thinking patterns. Women are emotionally driven, not operating on logic like men. It is their genetic makeup, so blaming them for their genetic software is not only pointless, but immature, weak and feminine (irrational). It would also imply equality of the sexes, which does not exist. Men are superior to women, hence why men naturally (must) rule over women and thus can’t expect the same level of competence from them.
      (White) men knew the nature of women from the very beginning of any tribal society, hence why they treated them, accordingly, holding them out of public life, any positions of power etc.

      Now I will address your points, who appear just like straw man arguments to me, because I didn’t even have suggested the opposite of them being true.

      Yes, sex = marriage! I agree! Doesn’t negate my point though!

      Yes, Mudsharks exist, and they must be held accountable for race mixing by public shaming or even better, the death penalty, imposed by MEN! Again, our responsibility, (white) men largely fail today. (Even subhumans can handle this one better = see the concept of “Ehrenmorde” in Germany.)

    3. Yes, more males are single than women, but your explanation regarding this point is also totally wrong. More males are single than women, because women are the selective sex, hence why they are way “pickier” selecting a mate, since they take (physically speaking) the biggest risk for “marriage” (sex = reproduction). Most modern males have genetic overload (just as most females), but in men it is way worse, hence why the breeding pool of women is way smaller than for men. Most men just don’t have the options of breeding anyways, because of their said bad genetics.

      Btw, breeding is not a man made “human right” anyways. Your genetics alone determine your right to breed, and most modern males are genetic failures and thus they don’t deserve to breed, hence why they are single. So, it is totally natural that most modern NPC’s / males are single. It is actually a good thing in the eyes of nature, because the replication of bad genes would be bad not only for the individual, being cursed as living a life of an incel, but also for society as a whole, poisoning the collective gene pool of a people with genetical determined diseases, lower intelligence and thus even decreasing the good gene pool for the genetic fit to choose from.

      PS: It is ironic to me, that you (a man who promotes defeatism and anti-natalism on his blog!) even questioning me being a real genetic and even also “mental” Prussian, as it should be obvious by the structure and logic of my text alone. (I assume because of my statement regarding white males should taking advantage of the anti-white system by draining instead of feeding it, your NPC brain was triggered: “That is not a white / Prussian / MORAL! thing to do!” Like I said, it seems like you are an NPC and not even realizing it. You still operate on the programmed moral code of the matrix (Jewish overloads) instead of the moral code of nature.
      Furthermore, you would be hung from the highest tree in any Prussian Society, since your whole life philosophy is anti-Prussian to begin with: You promote defeatism as well as anti-natalism, while the genetically determined will to power and life in any Prussian can be summed up in the famous quote of our Führer “Niemals kapitulieren!” and this is the quintessence of being a Prussian!
      Yes, I am indeed a Prussian and my relatively young age, 33, doesn’t negate any of my arguments. If even, it only ads to me being superior to you, since you are a childless loser who still has not figured out how to structure his life in a successful and PRUSSIAN manner!

      PPS: If you let this text stand on your page, without blocking me, I will at least admit that you still got a pair of balls. You also can’t be really mad at me, because I also just do what you yourself proclaimed in one of your blog posts: “Always call out a Loser!” I did just that. You welcome.

    4. @Amor, you're forgetting that Women's type of control is silent or through proxy. Rather than the type of Hard Power that Men use. Remove Sex from the equation of everything with what Men are willing to do, and that drastically changes everything.

      "You promote defeatism as well as anti-natalism"

      All I'm going to say to that end, is that we are in a Propaganda War, and I do not reveal my tactics or true policy aim extensions that are only known internally to our organization. What you may perceive something to be as one way, might actually be another way.

      Conducting oneself in the Modern world and without accounting for the reversed modern reality without knowing what type of strategy to use, you will find yourself on the losing end, and you can take that with you to the bank.

      Go out and get married now and have a child thinking you will become a warrior or give them a standing chance for the country, when the rest of the country does not operate in that mode, and you'll see exactly where it lands you.

      I've also stated long that the battle has been lost, because people gave up the fight even long before the battle started, and this is definitely the case even with Germany its response to COVID, along with many other things.

      Go try to convince an everyday German in Germany how COVID was a farce and why masks don't work, and how they poisoned themselves with the vaccine.
      The absurdity is so high right now, that to even do the right thing on any level, means that nobody will like what needs to be done, or how it will be.

      Since the fight is gone, the only last thing to do is give a final shove to everything and let this world burn with most of its inhabitants, because it's really pointless otherwise, and the world deserves the punishment for what it did to Germany.

    5. We don't block others, as I have reiterated. It doesn't interest me in the slightest, since I have nothing to hide and not ashamed of anything or what others opinions are. Therefore you should then question those who do resort to censorship since they do have something to hide and are perpetually concerned with controlling the flow of a narrative or information that people see. We don't subscribe to those philosophies at PSA because we are not an organization based on fear or misinformation with the need to act like some sort of octopus with its tentacles to suppress consequences we bury below the sand from popping up.

    6. First, respect for leaving my comment on.
      Now to your pathetic response, which shows me that you have zero understanding of anything you talk about:

      Yes, women’s “type of control” is silent, manipulative, because they are the weaker sex. However, their drive for “power” is purely driven by their natural narcissism (I am not talking about NPD here!), which means, that women never act as a collective. The “sisterhood” is a fairytale for braindead NPC’s. There is no such thing a sisterhood, because women don’t have a collective agency and they don’t care for the female collective. In fact, you as an old man should know, that there are no other creatures on this earth who have more hate for women than women themselves! If you don’t realize that, well, then you just got manipulated…by the weaker sex. Pathetic. The natural narcissism in any woman in this world is way too strong for women to care for the collective (being it their race, country or even their own gender!). I repeat myself: You think like an NPC without even realizing it. Men think and act collectively, not women. Men and women are not the same. Should be obvious by just looking at them.

      To make it simple: Women are not built by nature to organize themselves or even just their interests in a collective manner. AND THAT IS FOR A GOOD REASON! (Feminism was invented and executed by (Jewish) men! The women “marching on the streets” were just their braindead foot soldiers just parroting slogans after they were put into that position, by men! Again: Women are by design not able to create and execute a collective interest without men creating and executing this “interest” for them IN THE FIRST PLACE! Men are superior to women. Why do you not understand that?!

      You are for sure schizophrenic: You are a defeatist, you just admitted it by your last response: “I've also stated long that the battle has been lost, because people gave up the fight even long before the battle started, and this is definitely the case even with Germany its response to COVID, along with many other things.”, yet you not only don’t understand the positive aspect of the COVID-Agency from an objective point of view, as I will explain later on, but you also, contrary to your defeatism, show totally childish, idiotic wishful thinking about men killing and dropping women on a massive scale and thus you have hope for a future scenario that will never happen! Why? Because next to female nature, you don’t even understand the nature of your own gender:
      Men are not programmed by nature to do what you’re prophesying. Look around you: Men do EVERYTHING for women. Why? This is built in men by nature, not the Jewish matrix. Especially the genetic make-up of white men shows the strongest drive to protect and provide for their females and offspring compared to all other races, hence why the white man became the master of this world. (White!) men, despite how utterly selfish and unbearable (white) women will become, thanks to the social Jewish engineers, will always SIMP for them, simply because they genetically speaking, can’t help themselves but to “simp” (care) for them. Thats why the Jews are so successful with their social engineering program in the first place: They just have to use our natural and actually positive traits (protecting and providing for our women and offspring) against us, hence why now almost only white men exclusively PAY for (white!) whores on “onlyfans”. It is not subhumans doing that. They just rape our women, they don’t simp for them, because they have a different sexual genetical determined program = “hump and dump”, hence why the blacks will always be the slave caste in any society.
      (You can’t project your personal view of women, which is an attachment disorder due to severe trauma, unto the rest of the men. Look around. Men are simping for women more than ever before, even though women being less feminine, polite, or even sexy than ever before in human history! Why? Lack of sex!)

    7. And so what are you doing about all of this? How are you fighting about it, where were you months or years ago in the fight? The Human Species is a genetic experiment created by the Anunnaki. The sooner you realize this, the better off you will be, because you will then realize that the whole thing about just reproducing to continuing the species is actually a trap and that you exist here only to fulfill reproduction because you are in a prison, and that most people, including Women, have the genetic interest / encoding that only desires things for the sake of reproduction and security. This does not fulfill Human Instincts and Desires.

      Men who protect and provide for Women are Slaves and Losers. They all end up becoming weak and defeated, they age badly, bald early and have poor health and die young.

      What does that tell you? Do you think maybe nature is trying to make that out to be a warning that something is unnatural about that arrangement? Start thinking with your own head if you even have one, rather than what you've been programmed around you in your reality based on experience, religions and your environment.

      You've been sold a major lie.

    8. What I did against all of this? Well, let’s see, I never promoted the toxic, unnatural and anti-white ideologies like anti-natalism or defeatism, which are the products of decadence and can be deemed as a disease of the mind that only infects the weak, just like a literal virus can only infect the ones with a weak immune system. You did not only do literally nothing for our race, but you are also even helping the Jews with your nonsense you write here in this blog, hence why you are doing something FOR and not AGAINST the Jews and their NWO, while larping as a Prussian. That is even worse than doing “nothing”.
      Me, as German man, just existing and procreating with a white woman (or white women) is being more productive than you ever will be in your entire life. My pure existence is a threat to the Jews, hence why they especially want to get rid of us Germans. Furthermore, you don’t know who I am. I might be a very handsome, powerful German cult leader of a German organization and international secret colonies with over 100K followers, that is operating worldwide, using my free time to always being on the lookout for new suitable agents, especially Americans to run our LLC’s and convert more people to our cause…who knows…who knows…but maybe I am just a fat, ugly loser larper who spends his free time on the internet…who knows who knows…
      I am so fascinated by your lack of self-reflection; I can’t resist to open your eyes and break your psychosis.
      Anunnaki: The whole story of the Anunnaki was originally fabricated by a Jew named Zecharia Sitchin, who made not only millions for himself by selling his books, but more importantly, he was a crucial agent for the Jewish plot. Guys like David Icke and Erich von Däniken just repacked his fabrication and also made millions by selling it to gullible Americans and Anglos like yourself. The best place to build a cult is America, that is why America possess all that is needed for a revolution: Isolated, depressed, gullible and lonely white young males, liberal gun laws and Weimar conditions. Perfect environment for another Führer. That’s why it is so fascinating to me, that you, a self-proclaimed Prussian living in America, became a full-blown defeatist.
      The story of the Anunna (ki) creating humans is a fabrication by a Jew. The Sumerian tablets and artefacts tell a totally different story, obviously not known to you.
      However, don’t make the mistake that I am not very aware of what we call the astral plane. In fact, I am being aware of it in a literal sense, since I personally encountered other dimensions and entities (astral spiders, disembodied spirits etc.) from a very young age, when I was initiated into the secrets of life and “death”. And I am also very aware with what “unseen” powers the Jews work together with. But these entities are not the Anunnaki nor any other “Aliens”. These entities are in fact are very primitive in nature and they are only interested in “loosh” energy to sustain themselves. Their “wisdom” only stems from the fact, that these parasitic entities simply can parrot information that is freely available within their dimensions and also their power is very limited. I don’t even need them to get the same quality of information the Jews get thru their blood libel rituals, but this is of course only because of my pure “german” genetics, hence why the Jews have to do what they do, to get the same information, because they’re not pure adamites anymore, but they are an unnatural, bastard seedline, created by the “serpent”.

    9. @Amor, I knew you would bring up "Zachariah Sitchin", who has obviously been known as a Disinformation Agent and corners the market on anything most people know about the Anunnaki, because that's as far as they look for. The fact that you cannot see past that or look into things further than that, shows the limited capacity of your own intelligence and imagination for that matter. Zachariah Sitchin is as much of a fraud and controlled opposition as David Icke also is, or someone like Alex Jones. Get with the program.

  4. CONTINUE: Now to your comment about Covid and Germany:
    You have a very simple minded and narrow perception:
    I see the covid agenda as one of the best things the Jews did (unconsciously!) for us in the last 1000 years. Think of it as a giant IQ-Test and everybody who took the jab failed at it. Good for us. This made sure our gene pool will be cleansed in the near future from a massive amount of inferior NPC’s, since the vast majority of people (minus some children who were forced by their NPC parents and some humans who were still locked in the Jewish matrix) who took the jab have been braindead NPC’s, leaving an superior people for the future to take on the rest of the normies and Jews. From a eugenic point of view this was the greatest help the Jew could ever done to us, since we already had a giant surplus of NPC’s to begin with. Covid was thus a great program to get these numbers down. I also was able to make massive financial gains during Covid on the stock market due to put options and by taking advantage of certain financial help programs of the German government. Even the subhumans here in Germany were smart enough to make a killing during Covid due to fake test centers etc. while German NPC’s willingly took the Jewish poison so that they continue working their slave jobs…9 to 5.
    (I don’t operate on the morals and dogmas of the Jewish matrix, BECAUSE I AM NOT A SLAVE /NPC, you on the other hand are still so deeply affected by the Jewish installed fake and anti-natural = satanic morals, which I could already tell after your first response, when you questioned me being “Prussians” because of my “lose morals”. Typical NPC response.

    PS: The most fascinating thing about you is your total lack of self-reflection. You seem not to understand that you are the exact male counterpart to the childless, depressed, bitter and angry worn out, crazy cat lady, the wet dream of the Jews. And you push your loser lifestyle and bad choices onto young white men with your blog, just like old female loser hags wish for the young beautiful girls to just end up like them. Young men reading this: Don’t listen to this idiot! He is exactly that what the Jews wish to turn you into. A childless and depressed loser, who has to work his butt off in the hamster wheel, so that he can finance his own genocide via his taxes, while he goes on rants on the internet whining about the nature of white women he himself does not even understand – while even being at least 55 years old - so that he can get some narcissistic supply from some unexperienced and / or young gullible incels in his comment section.

    1. A Simple-minded person is someone who sees a benefit in anything the Jews do. Your logic is the same as people who think Barack Obama was the best thing to happen to White America because of him being a "wake-up call" yet ignoring his whole path of destruction and consequences to follow that. You are naïve and very uninformed if you believe the COVID vaccine die-off to come will just inevitably favor us. The Jews and other Entities are in control of the dynamics. This is also no longer the 20th century. The Nazis warned if Germany did not win, the world would be plunged into chaos and it would likely be the last chance for Germany to assert power. Anything a German is aware about must always apply the occurrences of the years 1918 and 1945 in their consciousness. Since then, people have lived in a world that is broken, volatile, experimental and artificial, where nothing is guaranteed. Most value and honor is completely gone from the masses. You can only do so much with that. This world is totally gone, and even after a cataclysmic event.

      We will leave your comments anyway, they don't threaten me because I understand how you think and see this world. As much as I promote German Philosophy and Ambition, I also am quite aware of Extraterrestrial Activities on this planet.

    2. CONTINUE:
      “and that most people, including Women, have the genetic interest / encoding that only desires things for the sake of reproduction and security. This does not fulfil Human Instincts and Desires.” So, reproduction and seeking security (comfort) is not a human instinct or Desire? LOL I can’t tell if you a trolling at this point.
      Then what are the human instincts and desires? Committing collective suicide by not procreating like the braindead NPC’s who rather buy themselves some dogs or cats and stay in the hamster wheel so that they can continue mindlessly consuming some overpriced garbage produced in China or by preaching anti-natalism over the internet like yourself? LOL
      “A Simple-minded person is someone who sees a benefit in anything the Jews do. Your logic is the same as people who think Barack Obama was the best thing to happen to White America because of him being a "wake-up call" yet ignoring his whole path of destruction and consequences to follow that.” Again, another strawman argument. I never implied that all things Jews do are good for us from an objective point of view. But the Covid agenda has indeed some good “side-effects” for us, because it gets rid of the gullible imbeciles also known as NPC’s. Stupid people weaken our gene pool; hence it is a good thing that their numbers will decrease in the future thanks to the vaccines, because we already reached mutation overload, especially you Americans. If you can’t understand that it shows that you are not understanding the nature and danger of the NPC.
      Almost nothing of what you stated is true, in fact, it is the exact opposite:
      Married men are, on average, healthier and have a longer life expectancy. Single men are worse of in all regards: They suffer more often from depression and heart attacks and are (on average!) worse off financially.
      Men who can’t provide are Losers by any definition: Most young men, Millennials and younger, will not be able to provide for any woman, despite them working their slave jobs (this is by design!) Hence why they will cope with porn, ideologies like MGTOW or Anit-Natalism and never reproduce in their lifetimes = white genocide. This is exactly what the Jews want!
      Men who can't protect their women are losers. Most white male NPC's are losers by that definition alone, hence why they can't protect their women individually as well as collectively anymore from being raped or killed by subhumans. They rather blame their own women for themselves being nothing more than cowards and imbeciles. All they do is bitching over the internet and playing video games, yet none of these losers could even win a street fight, let alone would be able to kill anyone. They just live their pathetic lives and cope with porn and video games and thus they will never develop into what we used to call “men” in the fullest sense of the word. You stating "men who protect and provide for women are losers" shows me that you are coping. Did your father not provide for when you were a baby and young child? If so, is he a loser because of that, or would you have more respect for him, when he would have never spend a penny on your mother and yourself / siblings? Or were you raised by a single mother? This would explain a lot anyways…
      Like I stated now many times: You think like an NPC loser and you don't realize that.
      Your whole NPC identity which is an Americanised mishmash of Schoppenhauer and american new age nonsense is just a massive cope for you being a loser. I know these are harsh words, but sugar coding it wound do you any good.
      To use your words: I know why you think and act the way you do. I know why all your romantic relationships always consisted of women from the Cluster B. I know of all that. I know why you don’t have any self-reflection. As long as you don’t understand the universal rule of “like attracts like”, the nightmare what you call life, will never change for the better. It will only get worse…

    3. PS: Yes, men who provide and protecting whores are losers, we call them Simps. But a man who provides and protects for his woman, that is worthy of his protection and provision is a natural man = the exact opposite of a Loser, hence why nature regards him with procreating and securing his genes and good overall health. It is the NPC’s who don’t procreate anymore. This is by design.

    4. @Amor, What I'm talking about Human Instincts and Desires that transcend one's Biological Makeup and Impulses.

      Such as Art or Experiences or Enjoyment of something, anything they are Passionate about. These things are pushed aside, including one's Individuality or Individual Identity on the altar of just fulfilling the role of reproduction.

      The more people who are reproducing in the times we live in, the more of a drain on quality for other people it is and of resources, and largely also in part because it's mostly NPC's who are reproducing. Smart People / People Who are great for civilization, are having little to no children.

      Haven't you also heard the saying, to see who rules over you, look to whom you are not allowed to criticize: JEWS AND WOMEN.

      You can criticize Whites, you can criticize Males, or even the combination "White Male" or even many other groups aggressively, but the most critical areas you are not allowed to say anything about and are even aggressively censored for on the Internet, are anything to with Jews and Women.

      Women also think and act in the same manners as Jews, and they attack White Men and destroy everything just like the Jews, even down to using the same tactics such as when a Jew tries to throw a punch at you they will scream and cry being a victim while assaulting you.

      Wakey Wakey.

    5. @Amor, I must say it is quite intriguing and fascinating to witness your thought processes, because they are most certainly demonstrative of someone who is very young and naïve, lacking seasoned experience especially in the field of understanding Humans or Human response correctly, and at the same time, you seek to profit from crises in the way that Jews and Industrialists always have done, as you suggested under "COVID". That tells me you are not only a coward, but that you have no internal creative power / faculties, hence you stoop to such levels as engaging in usury and racketeering, something which is frowned upon by any Honorable German or European individual unlike in modern times.

      The level of projection from you is off the charts.

    6. Who or what is your source for the Annunaki then? Please, I am very curious, enlighten me! Or did you ever talked to one yourself? Calling me naive...Lol

      (Being creative means producing something (art, music, writings, beautiful buidlings etc.) with the help of inspirations that come not only from once environment but even from beyond this earthy dimension - by this definition alone - I am very creative. I don't even know why you used this as an insult against me, since it has nothing to do with my arguments, which of course, you were mostly not adressing at all.)

      An old man feeling joy of white women getting kidnapped and killed, calling white men who provide and protect for their white families losers, talking about honor. Alles klar, keine weiteren fragen euer Ehren. You are insane in the truest sense of the word. And you call yourself a Prussian, give me a break. Any real Prussian would have hanged you from the highest tree or at least they would have put you into the "Irrenanstalt".

      What is more honorable: Keeping the jewish system up by feeding it with your tax dollars and thus financing non-white mass immigration = white genocide, while at the same time not bringing any "pure Humans" into this world, or destroying the Jewish controlled welfare statesystem by taking from it so to help breed more "pure humans", while at the same time creating books and movies that help other "pure humans" to do the same, tax free, letting the NPC's paying us for brining more pure humans into this world, while they (NPC's) are to busy at work for reprodcing any more braindead NPC's themselves.

      You really are devoid of all logic: I think you would not argue that:

      1. Most white people are NPC'S!
      2. ALL white countries have birthrates below the replacement level.
      3. The Jews push white genocide by ideologies that tell white people (NPC's) not to have any children!
      4. Hence why our birth rates are below replacement levels, because most people are NPC's and they always go with the program! "Children are bad for the environment! "White children are evil!" "Having children is too expensive!" "Children make you unhappy!" "This wolrd is too overcrowded anyways." "This wolrd is too cruel to bring any more humans in it!" etc.

      So should not people like yourself, who refer to themselves as "pure humans", do everything in their power to breed as much pure humans as possible and also encouraging other pure humans to do the same?! Would that not make the world a better place, since the (white!) NPC's are not reproducing anymore, thus we would be left with a world consisting mostly of "pure humans" if the pure humans like yourself would procreate like crazy!?

      So why do you preach defeatism and anti-natalism? Should you not do the opposite? In fact, you not prodicing any pure humans yourself and preaching anti-natalism creates the worthless world you are yourself critizing in the first place!

    7. PS. You seem not to even know what the definiton of a coward is. You called me a coward for not being stupid enough to taking the Jab, or not getting financial assistants from the german government or not short selling the markets via put-options instead of letting my finances and business getting ruined by the Jews without lifting a finger?! You know what a coward is: Someone who blames all his own shortcomings and the ones from his fellow men and himself on the weaker sex of once own race. That is a coward.

    8. @Amor, I call you a coward not just out of the blue like a lot of people do to describe someone aimlessly. I call you one, because you largely depend on financial racketeering schemes or events to earn your "bread", unlike Honorable Men who work with their hands and who have a sense of creativity where they produce something of true and tangible value. What you did during COVID, is an Anti-Aryan and yet Pro-Jewish / Capitalist type of activity, and has an effect as a "net negative" of productive value in the system. You are too cowardly to use real creativity to perform real work, and it's because of people like you who will only make life that much worse and empty for many.

    9. Option chains have nothing to do with "usery"! Do you use an Islamic Bank account (Halal) or Jewish (Koscher) Bank account? No? Well, then I have news for, you using and help usery to exist by having a Normie Bank account, which operates on interest and fractional-reserve banking, all a form of usery!

      Question: Are you self employed / creating something of value? No! You do not. You are not what they call "blue collar", either. You create nothing of value, you just pumping up the GDP with your worthless Job by helping your boss (probably a Jew) to become rich, while getting taxed so that mexicans and other subhumans can take over your country, killing and raping your people and destroying a once great nation. Then you anonymously go on the net, bitching about white women, telling young white males not to breed. Yes, oh that is so honorable and helpful for society. Like I wrote many times, you are a NPC. You have a typical life of a NPC. No kids and a meaningless slave job, living the MGTOW lifestyle = typical white american white NPC. You don't even have an excuse to work, since you don't have any children (family) or a profession whichs creates value to society and according to you, this life is a meaningless prison anyways. You live the life the Jews want all white males to have. Becoming isolated and lonely loser slaves.

      I earn my "bread" in multiple ways. One is being an author, that is the literal definition of creating something. All my books transport valueable information for white people, which can not be found anywhere else. I also do personal, international consulting for white men and women on certain topics of health, helping them to heal themselves.

    10. PS: Of course you could not provide any source for the Annunaki.

    11. PPS: Before I forget, I helped my clients during Covid to make a financial killing too instead of losing all their money and savings to the Jews. It goes without saying that none of them took the jab either, because none of my clients are NPC's. In fact, the only time I interact with NPC's is when I have to go to the supermarket.

    12. @Amor, Of course! Because you're all about the money and follow Jewish Capitalist scheming. You're a locust. We don't need people like you on this earth.

  5. I was finishing a slab, alone, and the homeowners kid came out and asked if i was gonna pour their patio afterwards???????

    1. Welcome to the future! This mentality is even worse in Black communities or in Africa. If you even cook food, the children will pretty much come out and start grabbing at it or make you feel like you owe it to them.


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