A guy who recognizes early on that life does not improve into your 30's and beyond!


Wow, absolutely impressed by this guy! He also gets it early on, and even made a post also with how I have explained that life does NOT get better after 30, but in fact gets far worse.

Take it from my perspective.

I have great health, I look extraordinarily youthful because I always knew who I was as a person and largely have lived over 90% of my life and environment / circumstance duration, without having to resort to politeness, diplomacy or behaviors that are considered "normal" and "civilized", which basically means you need to be a fake person and put on the fake personality to get along with your colleagues, peers and others you interact with.

As I've stated, that will age you a lot.

Keep in mind, that most Humans, actually have the reverse scenario of making their life to be 90% torture / slavery, and 10% pleasure / freedom, which usually means that they work endlessly like slaves and operate as a fake person their entire lives, putting on a facade so as to "get along" with others or to hold their jobs, and then need to use those small periods such as the "weekends" or "vacations" to go binge drinking or do things that they really want to do, and it ends up being hardly memorable whatsoever.

They usually are drinking themselves stupid, because they are depressed and miserable the whole rest of their time anyways on this earth.

The other thing is, the more you become part of conventional society, especially with corporate culture or the mainstream, you will not only lose your innocence, but your voice will change, along with your mannerisms, so you will no longer feel like you did when you were / are a teenager.

A person who does not become part of the system structures / institutions, could be 80 years old, and yet still has the spirit / energy and personality as they did when they were 18, and don't feel a day older.

My earlier part of life was not at the level of always 90% Free, because of school and other things, plus the time I had to utilize to carve out my way of life in this world, and that was not easily at all, and I went through several bouts of challenges due to systemic / society changes that I needed to adjust to, and that takes a large toll on you after a while.

Women by far have been one of the most detrimental roadblocks in my life, without a doubt. They sap your life energies and momentum from everything.

However, I have noticed that as I've gotten older, my need for eating even more meat has become a requirement to maintain myself, and ironically that also ties into the story about how I first came to know Sv3rige / Goatis, but that will be a story for another day.

The thing is, as you get older, you begin having far less "Pull" over a lot of things, including people around you, because most people will have "moved on with their lives" are too busy, less interested, less involved and usually more selfish, and then the life of interests and things you grew up with, are only relevant and known to "you" or "your generation" and the younger generations will likely not empathize or take the same level of interest.

For me, I began to really get tired of life at 33 and began realizing around this time that my life had basically become "frozen" in time based on everything that started or that had developed from earlier on in my life, and I have been living off of the steam and formation from that time. I've also come to a crossroad by that year where I decided how I will be living and planning to spend the rest of time in my life, especially based on break-ups with Women and perceiving the world conditions around us and how much life is now totally simulated, augmented, and regimented, and there's almost nothing you can do, even if you have the money.

Money, I am noticing, has also ceased to be able to afford you quality of things whereas in the past, you could use it to obtain the same thing anyone on the Elite level does.

But over the years, the quality life that used to be permitted for most, has now been entirely cut, not only as a result of inaffordability, but the actual access in the markets has been restricted.

For example, I used to buy very high quality Beer Glasses, which used to be made in the USA. They moved their factories overseas, and the new product is of inferior quality even though from the same patent. There is no other maker that makes that certain Beer Glass, and the new ones shatter easily and just the way the glass is formed, looks very shoddy compared to the former ones.

No amount of money will allow me to get the previously superior ones, unless I or someone else already own them.

There are countless other things in life like this, and even more complex examples, but you get the point.

The only thing I can say I'm grateful for is that I'm pretty well established and comfortable and intend to keep it that way even up until the time when things get far worse, because I can see it coming, but then on the other hand, I look at it now almost as what good is it, as I live in a civilization with toxic food, air, water and human beings.

A lot of things I have not been able to do in this life, and also especially in times now, is largely a result with the environment around me, and that is true for anyone no matter who you are, and if you live in an environment which is negative and parasitic, you will not be able to grow anything out of that.

Either that or you will be living for yourself.

The world environment today, for me, especially someone of my caliber, is extremely limiting, as I am no longer compatible or relevant for this world and its inhabitants, and so therefore there is very little I can do left with it. We are living among useless NPC's who only burden everything in life.

Most of my energy levels and health has remained consistent otherwise from what I remember in my 20's, however traumatic events in your life will give you a general feeling of "malaise" and "exhaustion" that you have, especially when you revisit certain activities.

COVID lockdowns and the COVIDIOTS put an immense amount of stress on me.

I have no arthritis or other debilitating health conditions that I see a lot of people develop into their 30's and 40's as the result of their occupations.

However, sleep issues I've found become far more prominent and inevitable as you get older, along with how certain food or drink substances begin to get handled by your system, along with your ability to tolerate stress of any kind, especially after a lot of bad experiences, particularly with other Human beings over the years.

For example, you begin to no longer be able to "bring yourself" to doing certain things you used to, as a result of bad experiences that you have had either with certain people or situations in your life.

This also makes your future darker and more negative.

Also, the things you grow up "doing" along with your peer groups from your youth, you will find your own same peer group into their 30's and after, no longer want to do those things anymore, or have given up those activities in order to become a part of contemporary [slave] society, and are of course busy with their toxic spouse and dysfunctional families, and are working the most ridiculous slave jobs and are putting on massive weight from those jobs and just look "dead" inside.

What I can say that I am seeing now, however, is even at my grand age, and with having at least lived through times which were far more remarkable, is that I am hearing a lot of youth in their 20's, even by the age of 25 especially, who share the same level of pessimism and distaste for this world that I do now.

And it's because that's just how much worse it has gotten in these last couple of decades.

It's a very strange world right now, and it's about to get a lot worse.

The attack on the food supply also will make even the most well-off, sooner or later, unable to afford quality of life and living along with their health.

The only exception will be the Ruling Classes, and I don't mean the World Leaders, but the people and entities "behind the curtains" who run things.

Also, you need to remember too that most older people who love to criticize others who speak their mind as being "childish" or accuse them for needing to "act their age", are simply jealous and bitter because they ended up sacrificing their entire identity for their careers and lifestyles, which they believe had "matured" them as a person, and they loathe the notion and existence of someone who did not get strangled in the system, but yet has managed to hang onto who they are many decades later.

And believe me, this is something else I have a problem with, because it's almost like dealing with jealous classmates all over again, when you get older, people around your age (if you are better off than them) begin despising you for not being as aged as they are, and hate you for how "free" you live and go about your life. So they will attack you and just claim you have "Peter Pan Syndrome" or "never grew up".

Most of the time, these people will also not hang out with you either, because they cannot get over the fact that they are in worse position, even if you overlook all that in them.

They will be suspicious of you as well, because they begin to question how you were ever a "functional" member of society, if you adhere to ideas or beliefs that are considered completely out of line with mainstream society.

The gossip that's told about me on a regular basis is through the roof. The evil stares I get, on and on and on.

But it is really my firm belief, that you will live the most horrific life if your life involves being immersed in others lives or in a workplace where you have to "act" a certain way that does not correlate to who you are, where you have to put on an act or behave a certain way that denies your actual impulses, and does not operate on your frequency.

It will age you immensely, make you bitter, depressed, boring and mundane, and this will become permanently etched all over your face and body. Just look at how most people, especially Boomers today, with how badly they age!

Also, this applies to trying to adhere to Social Customs or whereby you try to gain Social Currency to be accepted by others. Living that way will surely age someone badly, and make them a total train-wreck into their later years!


  1. How can you tell if a girl has completely lost her innocence? and what would be the average age for a girls innocence to be completely gone?

    1. There are so many factors and some are so subtle and I have a tough time putting it into words, but what I can tell you is that girls who have their innocence, tend to be much more bashful, playful and optimistic, whereas the ones who've lost their innocence become very manly, bitter, aggressive and obsessed with power. Girls who have innocence, do not crave power.

    2. craving power is what majority of these gen z girls seek especially the ones who go to the gym.I also noticed the way their voice sounds they sound aggressive and have a somewhat deep voice.A few weeks ago I heard a few young girls screaming out by my front window I peeked out the wind to see three 9 year old girls sticking out their tongue recording themselves while they were wearing very short shorts these girls are very young and it broke my heart to see as young as 9 act like sluts. I would say 95% of high school girls have lost their innocence overall I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen an innocent girl.

    3. Dude, that's crazy! Only 9 yrs old and acting like that? Their parents are raising them badly because of that kind of behavior.

    4. @Junkie, if you notice almost every other word out of Modern young woman's mouth, which is really just a toilet bowl, is always about power or being empowered. Keira Lhotan for example, almost all of her videos talk about is power.

      I've also noticed that most parents now also dress their children or at least tolerate them to dress in an overtly sexualized manner, it's really insane.

    5. @rey, yes it’s crazy they are only 9 doing this. Gen alpha is really bad :/ it’s utterly insane how the girls dress.I’ve seen a 4 year old with an iPhone! Gen alpha is 100% done for.

    6. @psa, these gen alpha girls are very nasty girls if you ever come across them you will see what I mean.The way they use there hands, roll their eyes back and stick out their tongue…

    7. @JunkieAmerican, Yes, all of them are disgusting NPC's, and someday you will see just how real this nightmare is of a serious problem that NPC's are, because the gene pools are forever polluted. This has serious implications for the planet and future of the Human Species, in which there is no species. Gen Alpha is definitely much worse, and there is no way there can be an improved generation coming after, because they descend from NPC genetic lineages.

    8. @JunkieAmerican, the more you study the topic about "Organic Portals", the more you can understand the significance and reality of these NPC's, since the knowledge relating to them does not refer to them as NPC's. Organic Portals are a real thing, they are portalized entities from an AI Firewall that controls their thought processes which plug into this universe and your interaction with them.

    9. @psa, Very interesting people who have autism aren’t npcs right? What about people with albinism they seem demonic.

    10. @JunkieAmerican Correct, Autistic people are not NPC's, they belong to the Demonic Classes, and as such, all Demonic Classes of Humanoids have far greater awareness about things than NPC's. The genetics that trigger "Albinism" since the melanin is absent, indeed correlates with other "Entity" types. All Humans, should have some level of melanin in their skin, but the few peoples on this Earth who have actually "Zero" Melanin, are from a completely different creation.


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