All Women Who Prioritize Their Own Safety Are Parasites, Without Exception

The video is really telling, especially with the attitude and swift responses by these cunts.

Whether this video is staged or not, it demonstrates exactly what you are dealing with when it comes to Women, and how they are exactly not good people.

If you want to be even more disgusted, check out the Comments section on Instagram.

As a Man, you should never hold doors open for Women, Never Tip Them, Never Treat them Nice or do anything for them.

This is how they would treat you after all, and what's even more insane is how many Men go out there to "fight wars" for Women.

Do not be bamboozled by Women who claim that this is an easy way to become kidnapped or abducted, that's just a gaslighting storyline of their from watching too much movies, and to easily cop out.

Remember guys, never feel bad about treating women like the ultimate dog shit they are.

They are never there for us, not even when it has nothing to do with even trying to pursue them, and this is the most repugnant, contemptible thing about them.

One time when I really needed information about something from a Woman about the headphones she had, because I specifically needed them, she never gave me a response.

They always view everything as a danger and threat around them, because they are disgusting resourceful opportunists.

Never help save or protect Woman or do anything for them AT ALL.

And this a message for Men all across the world. I don't do anything for them. Neither should you.

They are Vampires and Demons.

I despise Women more than most other Men do on Earth, I wouldn't be said if they were all massacred, and I am 100% serious about it.

The problem is unbelievable with Mankind with how many other Women, and sometimes Men are willing to jump to the Woman's defense and claims for "safety", completely ignoring the fact that a Man could also as easily be made "vulnerable" to tie someone's shoe and have the same happen to him, plus since Women are already weaker to begin with, there's nothing that would stop a Man in any other scenario if he really wanted to kidnap someone.

What's interesting though is that it's almost mostly exclusively White Women who behave and think like this, at least FAR outside the realm compared to other races of people, and it's most epic in countries like America and the UK, but even in Europe they behave the same pretty much too.

Cowardly, pathetic people is what Women really are, they are so pathetic that they don't even deserve to live.

As a Man, you must learn that Women never play fair, and are not team players, therefore you should have no mercy to what you do them or how you or other treat them, and never feel compelled to come to their rescue.

They were put on Earth to Serve Men anyways, not the other way around. Get it right for once.

Putting all prejudices and preconceived Notions about Gender away, you have to ask yourself, WHAT EXACTLY IS IT with these Women that they feel so compelled and determined for safety and survival at all costs? What is so special about them, what, just because they are a Woman and give birth?

Who cares!? We all die eventually. Why should Men have any less value about his mortality or potential safety!?

What are they perpetually in danger of, and from whom to warrant this level of hysteria over their safety!? Women have more safety and protection, even multiple redundant layers of security. If it were not true, they wouldn't dress showing skin the way they do, because instinctively their own primal reflexes would be against doing that if they truly felt in danger.

Demons are always concerned with their own ability to survive and propagate, and obsessively so. It's no wonder why almost all Men and Women alive today descend far more from Women alive at this time, than current pools of Men.


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah they are the only good type of Women, they could be spared.

  2. Amish women are usually feminine and kind unlike most women.Women pretend to care about you if she wants something also the women I hear think it’s ok to not be a virgin?? And having sex with multiple males is ok.. they usually say “it’s not the 1950s anymore I can do what I want”, then they want to get married when they are 30 and some weak provider gives her a ring and proposes ugh I hate America! who would want to marry a slut anyways marriage is ridiculous especially in the USA

    1. Pretty Much Man, just about all Women are pretenders and perpetually as pretenders just about over everything, even over cultural experiences and trying new food, because they lack any sophistication or understanding how to be normal and natural around others. They live to thrive off of everyone else, and want to put on a good face while doing it to make it seem like they are not parasites.

    2. What gets me is when women post the food they are eating every time they visit a restaurant. I had a toxic ex girlfriend who would spend 5 minutes taking photos of the food before she ate. At every restaurant she did this and every for course (starter, main, dessert). She never took a photo of the bill of course, nor offered to pay her part of it.

    3. She actually did that? That ought to be annoying!

    4. Yeah, she was a character for sure. Even though all women are very toxic, she was the worst of the worst. Used dating apps, high body count, said that she had been raped 18 times, huge victim, could never hold down a job, etc. But I am glad she taught me a life lesson on how bad women can behave.

    5. Yeah, that seems to sum up a lot of women these days. It was a good thing you left her. I never understood the whole thing about dating apps.

    6. Yes, what I can tell you about girls who are raped... In actuality, a girl who has been raped is statistically "VERY RARE" and it's even more Rare in the First World or Developed countries, compared to say, somewhere like India. That being said, actual "rape" victims RARELY ever confess what happened to them, and if they ever do, it is not until a while of ever establishing trust on some level to confide in admitting it, and when they do so, they will usually seem very naturally petrified in even bringing it up. If you notice, most Women who ever claimed they were "raped" almost always just let it roll off of their tongues so non-chalantly, and it's often never just "once" that they were raped but "multiple times" by many different Men, often supposedly their "Uncle" or some other bogus story. Never buy into it... They always do this as a means to garner sympathy and it's a shit-test to see if you might be willing to feel sorrow for them and willing to help them out or give them money or other attention. Almost every girl I have ever gone out with before, has told me that they were "raped" or "sexually assaulted" and that's how you know how many of them are truly making this crap up. No way that this many could be raped. Out of all the stories of Women I know who have claimed it, I kid you not, maybe 1 or 2 of them MIGHT have been true, because the way they were, especially when they were touched, it seemed possible / likely. These days, Women even literally consider it "rape" even if a Man just hits on her or flirts or asks her out in some way, they found some twisted way how to use rape as a "cover" word for it. They are disgusting filthy lying beasts.

    7. It felt like a huge insult when she expected me to believe she was raped. How could she think I would take it serious. I straight away laughed at her face and enjoyed letting her know that I knew it was bullshit. It indeed rolled off her tongue and she told me only a few weeks into dating. Like you said I knew if it were true, she would tell me years down the line and be crying and scared to say what happened.

    8. The endless photo taking is really reaching a new fever pitch. I hate it. I was in Boston the other day, and my god, in 2024, I can't even count how many times I had to dodge people on sidewalks who have to take selfies every 5 steps. And they always pull their phones or cameras out in the most arrogant and inconsiderate ways too, and have no respect for the privacy of others. And yup, almost all Women are constantly calling things rape. Women even consider having to give sex or if a Man asks for sex and he doesn't want it when they are Married and it's her husband, also as "rape". Haha.

      Yeah, believe me, especially at least among most Western Women anyway, I've met or known very very very few who are raped. The ones who are, usually also become socially retarded as well. So these others are such obvious actors, but I've noticed all Women now have started taking on this act because they found it effective to manipulate Men. It's sick.

  3. Another great read, thanks PSA. Women never play fair and it's best we have nothing to do with them. Even messaging them on a dating site, liking their Instagram posts or texting them is too much as they love male attention online. I no longer see women as people because they don't understand what loyalty, hard work and love are. To me women are just NPC parasites that are oblivious to their privilege. They have the audacity to claim men are privileged! It is hard to take them seriously because they never have a clue how the world works and they live in a delusional world inside their head.

    1. Thanks Man... Yeah, while it would be nice to think there are exceptions, there really truly are not, and not this late into the game. Unfortunately, Too Many Men out there still don't really see how bad it is or think of themselves or see when they are being abused by Women and how they are being disadvantaged because of the sake of Women. The best thing for Men to do is build and maintain what we have and further push Women outside our civilization and not allowed to participate in our lives unless they freely give you sex at their own expense and burden, but Where Men take back everything for themselves and do not give them anything. After all, Women have pushed Men out of all of our spaces, spaces we built ourselves for everyone. Women have taken everything from Men. A Dark Age will inevitably result from this along with collapse of Human Society, but I just shrug my shoulders at it. It needs to happen, and Women will need to learn to roll with the punches, including the true experience of what it feels like to live in poverty and get raped repeatedly by thugs. Women should be rounded up and stamped in the same way that Cattle that go to the slaughterhouse do, yet it's sorrowful to see how the actual cattle get treated that way, rather than Human Women.

    2. I distance myself from women. I work in a 100% male field (garbage collector). The only women I talk to are women in my family. I gave up on dating 6 months ago after the woman used me for free rides and food (I was a lot more oblivious to how toxic women are). I closed my finances off from women and the money in my bank is increasing rapidly, but I know I wont be able to escape the matrix so I spend the money on good quality meat and raw milk. The problem with being a young man is my thirst to have sex with women is still there so I have to be strict with myself and never let desperation for sex allow a parasitic woman to use me as her host. Unfortunately the male sex drive will work against men when it comes to revoking women of the privilege and easy lives they have. There is always some desperate and horny simp willing to undercut the dating market and be a womans slave.

    3. Yeah, I've given up on women or at least I'm the point where I want to. I'd probably talk to the ones in my family as well. Other than that, I fear that women will just and abuse me even the really ugly and deformed ones. I'm 24 and have never been in a relationship in my entire life. I'm in a tougher situation than you in that regard and having autism on top of that just adds insult to injury.

    4. I have the same fear too. The ugly and deformed ones are just as toxic if not more. Staying away from women is the best thing we can do.

    5. Yeah, at this point it's best for us to do so.

    6. The deformed looking women with fake eyelashes are the absolute worst they really think they deserve a crown and are really hot shit they think there are better looking than every man what sucks is a lot of these young men complement them that’s doing a lot of harm than good

    7. Yes, believe me Women are scary now with how dangerous they are. I know even from my own experiences over the years, and I began seeing them become more entitled and in a dangerous way after the times of the financial recession in 2008. I began hearing strange "lines" that Women would repeat, or trying to make false accusations and assumptions. By 2011/2012, I saw a whole shift with these things, and the last encounter I made was with someone in 2014 and when I saw how reckless that nut was, I had enough with them. The thing is, they are also worse in bed, more prude than ever, and mechanical / transactional about sex. Every time I have been around more modern Women, if I've met them or hung out with them even for maybe the intent of any fun, I've gotten actual sick feelings in my stomach about them from their energy and other "off" things about them. Trust me, they only work to waste your time and destroy your life, and the worst part is when you are younger, you always want to think that something just needs to be given time or things will grow or that they will grow out of it or realize something, but it never happens. They are the way they are for a reason and it never changes. I see women as a totally destructive force, no matter how you involve them in your life. If you hire an employee who is a Woman, she will also run your business into the ground by doing stupid things and trying to use everything to exclusively benefit her, and even maybe steal from you. All they do is destroy. They are brattly little children.

    8. Even though I am young, I noticed women are way more entitled now in 2024 than the were in 2018. That is just 6 years. Covid-19, OnlyFans, and the increased popularity of dating apps has allowed this entitlement to rapidly grow. Due to dating apps, sex to them has been just as easy to get as ordering fast food to ones door. Women are now bombarded with this much sexual opportunity that sex has become boring to them and they now just use it as a way to make a man her slave. Before dating apps women would have to leave the house and would only have a few local guys chasing after her. Ugly women weren't desired at all. Now with the apps an ugly girl can have 10 good looking men at any given time willing to give her sex. This has been detrimental to how they view sex and the entitlement bred from this.

    9. America has a lot of ugly girls actually being an naturally beautiful girl has really died off seems like the 90s was the last straw someone like young Denise Richard's would get bullied in an American school that’s for sure even these deformed women would think they are better then young denise Richard's lol they just put on fake eyelashes and eyebrows and think they are better then everyone else thanks to simps and the sister squad

    10. I've noticed I get treated way better by good looking women than ugly fat ones. Also good looking women have always gone 50/50 on dates whereas ugly fat ones expected me to pay. Still, I would exercise caution the next time even a good looking woman displays interest as she is still female at the end of the day.

    11. Fat women are disgusting they think they are “cute” especially the black girls who are fat wearing very short shorts 🤮 I don’t know if black guys like that but black males like anything lol! black males are the biggest simps actually

    12. I just can't with obese women. They think they're hot shit, but that's not the case.

  4. It's sad what has become of women especially in the West. How they show no respect to men and what not. They are parasites as you put it. I don't think I can trust women nowadays aside from the ones in my family (even then, family can sometimes betray you). I don't even know if I would want to date my looksmatch or a woman fatter or uglier than me at this point because I fear that they'll just treat me with disrespect or abuse me. I've never been in a relationship or gone on dates with a woman despite the fact that I turn 25 later this year.

    Well, I did have a prom date senior year of high school like I asked her out (not sure if that counts but whatever). She seemed like a sweet girl, but looking back she stood me up and disrespected me by wanting to be with her girlfriends instead of me. Honestly, I should've just faked sick, stayed the fuck home, and played games that night (yes, I get that video games are a loser thing to do, but I'd rather be that kind of loser than the gym going roidcel loser). Amish women are the only good ones like you and Junkie brought up.

    1. What's crazy about it, is this has been going along for quite some time even still, but the problem is there are absolutely no exceptions or any decency from them now. They have mastered the art of playing a face to make it seem like they "could" be decent or as if they are ever different, but they are not. Women were doing all this stuff back starting somewhat in the 70's but it was really evident and pervasive in the 80's as well, but most Men did not know better and took for granted how evil women really are, and what kinds of shenanigans they get themselves into. So the thing is, Social Media can't exactly be blamed, but it sure helped fuel them them to have an even crazier level of confidence to put their shenanigans on steroids. Now they think the world owes them, simply for being born into the female gender. They think there is something truly special about their gender, even though their function is as a parasite. The thing is Women did give returns back in the day, but even reluctantly for the most part in the earlier decades. But After 2008-2010, they are literally giving Men absolutely NOTHING and then think that Men need to somehow do more and as if Men should be their permanent slaves. But it's been quite a bad deal for Men all along.

      A better "Screen-time" Activity rather than Video Games, is actually watching Documentaries of something that interests you. At least it is useful and actually puts the brain to use in positive ways that benefit it, rather than letting it turn to mush from video games.

    2. One hope I do have is that social media is showing how damaged women are. If it wasn't for online spaces spreading blackpill knowledge, I would of fell for the trap of marriage and providing for women. So it is good that there are a lot of MGTOW channels exposing female nature. I understand this is an unfair world but I really do hope men get justice. Women can't have it this easy for so long right? A way I like to cope is to realise these women will get old just like us men and they will die. But then begs the question: what happens after death? Reincarnation is something you believe in PSA so we can only enjoy that there is a chance these women will be dealt a bad set of cards in their next life whilst we are dealt a good set of cards.

    3. I think a lot of young men are going to commit suicide sadly women might too but it would be the women who look like young Denise Richards women who don’t have the life of Riley would be above average women because Americans hate pretty humans even guys can be nasty to natural beauty these young men are going to work come home to their female dogs and cats and drink while playing video games at least that’s what most millennials do they know there is no point of living

    4. It sure is looking that way, that a lot of young Men will commit suicide. The thing is Men are largely beaten down, but especially more so the ones who are governed by their Egos, because only those types of Men are insecure in their own Masculinity, so the thing is, they become depressed if they don't feel needed or confused because they think they have to find a purpose, when the ultimate true purpose is to take back what it means to be a Man which means having Freedom and Living it up in Pleasure. Instead, they believe they need to be Providers and Protectors and to work like a slave and guilted to thinking they are not being as much of a Slave, when instead they should be sticking the finger to both "Women" and "The Man". As bad as things will get soon enough though, mark my words, Women will have things thousands of times worse. What goes around, comes around, and it's time Women begin to suffer.

    5. As far as Reincarnation goes, there is almost no reincarnation occurring anymore on the planet, except for maybe Demonic Classes. Only Pure Humans and Demonic Spirited Humans reincarnate, NPC's do not. After 1996, there are almost no more Pure Humans being born. Everyone is an NPC at this rate since they mostly outbred the remaining few Pure Humans still around, and that's why life sucks immensely right now, and why everyone you see around you is a faker.

    6. How long would you say we have to wait until the tide turns and women stop being put on a pedestal by society? In terms of reincarnation, I was born in 2002 so like you say there is a high chance I wasn't born a pure human. Are there any ways one can tell if they are a pure human or an NPC? The only downside to being a pure human is that I would have to reincarnate into another human slave again.

    7. The tide has already begun to turn, but the way Women are responding is in a way to create more Destruction. Do not expect that Women will ever go back in their place and behave. It will not happen. Instead, they are on a rampage now, and the way this will end will eventually become a scenario of Total Violence and Blood between Men and Women, and where Women will be completely isolated and reduced to the street curb with their children and dogs. There is no way to resolve it. Violence is the only solution and also logical response.

      As far as a quick telltale sign that someone is not a Pure Human, all of them have this constant lip-licking reflex that they do repeatedly while not eating or drinking. There are other signs that can be picked up but not right away, only skilled people can detect it through the Eyes, Energy Signature, the way someone walks or even mannerisms when they speak, typically to identify an NPC. While it may seem like a bizarre trait to look out for, Pure Humans do not have this lip licking nervous tic. This trait becoming inherited by Humans who were cross-bred with other entities from Experimentation with the Human genome and importing different genetic strains into the Human Species, in an effort to breed out the Human Species altogether.

    8. I haven't seen any progress for women being taken off their pedestal. I see simping for women getting worse year by year.

      The liplicking is something I noticed in an old friend of mine. He would lick his lips and it would annoy me for some reason. He always wanted to drink beer with me and once I stopped drinking alcohol I realised our friendship was bland. I basically only enjoyed his company when intoxicated. For liplicking isn't it something people do when their lips are dry, although licking the lips will cause them to dry out further. I do have a tic where I clench my jaw and grind my teeth so perhaps sadly I am not a pure human due to this tic.

    9. @Kyle, yes there is unfortunately not much with them being taken off the pedestal, because the issue is for let's say even 1000 Men who depedestalize Women, One Man who pedestalizes them will do so with 10,000X or more effort, even reflected in how much money he is willing to fork over in their defense. This is where the problem is. However, at some point everything will break, and all at once, because the thing is Women have decided to just pull out all the stops, double down, even triple or quadruple down on their Madness and Mayhem. Women are now all out to destroy everyone and everything and they just don't care whatsoever. Someone is going to eventually kill them all, and if the Native people of their own countries don't do it, it will certainly be the Russians and Chinese who do it very soon for them. It's inevitable because a vacuum is being formed, and if you know how a Vacuum functions in nature, something always has to fill it back up, it's an inescapable law. As much as it may not "seem" like any of that is happening right now or even close to happening, rest assured that it will really manifest almost overnight very soon. One has to keep in mind, that the system we live under is an absolutely colossal system of many complex measures and also resiliency systems that have been built in it that have been designed to offset consequences and also boomerang effects. But those systems are completely exhausting themselves now, all at the expense to delay the reckoning, but what is being done meanwhile is that all Propaganda attempts are being made to "save face" and cover the reality of how people are destroying themselves.

      Yes, the lip-licking is also a very distinct trait.

      The next common feature would be the eyes, because the eyes are the window to the soul (or lack of one), as the saying goes, but this takes extreme skill and ability to concentrate and depending on the person you are trying to observe, you may need to spend a lot of time analyzing them including making uncomfortable eye contact or even in some instances making it obvious you are reading into them. But in general, NPC eyes always give off a look to them when you stare into them that "nobody is home" and just this whole vortex or abyss of emptiness. I wish I could put it in better words, but if you look out for it or know how to see it compared to the eyes of someone who looks Vibrant, full of life, love and passion, you know and identify the difference immediately. Does that make sense?

      Grinding teeth and the jaw is something different, anyone can have nervous tics for some reason or another, it's not an indicator of being an NPC, just the lip-licking or other notable trait would be people who blink their eyes erratically too often or not often enough, however certain drugs or stimulants can also cause that too, so one would have to be adept enough to identify it and to also be sure the person is not on "something".

      Grinding teeth or clenching the jaw is usually related to stress or anxiety, sometimes even a lack of sleep, usually a condition known as TMJ but there are other conditions as well. But no correlation with NPC behavior as such, it can affect anyone.

      There are numerous traits and I go over them from time to time in different focal points, but another thing with NPC's is they have totally reduced activity in their Orbito-frontal Cortex, which is where half of emotional processing and decision-making is made in Normal Humans. Also, NPC's are either Left-brained or Right-brained only. Psychology loves to tell people that being Left-brained or Right-brained is gender specific, but this only for the NPC's because of their genetic modifications. All Pure Humans, whether Male or Female, use all parts of the brains and at the same time, because they have more utilization of brain function than do NPC's. The "seat" of the soul, so-to-speak in Pure Humans, is anchored in the Pineal Gland.

    10. By the Russians and Chinese sorting out western women, are you referring to a Russian or Chinese victory in WW3 will mean western women will be killed off by them? What vacuum are you referring to? My guess would be a vacuum of responsibility and work that is lacking with modern women.

      Are there ways I can analyse myself to find out if I am a pure human or an NPC?

    11. I am not exactly sure if I would use the word "victory" to refer to where the Russians and Chinese will be as a people in the aftermath of WW3, but yes in some form or another they will be on the beneficial side of the upcoming war, whereas the West will be totally trashed and left to rubble. The problem is, the Russians and Chinese also do not perceive how they are being used in the whole Global scheme of things and what is to come, and that there is a plan to also totally enslave them as well, but in probably keeping more of them alive. The main goal was to eliminate Whites, because since Caucasians are the Premier Civilization Builders and Colonizers of all Human Races, we represent a "threat" and "challenge" to the NWO. This is why there is the Kalergi plan and an on-going complex agenda that has been designed to destroy the Nuclear Family and Middle class among Caucasian peoples as well, along with deindustrializing our Nations and turning the Women against the Men, using Women as a "weapon".

      But what I mean with the Russians and Chinese, is that a Trojan Horse event will occur that will allow them to gain precedent and occupation of the Western lands, more definitively the Chinese though than the Russians. And they will get to "have their way" with the inhabitants.

      So they will be the ones filling the vacuum for the West's decline and the doddering useless masses of Western people who will have no worth or future left.

      It's really hard to know whether you may be an NPC or not in very pragmatic terms, but I can say this... People who know who they are and have always had awareness, know whether or not they are an NPC or if they could be one. However it gets tricky, because part of the genetic makeup and "mimicking" traits of NPC's makes them also believe they are not NPC's and also while classifying others as the NPC's.

      But there is an inner gravitation to know or feel this in one's own inner compass, depending how honest one may be with themselves.

      It's the same way that someone knows whether they have a Pure Heart or not, because an a person who is Demonic, who tries to be a so-called "good person", still knows deep down that they belong to the dark side.

      If you find yourself constantly being isolated, targeted, left out of opportunities or any communications or happenings in life from society, if you have very much marched to the beat of your own drum through life and decide things for yourself, the chances of you being an NPC are far lesser, however Autistic people also have imitative traits of Pure Humans. A lot of time though Pure Humans are also artificially accused of either being Autistic and often being diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, as this is also a plot in trying to "eliminate" the pure Humans by medicating and ruining them.

      Pure Humans and Autistic people have a similar level of intelligence and understanding about things, but the difference is that Autistic people don't have a consciousness and do not understand things like boundaries or social cues and do not pick up on non-verbal attributes about things in society. This is why many times, Pure Humans are even thought to be Autistic, even when they might not be.

      That's probably as best I can try to clarify that, at least from being able to relay it in this manner.

    12. I have seen how the Kalegri plan is unfolding. There is so much anti white demonization going around every where right now. This has always seemed like its done by design to demoralise Caucasians.

      After a quick think, I am unlikely to be an NPC as I have nothing in common with most people or enjoy socialising with them. I am either a pure human or autistic. A few people have tried to claim I am autistic and I do struggle to socialise with people my age. I socialise very well with older people and enjoy deep topics. I have never had an interest in sports teams, TV shows, YouTubers (apart from Goatis), money, NPC music. I have always been interested in conspiracy theories (more like facts), meaning of life, why we are here, understanding existence, diet.

    13. Yes, Demoralization is a very big part of the process in destroying Whites, and also there is a Propaganda appeal that is specifically targeted to White People, since Whites are often obsessed with seeming "Noble, Righteous" and all about "Fairness and Equality". This type of Propaganda appeals to their guilt, especially for the idea of being "White" and "Privileged". Since most white people took the bait, they have sewn the seeds of their own self-destruction.

      Along with declining birth rates and the fact that the majority of new births for a long time now for many decades have been from pathological family bloodlines, this also has ruined the possibility of a viable future Caucasian Race.

      The chance you may be a Real Human is high. Autistic people usually have a hard time staring at people in the eyes though not always, and are extremely pragmatic and often seem robotic, but also there is an element to them where they constantly copy and take on the personality of others.

      Yes, NPC's also will inevitably view Pure Humans as being autistic, because there are some parallels but they don't really know the difference, but they perceive something is "different" about you and they don't understand what it is, but they don't like it.

      The bottom line thing with NPC's is that while they entirely uphold this system we live in, and some many seem intelligent or creative, many of your favorite pop stars and musicians are actually also NPC's. But the thing is, they are the ones making this place a true hell to live in, and are causing Humanity to turn into a totally regressive state. Not that Human History was ever perfect, but it's really going back to its most primitive and backwards state. What you will always realize about NPC's at some point or another, is that conversing with them or spending any time with them for any reason is just ultimately a total waste of time, and how nothing useful comes out of any involvement with them. We depend on them spending money so we can make a living from them, but they offer no real value.

    14. I looked up what "stood me up" meant. It means to not show up as planned. I actually did meet up with my prom date and we went in a limo with some of her friends. Either way, she still disrespected me by wanting to be with her girlfriends instead of me.

    15. Pure humans, psychopaths and autistic people are just pathetic losers. As a fascist theocrat myself i only believe in my self and my own narcissism and the fact one day im gonna carrying the worst antisemitic terrorist attack ever existed in human history. i do not care about your'e pathetic loser nationalsocialist mentality i only believe in the power of chemicals, bodybuilding and my body and mind and also destroy all my enemies

  5. @Kyle, I agree, things are way much worse after #MeToo, TikTok, COVID and these things, they were bad in 2018, but now after COVID, it's totally off the rocker, and they don't even have any shame about it. The other thing I can tell you I've noticed that has changed over the years, while Women have always been talking to Multiple Men and cheating a lot, I can say that at least since about 8 or so years now, without exception, literally EVERY Woman who has flirted with me and tried to make moves on me, has either been Married or has a boyfriend, and the thing is Women are A LOT more laid back about even openly telling you about their boyfriend or husband but still expecting to have the "real fun" with you, so this means the element of shame or keeping it concealed has long sailed. What that means is that Women now feel totally invincible and free to do completely as they please, knowing there will be no consequence and also because it's publicly accepted and encouraged as being "Empowering" for them to be so sexually free and sleeping around, it really makes me sick. A few months ago, some blue-haired freak who worked somewhere I stopped in to get breakfast at started flirting with me, and I did not really engage much in her antics, but she became ripshit that I didn't praise her or take interest into her seeking her career path in a given field, and got upset that I didn't pursue her or make further efforts of any kind, while she even actually has a boyfriend that I overheard her mention in conversation with another employee. This is how far they are into their insanity and delusion with the shit they are pulling. I've also had an instance recently of where a girl flirted with me at a show right in front of her boyfriend and even asked to exchange numbers right in front of him. Women have ultimately become Men, and very shameless.

    Trust me, mark my words well, this type of societal damage can never ever be reversed, no matter how much will a people would ever have to overturn it or fight to correct it. It's done and over with.

    1. Dating is finished, whilst it is in my biology to have sex and procreate, the urge to have a family is basically non existent. I ponder that maybe it is because I am only 22 years old and that I worry one day I will get to 50 years old and have immense regret that I didn't have children. Goatis said that not having children will leave you deeply depressed. But I wouldn't want to be selfish and have children for my mental healths sake, I would rather endure a child free life to not bring any new humans onto this done for world. But as of right now, I never think about having children, whereas for people I talk to, especially women they always think about having children. The other issue of having a family is I will have to partner up with a woman and she will make me work long hours to pay for her and the children, whilst being lazy herself and claiming I don't do enough for the family. Then she will break up with me, reduce the time I spend with my children and get money from me to pay for her lifestyle of partying and sleeping around. In my opinion that is how most relationships are these days, women take from their partners and cheat whilst facing no repercussions for doing so.

    2. @Kyle, yeah that sounds like a completely rational and normal approach, because it will always be in our desire to have Sex, that is completely normal, natural and healthy. But also yes, I never had an urge to have a family either actually, but more so with how much worse the world has become over my time of existence. The only thing I can say that would be nice in having a family is if it was done on the basis of integrating new people into society to bring about a more harmonious life for your already existing family and the girl you end up with. But the problem is, that is more of a pipe dream than a reality in these Modern Times, and in my view, the risk of having family is not worth it, all things aside, along with bad influences that will likely corrupt your children. Most people have children for egocentric or biological reasons, rather than rational and altruistic reasons, and this is exclusively seen by those who decide or plan if whether to have children, versus those who never give any thought or consideration whether they have children in this world. What I can promise you as an Older Man myself, is you will not regret your choice not to have a family. This is mostly a Lie and Fear porn sold to most Men to guilt tripping them to become "enslaved". There are sometimes Men who may attribute a purpose or personal desire for children that is not biologically based, but that is from his own inner will or choice. People, including parents will try to tell you or convince you that you will feel "empty" if you never have children, but it's not really true, especially not for Men. If I could give you a realistic date when I think that rational Human Beings would have decided to stop ever having children, we could cite 1945 of course, but once we hit 1971, a lot of things that changed with the world economy and future and what I know about it, means that after this year, all children who would be born from this point on would inevitability become NWO slaves to the fullest. It is probably why not to longer after this period that Birth rates heavily declined throughout the West, and Inflation began to skyrocket. But yeah Man, don't worry about regret, you probably will never regret not having children, trust me. Especially the way things are going now. Plus, there is a lot more "wrong" that will happen these days to your child, or even to have them taken away from you, which if you ever experienced, would devastate you even more than never having them at all.

    3. I don't even know if I want kids at this point especially with how the world has become with women being entitled and such. Also, lookism is becoming more rampant and there is no stopping that. For sure, lookism has been around forever but thanks to social media it's gotten even crazier and it will get worse as time goes by. Recently, this one guy on Facebook added me as a friend. He's the same age as me (24) and has two kids: a son and daughter. After I saw his pics on there as well as on his Instagram, I felt really bad for his son.

      The dad is obviously not good looking, like he's for sure sub 5 because of his very bad eye area and perhaps bad genetics in general. Not like Quasimodo from Hunchback of Notre Dame bad, but he's definitely below average in looks. While he likely didn't get bullied for his looks, I fear that his son will be a target for bullies if he gets his dad's eye area. It would be over for his son if that happens. It's very hard to tell at the moment because the kid is only two years old, but you never know man.

    4. Lookism is natural, but if it's thought to be evil, even though it's not evil, the Capitalist Notion and Order whereby Men can use wealth and monopolize Women in a way where Money can be used to access Women and a Man who has less or doesn't have it cannot, even with good genetics, is a Pure Hell and Very evil system. For example, under this Capitalist-Feminist system, even an Average Man or a slightly below Average Men has it even worse off, than even under a system based entirely on Looks and Natural Selection. There could always potentially be someone out there that just happens to like some feature of an average "bloke".

      Notice how that's pretty much out of the question in this world now, and meanwhile, even the ugliest, fattest girls, still are put on a pedestal and pretty much can get everything in life, it's just absurd. Even a Tall, Handsome, Fully ripped and in-shape Man, cannot have life as good as a Fat, Tatted up Blue-haired Goth girl who has the larger upper belly, and the lower belly that hangs down in her pants.

    5. Don't take this the wrong way! I'm not denying lookism as I've been aware of it this whole time. It's just that there are people out there that deny it's existence.

  6. Overweight Women, especially with nose piercings and funky colored hair definitely are much more bitter these days with the treatment towards Men, they automatically hate every Man they come across, the more good-looking he is, especially.

    1. What makes these women hate men the most? Why do they hate good looking men more than the ugly ones?

    2. Most of the hatred Women have in Men is programmed into them both on a genetic level, and also based on environmental, educational and social influences around them that train them in this manner. But a lot of their programmed hatred is entirely manufactured and delusional, it's a baseless type of hatred, and a part of it rests on the fact that many of them Envy Men and want to be as Men.

    3. Im surprised women envy men because women have it way easier and are given everything they need without much effort. I would say I am envious of them, but I do think as a man, I have a higher way of thinking than they do.

  7. Fuck you. Just because 2 women refused to tie a man's shoelaces, you think women deserve to die? YOU deserve to die you worthless misogynist. And btw those examples are cherrypicked. If that experiment was made in Canada, pretty much every woman would agree to help.

    1. @Fandar, LOL. Well, we didn't ask to have our shoelaces tied, but since you bring that up, let's add it to the list! It's about time Women actually "do" something useful, to make themselves useful, and to also soften the burden for Men's lives for a change. After all, we're all equal, right!?

    2. How can you say all women are bad after watching this?


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