
Showing posts from June, 2024

No, Keira Lhotan, You Are "NOT" a "Kind" Person, and you have "ZERO" Potential...

  Once again, these clever witches like Keira understand, that the way to get their message across, is to paint themselves off as a "victim". None of her videos age well either, since her contradictions come so close to each other, for example she boasts about having potential here and in another recent video about how Routines stress her out and another about "Having It All",: But specifically in the first video, she only tells her side of the story, from her perspective, and uses omission of the whole series of facts as to why she is treated and regarded in the way that she is. She also compensates for her arguments by using over-dramatization. For starters, an actual "KIND" person, would never refer to themselves at all ever as a "KIND" person. In fact, I also wouldn't consider myself a kind person as it is! I leave that for other people to figure out about me, I don't have to convince them of what I am. But, as a rule, I allow people

MishaPetrov Has Fun Reviewing "thewizardliz" - A Must-Watch!

I actually found it quite intriguing and very entertaining to see that she did a review on the wizardliz! You can't imagine how much I enjoyed watching this, it is even more humourous. I have a guilty pleasure of also watching and reviewing people who review other people, and even people who review other people who review them. The more it happens, the more the merrier as far as I'm concerned! Enjoy!

All Women Are Walking, Talking Memes

  Energy Energy Energy. Masculine this, Feminine that. It's just non-stop, along with "Leveling Up" and "Becoming the best version of yourself." Only NPC's use this style of speak. Pulling out all the stops to appeal to people who live in the cyberworld, talking in riddles. While I should not have to remind about this, you cannot become the best version of yourself. You are who you are, for better or worse. To suggest something beyond it, is an artificial adaptation, that is not true or static about your Native state. I absolutely cannot stand Women Specimens like the creator behind these videos, the air about them is just so suffocating and it reeks of their toxicity. If you notice all these Women in the way they speak, every single one of them is routinely obsessed with their "Femininity". It's all they ever think about. The same is true with specimens like "thewizardliz" along with "Manifestelle" and "Keira Lhotan&qu

Revisiting The Uncomfortable Reality That Almost All Women Are Really Nothing More Than Demonic Containers

A lot of the words I mention relating to this topic, or especially in this entry, will sound like meaningless banter or not make sense, but some time in the future, a reader or some will come to discover the truth behind these words. Some may scoff it off, and love to just think of it as "Tinfoil Hat Ramblings", as that is the typical NPC approach, as they never want to sit and reflect on reality and have no higher self. NPC's also do not have as much access to frequency spectrum as Pure Humans do either. When we say that Women are Demonic Containers, we mean that the Woman vessel, or even as a medium if you prefer, serves as a cover and physical appearance for what is essentially a Demon. As this may sound absolutely unbelievable and absurd, there are frequencies in the universe, and especially through Electro-Magnetism, that prevents you from seeing the "True Form" of Women outside from the maintaining physical projection that they appear in. If this Electro-M

How Do People Just Not See That The Stock Market Is Usury?

I'm asking Rhetorically, of course... But you cannot EVER think that a Company can just somehow be paying you out "dividends" that even EXCEED the actual profit margins themselves from the actual day-in / day-out revenue earnings from products that are sold by these Companies or Corporations. The math doesn't add up. Even if an investor invests in a company and that company uses it to purchase equipment, there is still "someone" in the equation who is left holding the bag. In most cases, it's the producer who pays. Because he gets peanuts for his work. But with how much more obvious it has become with how rigged the stock market is, bad news makes stocks either stay flat or rise most of the time, and how good times or bad, the stocks just usually tend to go "upwards", most of activity is actually fictitious and orchestrated. There is no possible way that Stock Dividend payouts can EXCEED company earnings for the company itself and its own CEO a

A Meme Worth Sharing

  I'm sure many of you will appreciate and relate.

One thing I've quickly realized about the "Pick Me" Online Meme / Trend that Women use

This whole obsession with the word "Pick Me" or being a "Pick Me" girl, or the Ghetto bastardized word that has been turned into "Pickmeisha" is actually not being used to legitimately call out a Desperate girl for one reason or another, but has simply become a blanket term that some of the worst Specimens of Women are using to Shame and drag down all other Women to their level. So this word or phrase, calling a Woman a "Pick Me girl" or a "Pickmeisha" is less to do about legitimately, or in a "matter-of-fact" way calling our a Desperate Woman who will just take or ask for any Next Man, but actually instead used as a word by Women to shame other Women, especially ones they are jealous of in some kind of way. Similar to the word "Narcissism", which is one of Women's favorite Weapon Word of choices, and especially "Narc". The word "Narc" actually had more closer association to be a short word fo

Even Aaron Clarey Sees And Admits There Is An Anti-Beauty Culture in America

  It is surely interesting to see that Aaron Clarey had done a segment on this specific topic, because it's one that really does deserve attention. Granted, it's not hard to see that this phenomenon is not just some made-up idea, because anyone paying attention can see it. The thing is, for however much this cultures is promoted against Women, it also means that the notion of Men will also be that much more suppressed in the idea that Men should be genetically gifted and attractive, as Men are even more body-shamed to a degree than Women are. But Body-shaming comes in all kinds of shades, and religions also played a major role in it. For example, Puritan values in America, hasmade it a huge deal to see a Woman breastfeeding in public, or for her to go without a bra and if her nipples show through her shirt. The breasts are extremely sexualized, but in a manner that is socially engineered, rather than based on primal instincts of what is sexual in the breasts. This makes an obse

A Run-Through On Herr Goatis with his Latest Telegram Videos

  As usual, Goatis never disappoints and always hits the mark when it comes to addressing many Esoteric Subjects. This series of new videos are pretty good. I would like to say that Politeness in people has been one of my biggest peeves. It's one thing if a Polite comment or gesture is made, if it is natural and comes from the heart. But truly, how often is that ever the case? Maybe 1 out of 100 Polite Gestures. As a Prussian, I find Politeness to be extremely cringey, for the most part, except where it is a matter of cordiality with someone you are close with or otherwise feel honored from. This is of course the most respectable and wonderful scenario where Politeness can be a positive thing, but it must be truthful! Interestingly enough, last summer, I had to meet with some individual who I once hired and got rid of due to his incompetence and lack of being authentic in any regard, and I had to have a sit-down discussion with him at a bar about something, and also especially expl

Pearl Davis (Just Pearly Things) Is Moving Back To America...

  This really had caught me off guard... Not that I really care "all too much" about it, but things must be really bad in the UK, because I would almost think coming there over to here, would be like jumping from the frying pan, into the hot fire. I had always thought she permanently moved and resettled to the UK, and never would I have thought the day she would be returning to the US... That being said, Pearl is always a wild card... My view on her is that, of course, as a Man you should never trust her or believe she is officially on "your side", but at the same time I do not believe she should be censored. Let her do and speak what she is doing to do, but we all know that she is a grifter of her own kind. She has some of her own vested interests in doing what she does, and also I believe it had to do with the fact that she had to "settle" for a Black boyfriend and has been busy cutting her own losses later down the road in her life, as things dry up eve

The Power In Denying But Constantly Suggesting We Are About To Enter Recession & World War III & 2040/2050 Collapse

Everywhere you look, whether it's the Mainstream Media or Everyday Individuals, they are never stating or believing that we are already long in Recession and actually already long into World War III, but they keep suggesting over and over, that World War III is about to start, and that we "could be" entering a recession. Thanks to thought implants and controlling NPC's through Neuro-linguistic programming, they all think in lockstep this way, and hence, most people do not understand we are in Economic collapse even while seeing everything deteriorate around them, inflation, starvation, poverty, homeless people increasing and the number of businesses folding up and more "For Rent" signs. That is how mentally ill, defunct and worthless the Human Species has become. But with perpetuating these narratives, it has worked like Black Magick in terms of being able to control the population, and to date we still see that Americans think their financial troubles are &

The Real Reason Why Most Women Choose Bad Men

The real reason why Most Women choose Bad Men, the worst of the worst, stems from the Biological impulse drive of NPC's. This impulse drive, thrives on fulfilling the end goal of its sole purpose. To procreate. This drive in them, is the next drive that comes after Breathing, Seeking Food and Shelter. It is literally what they live for. But what is more important in this programming of the NPC's, is the genetic programming within them that is geared towards the Human Replacement Program, and so, the NPC's are obsessed with ensuring that their lineage is "carried on" and presents a rival for the Pure Humans, who are scrupulous. Just as weeds taken prominence in Gardens over the more valuable Plants, and the worst part about Weeds is they grow so much faster and are relentless, whereas actually plants that might give something valuable, even a Strawberry Plant or something else, can easily die from the slightest injuries or modifications of its environment. I, in fa

The Illnesses of the Baby Boomers are starting to Wreak Havoc on Society!

It would not be anything out of the ordinary if regular generations of people just came and went, since that has always been the order of things. But things seem [and are] very different this time, with the illnesses that are crippling the Baby Boomers and causing them death. On one hand, we can say... GOOD RIDDANCE! However, the topic of this entry is not based on that, but rather just the circumstantial effects of their existence and illnesses! The reason why the Boomer die-off is so significant, is because it has earth-shattering changes and economic implications, especially since the Boomer Phenomenon had largely stifled wealth and growth along with inclusion of people in younger generations, even those who are Gen X, although the Gen X had been spared the least of all the younger generations of course, but even still, it came with mighty problems for Gen X that also had been unfair. That being said, Baby Boomers have LONG overstayed their Welcome here on this Earth, and the fact t

All Shaming Tactics For Men Are Falling On Deaf Ears

Women have very well overplayed their deck of cards on shaming Men. Not only should Women never have these cards or abilities, it is a symptom of Matriarchy, but the fact is that they have pissed through it all, demonstrative of their willingness to always abuse power and privileges, in the same way that the word "Racist" no longer even musters up any attention or concern. Men will not be shamed back into servitude or giving anything for Women. IT IS OVER for you whores. No matter what you do or say, it doesn't matter, because we would prefer to exterminate anyone who has XX chromosomes and live with no sex, than to give you anything or be your slaves. You get nothing from us, Understand!? If you don't understand, very soon you will when you feel this world come crashing on your ass very hard. Women are now getting their panties in a bunch, as their reproductive rights are being taken away, and they are now being expected to register for the Selective Service and can

If A Girl Only Likes You Because You Are Wanted By Other Women, She Doesn't Actually Like "You"

It only simply means she sees you as a utility, and that you are likely already "vetted" by other Women, likely because they know something about you, particularly around your wealth or fame. This is classic NPC behavior, and it's nothing to get excited about. Eventually these type of Women who will get with you, if they ever do, will leave you at some point once they become disiniterested and milk you for all you've got. It's a foolish thing for Men to get excited about all this or to believe that if these Women are the center of attention for you that it means you are actually something special. They are like a pack of hyenas ready to devour you, all then running away as quick as hyenas do, to prey on their next victim. The worst type of Women are the ones who decide a Man is likeable based on other Women wanting him. Sometimes, these Women can also go after you even if you are just known or witnessed to be somehow associated with important people or even talkin

An Autistic Wannabe Dominatrix Is Coping With Her Lack of Value and Being Unwanted

  And even the dangling tongue didn't escape the thumnail of the video. The lip-licking reflex, the surefire sign of a toxic person. She doesn't realize how ugly she is, and I don't understand why Autistic people always wear the most fugly glasses like she does. What is comical here is she seems to think that Men would never build or have the motivation to create Homes or Mansions or Infrastructure, unless it was for "Women". It's completely untrue. We build and provide for ourselves. First and foremost. Women do not have a right to our civilization, it's onyl a privilege at best. A privilege that can be taken away, and is in the process of being taken away. You see, this whole notion of a person having "Market Value" is a Jewish idea, a product of Jewry and Capitalism. This girl is of course, with Jewish ancestry, incoincidentally. This whole idea of a Man having "Market Value" when a Woman is in his arms, is a Hallmark of Matriarchy.

Have Fun With These Mental Gymnastics!

This is EXACTLY the mentality of Gen Z:

Even the Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Ukrainian Protests, are an Example of Pure NPC Behavior

The thing with NPC's, is they also can be programmed to occassionally believe or appear to be fighting for the right cause. But the thing is, they still really aren't. For example, with the situation in Palestine, all of these protesters, do you REALLY think they cared about the Palestinian People and all the former genocide committed against them for all these previous years? Or what about the situation in Ukraine? Few of these Modern protesters since the Russian invasion took place, even know anything about the Maidan event, or what events were leading up to that taking place back in 2013-2014. And even that was not the beginning date of the issues there, or historical issues that plagued the Ukrainian people, especially in their Western vs. Eastern half, as they are not culturally united a sense, and maybe to another degree racially. What happened during all those years, why were the protesters around the world not concerned then of what was going on, and the Ukraine Flag st

Why Pure Humans and NPC's can never get along / How To Tell If An NPC Is Working Against You

The problem we face in this world, is that much of the Pure Human population, is under permanent attack, conspiracy, and even execution, if not being led to their own suicide, and because of this, it remains a problem that remains unacknowledged. Pure Humans, rarely have advanced social networks that NPC's do. NPC's, all work as part of a "hive". A conversation with an NPC and a Pure Human, will never flow naturally, and there always seems to be a lacking sense of order or connection in the conversations, even from the very beginning or introducing yourself. This is exactly because NPC's do not have any boundaries, and because their brain circuity has very little activity in their Orbito-frontal Cortex, so they are so busy inductively and deductively processing data on you, that they often "glitch" in their programming because they have to often try to "force" themselves to pretend emotional responses or appropriate behavior or nuances that typ