One thing I've quickly realized about the "Pick Me" Online Meme / Trend that Women use

This whole obsession with the word "Pick Me" or being a "Pick Me" girl, or the Ghetto bastardized word that has been turned into "Pickmeisha" is actually not being used to legitimately call out a Desperate girl for one reason or another, but has simply become a blanket term that some of the worst Specimens of Women are using to Shame and drag down all other Women to their level.

So this word or phrase, calling a Woman a "Pick Me girl" or a "Pickmeisha" is less to do about legitimately, or in a "matter-of-fact" way calling our a Desperate Woman who will just take or ask for any Next Man, but actually instead used as a word by Women to shame other Women, especially ones they are jealous of in some kind of way.

Similar to the word "Narcissism", which is one of Women's favorite Weapon Word of choices, and especially "Narc".

The word "Narc" actually had more closer association to be a short word for "Narcotics" before it ever did in recent years as "Narcissist".

You must beware of people who use the word "Narcissist" and especially "Narc", I am even seeing more Men who refer to their exes as "Narcs", and I would even place a bet on it that those Men are as equally deceptive as the Women who use the word "Narc".

In only very very rare cases, do people who use the word "Narcissist" ever legitimately point one out, or sometimes it may be a competititon between one Narcissist who was wronged by another Narcissist.

It does happen.

But what I have realized about the "Pick Me / Pickmeisha" term, is that it actually serves as a function for being a cross between strawman argument method and a red herring manipulative distraction to undermine someone or as a lazy attempt to explain someone away that they do not want attention focused on, especially if that person, which would obviously typically be a female, is perceived as a "threat" or "competition" to other Women.


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