
Showing posts from May, 2024

10 Key Reasons Why Revolution Will Not Occur

I am citing these reasons as to why Revolution or what often is thought to be the so-called coming "World Revolution" or Rennaissance will not occur, however they are based on American Standards specifically, and not necessarily Germany or other countries. European Conditions vary by country, but particularly what I pay attention to the most are how developments form in UK, France, and then Germany, in that order specifically. Because if nothing takes place in the first two, it of course will certainly not happen in Germany anyway either, and the likelihood of it occurring in Germany is absolutely not even really on the table of discussion at this point, unless "WE" were to invade it. How ironic would that be!? A Force within America working to displace America from within Germany, to restore Germany to its rightful owners... The German People! How Novel! Nevertheless, these are the absurdities of the times we live in. Along with populations around the world who den

"Thewizardliz" Tells us she can Manifest Mansions!

  The level of delusion just keeps increasing with these Witches. Always talking about "Manifesting" and living their "dream lives". And of course, the ubiquitous "skin-care" routines! I would slap any girl if I was dating someone and came home to see that diarrhea on their face. And, of course she also cannot do a video, like all other Witches, without bringing up God and religion into their lectures, every single time! Remember what I said that whenever a girl tells she "used" to be something or a certain way, that it always means that they still are? Just like there is no such thing as "Former CIA / Former FBI", there is also no such thing as a Former Feminist, Formerly Promiscuous, or even a girl who was "formerly broke" like this acting as if she is not broke and suffering now. It's absolutely unreal how much of a cult following of Women she has who even refer to her as her "Mother", when anyone with a keen

Boomer Logic: Do As I Say, Not As I Do

The Baby Boomers really had become such a machine, in the damage they have done in this world. Their degeneracy and path of destruction they left for everyone, is unprecedented. And at the same time, they are clever to try to hide all their tracks to make sure they don't get the true blame, or when they do get blamed, they seek to deflect it at all levels. For example, the Boomers were the ones who guilt-tripped their teenage children from having sex at a young age, even though the Boomers were having sex very early on in those years themselves. Boomers were also doing a lot of Marijuana and Cocaine, yet punishing and guilt-tripping their children about ever doing these drugs. Granted, nobody should ever be doing these drugs, but the point is just how much of a hypocrite the Boomers were, because they would act and conduct themselves as if they never did these drugs. Many Boomers even accused their children if they burned incense or even sage, that they were likely secretly smoking

Why In America, Decent Young Men Only Can Attract Old Granny Women, Obese Women and Black Women

This problem is something that most Men in America do not realize, and it can also affect their growth and self-image, because the thing is this became prominent in America especially since the 1970's, even well before the Internet. A Man who is a decent person, very fit and masculine may yet find that the only "dates" or "desire" he gets is from Extremely Old or Obese Women, and especially by Black Women. The reasons for this are very complex and multi-faceted, but from the start, I will say that for those Men who have experienced this, that while it may be hard to believe, it is actually not a reflection of you, but actually for starters, the Jewish control over America, including the total elimination of Natural Selection. America, by far, along with Canada and the UK, are the biggest wastelands when it comes to anything to do with Natural Selection and Male-Female relations. Americans by and large, as I have stated, have not practiced natural selection in a

Losers Who Believe "Everything Happens For A Reason" / Seeing Curses as a Blessing In Disguise

One of the more annoying idiotic phrases I get so sick of hearing in life, is people who literally believe that "Everything Happens For A Reason", especially with the notion that it's happened for a reason you may not see or believe in the moment. These same types, usually tend to also subscribe to the philosophy of when something "bad" happens to them, that they claim it was a "Blessing In Disguise", whether it's their car getting run into the ground and forcing them to get a "new car", and yet they fail to see the Bigger Picture, aka "The Forest For The Trees" in the fact that they could have still bought that new car anyway or sold the old one if it were still intact, and that they are actually still "further behind" than if the negative event didn't happen! These are ridiculous coping mechanisms people who are losers use all the time, so as to not falling into a deep depression, and it disgusts me every time I

I Wish You Women Only The Worst

I will not show any Mercy towards my sentiment towards Women, especially as conditions worsen. All I can say to them endlessly, is that what goes around, comes around, and they are just getting their dirty panties in a bunch lately because now they are on the receiving end of what Men have had to deal with for decades, and they are going to pay profusely very soon for what they've done, and haven't a clue. Please note that there are Millions upon other Millions of Men like me out there, especially Military Men, Police Officers and many others, who possess in themselves nothing but venomous hatred like I do for Women. These Millions upon Millions of Angry Men, are your destiny. And I will gleefully watch how you will cope and deal with them, whether they are some European Man, an Arab, or a Chinaman. You created the imbalances in the system that will come back to haunt you, and you will inherit these Angry Men, and so will your dumb worthless NPC children that most of you are ha

#Lockout - Women In Their Disgusting Entitlement

Women, including Older Women who seem to be going broke, are becoming a lot more "bold" in trying to "Flirt" their way, with their entitlement into thinking they can just "butt in" and nose into a Man's business where they want to piggyback off of what he buys or cooks. In the last 3 weeks, I have had 4 incidents of this occurring, and what's worse is that 2 of them were the Woman Cashiers, when I buy meats. Asking me "Where is the party?" and "Let me know, I'll be there" or random suggestions that whatever I'm making looks amazing, and that "I'm coming home with you." Uh, it's like "LADY... NO YOU ARE NOT COMING BACK HOME WITH ME TO MY PLACE FOR FOOD!" The audacity and entitlement that these Women have is just unreal, because think of it, what if a Man comes up to some random Woman that she doesn't even know, it would be one thing to make a humble greeting, but these Women aren't even

VIDEO: The Rise Of Gymcels: America's Loneliest Men

  I am actually extremely impressed that some traction is finally getting "made" on this subject, because it really is an underrated topic, even in the times we live in with Gym and Fitness obsession, the thing is that the dark side doesn't get true attention. The fact that Most Men going to the gym, are Broken and Lonely Men who don't have a real life. This video gives absolute insight into this issue, and I really believe that in many years to come, there will be much more traction and investigation into this and people will begin to wonder how the warning signs were ignored and how Self-Destructive Men have become and in forming this gym lifestyle as an "escape" from reality, including proper socializing with other Men in real life.

Why Prussianism Denounces Politeness, Diplomacy and Virtue Signaling

From the Prussian viewpoint, as is commonly known, Politeness and Diplomacy has never been a strength of ours. But it goes much further than that, in that we find things like Politeness, Diplomacy and Virtue Signaling to be Effeminate and Cowardly, Disingenuous Behavior among Peoples. This is not to say we are "never" Polite, however, when a German is Polite, it is earned from a standpoint of some level of respect towards someone, rather than stark indifference. In Germany's Political Scene for many centuries, Diplomacy is also viewed as cowardly and dishonest, because the whole nature of Politics is always understood that throughout history, "Politicians say one thing, yet do another." As Germans, more so among our Prussian Class, we like to distance ourselves from some ridiculous notions, and we see this mode of operation to be one that is highly inefficient, and from the Greatness that our people have periodically risen to in times past, Politeness and Diplom

The Beginning Stages of Outlawing Property Ownership, By Using "Drones" in your backyard.

Image As I've stated, the Neo-Feudalist System that is the "New World Order" itself, is able to disguise itself covertly without most people (especially NPC's) ever picking up on it, because alas, it is not the "State" which will ruin it, but as I have said, the Corporations, or even a Company or Agency of any kind. I'll use Corporation for the "cover" term, but it really doesn't make a difference as you know these Companies exist for the sole purpose of profit and at their benefit, and that a Corporation need not have anyone's best interest in mind, except for their own, and that being their "bottom line". In this case, an "INSURANCE COMPANY" has the jurisdiction or authority to make our break your ability to live in and own your home. You thought I was kidding before

The Toxicity of Rh Negative Blooded Humans / People Who Believe In God and Peace

  Yes, we are featuring both Rh Negative Demons today. Two girls who are also Witches. All people who have Rh Negative Type, whether they be a Man or Woman, are actual Witches, By Blood. As I have mentioned, while technically anyone can practice witchcraft, just the same as any Non-Italian person can also make an Italian Pasta Dish... But it is different when an Italian is cooking the dish, just as much as it is different when an actual German is Brewing Beer. Women are obsessed with "Peace" because they don't have it in them, and they are not Peaceful, and whenever they utter the word it is cringey, especially in the face of the fact that the reason they obsess over it so much is from the Drama and Chaos they create everywhere. Every time I hear the word "peace" from them, I want to vomit. Karma actually does not exist, the so-called "Law of Karma" is a farce, yet it's another thing many Rh Negatives believe in, along with manifestation. Rh Negati

A Note about what's going on in Israel / International Criminal Court Pursuing Benjamin Netanyahu For Arrest

We've been closely monitoring the developments in Israel lately, and I do not have much of anything all that valuable or new to report, HOWEVER, I must say between the fact that South Africa has been pursuing Israel in the International Court of Justice for war crimes against Palestinians, and the situation now with the International Criminal Court actually having a vested interest in Benjamin Netanyahu, I can say that these things have actually come to very much interest us. I'm not going to hold my breath on him getting arrested, however as long as he is in Israel, the only people who really could be persuaded to carry it out with the request of the ICC would be the American Officials or maybe some British ones, but probably more so the American ones, of which the ICC has already prodded them on this, and from what we can see, most American Officials who are in auto-pilot lockstep blindly devoted loyalty to kissing Israel's ass and licking her boots, are in absolute disgu

There is only ONE Possible Scenario for where Inflation can ever be "Capped"

As I had said before, Inflation historically is something every government in history has experimented with, even with a Gold system in place, even where the Economy is based on Credit rather than Debt as we have had since 1971. That being said, it is usually only typical in the early stages of inflation whereby Inflation created in the system, can be accounted for to offset its effects and keep prices stable, but that means that every Dollar or Unit of currency placed into existence, has an equal output of productive value that corresponds to it. Necessarily, this means that you would have to have a Highly Productive and Competitive economy in place that is able to "weather the storm" so-to-speak, for the consequence of introducing inflation into the system and eventually catch up to speed in valuations. However, as I had mentioned in the past, the tendency for governments to abuse this "feature" of controlling currency, is often abused and never tempered, because

Reviewing Alpha M's Mid-Life Crisis Admission - The Truth About Life

This guy, Alpha M is a guy that I have a Love-Hate kind of approach towards his videos. The thing is, he is no doubt a grifter as any others and promotes even nonsense like Skin-care routines, and often seems like a High-strung guy. Nevertheless, sometimes he does promote some valid information on his website, and looks fairly decent considering his age, and my review here is not really to be critical of him but to break down his message in this video. For example, he at least does recognize the significance of putting one's Health First, and he at least does have logical approaches to gain the successes in life, and he is obviously fairly well off considering all the ups and downs he's been through, BUT. This video is really telling that even he realizes how limited and restrictive life really is and also sees uncertainty in his own situation and this world we live in. And, understandably so. I think he also recently may have broken up with his lady, and he is coming to the re

Even Pearl Davis Admits That The Source Of Evil, Comes From Women

By all means, Pearl Davis is no "Unicorn" and she is a lip-licking reptilian grifter like the rest of Most Women, nevertheless, she does illustrate the points about Women in how Women are absolutely doing nothing. Even when it comes to them containing Power, whereas of course, Men using power for some actual benefit, not just living for themselves like Women do. Her statement does serve, however, as a stepping stone towards the arrival that people will one day have to come to recognize, that Women are Evil because they serve as Vessel Containers for Demonic Entities. Naturally as such, even the actual being that developed the slave system we live under, is also of Female Origin.

Your Hatred Of Women Will Eventually Eclipse Your Desire To Have Sex With Them

Sooner or later, a Man's contempt for Women will eventually entirely surpass his desire for her along with Sex, because eventually you arrive at disgust, especially once you've had enough experiences with them, to have nothing but total repulsion of them. You'll know you've reached this point, because even the sound of a particular Woman's voice or her mannerisms, make you want to punch their face in. Especially once you realize that Women are a 100% waste of time. When those like myself and others say that Women are a waste of time, it's not that we are just saying it as a matter of speech or from a certain experience. We mean in every sense of the words, that she is a waste of time and will waste your time, and you end up realizing how nothing comes of it. When dealing with Women, everything about them is hollow and fake, you are dealing with a synthetic personality and everything about them. If you even hire a Woman on the job, you will also come to realize w

What Happens When You Become Possessed by Wim Hof and his Cult... These videos surely explain all!

Our "Semen Retention Queen" Is Having A Change Of Tone...

MagicMaya, is really so cringey, because it's so obvious how much of an actress she is, especially in how much she loves to pretend to enjoy the "Masculine". I also really hate her voice, it's so nagging and authoritative, nevertheless, you can tell from her voice that she herself is getting "nervous" because she is seeing her own future evaporate. It seems in recent weeks, she has changed her "Look" for the videos and has gotten rid of some of the obnoxious video distractions, and is getting quite bored with the Semen Retention subject. After all, how long can you keep talking about "Semen Retention"!? The subject matter is already cringey enough, but it also is one that suggests abstinence or not doing something. Imagine if I were to open a channel that I talked ALL and only about Saving Money and Not Spending it, it would not hold up after a while because not doing something, actually has a negative or null effect. But the thing is, ev