VIDEO: The Rise Of Gymcels: America's Loneliest Men


I am actually extremely impressed that some traction is finally getting "made" on this subject, because it really is an underrated topic, even in the times we live in with Gym and Fitness obsession, the thing is that the dark side doesn't get true attention.

The fact that Most Men going to the gym, are Broken and Lonely Men who don't have a real life.

This video gives absolute insight into this issue, and I really believe that in many years to come, there will be much more traction and investigation into this and people will begin to wonder how the warning signs were ignored and how Self-Destructive Men have become and in forming this gym lifestyle as an "escape" from reality, including proper socializing with other Men in real life.


  1. Although I understand the importance of physical cultivation and I also admire natural warriors, I have never been able to care about my body, simply because it is naturally botched.
    It feels like a special kind of hell to have high iq, high innate sensitivity towards aesthetics and yet be born with an ugly and/or deformed body. Perhaps I have traded some reincarnation points for higher iq in exchange for looks and physique lol.

    1. I mean, just keep eating the nutrients and getting sunlight! Maybe do a little bit of exercise to shape up, maybe just row a kayak somewhere, it can be fun! You can only do your best with what you have

      Take heart!

      Also, I've noticed that with time on the nutrients I used to be very hyper-aware, down to the last nuance of the piano note, and I had to consciously use my brain, but now it all happens less "sharply" and with more effortless flow! Style, Vigor, Charisma, Charm! Brain is healing and I'm becoming the euphoric pagan

      Just like the lower level people effortlessly and carefree "vibe", I can still operate on a high level, but very smoothly now

      You become so healthy that you are permanently positive, like a baby

    2. Honestly, everything about body for a man is almost always useless.

      A mans value has always been mind. Humans compared to almost every species on earth is extremely weak as a biological species alone. Its our mind which elevates us and enables us to take control of our situation.

      The reason your suffering is not because your body, but because society has shifted to be more superficial. Your ancestors likely got more women and respect than you, depsite looking worst. This is because mankind had a inherit value attached to its own inherit mental capability. As why and how the shift happened, you should already know by reading here.

      This value for men is essentially gone. And thus why you are now competing with women and judged on their scale of beauty and aesthetics, as their nature is what pervaded society afterall.

  2. It's very true, and besides there being a lack of 'third places' a walking distance from home, there is also a lack of properly Male conventional work or career paths to travel, with the public sphere being completely putrefied and NPC subhuman-filled.
    I was saying to my old co-workers when I just went to get some liver, that in the past there used to be a public square! and you could meet your fellow Men there, and establish a connection, plan an adventure! Do something wholesome. Mundane things can become super enjoyable and meaningful with pleasant, genuine solid people.
    And on the topic of online cliques being a surrogate for real-life interactions, as it pertains to my experience, I've pretty much graduated from that temporary stage. I've heard all there is to be heard, pretty much. Intently learning from and semi-worshipping Gatis and Prussian for the past few years has been healthy, healing, beautiful, and keeps me sane in a world gone mad. It's good to have people to relate to - even abstractly/virtually/"one-dimensionally", and it's natural to learn from and admire better men than you. Especially when young. And as I wrote in the Gatis Telegram, "It is an honor to pay you Tribute". You two are genuinely good, through and through, and a guiding light for many!
    The Nutrients saved my life!!!

    I have noticed while working manual labor jobs that Latinos and Arabs are generally very friendly (I speak Spanish rather well, and a few basic Arab words), and family values oriented. Some Arabs are honorable manly decent people. If you are friendly, each demonstrate mutual respect for each other's manhood, and then share meat! Everybody's happy!

    And I think that a major calamity is that the most intelligent and healthy young men and women don't have places to meet (outside of maybe elite universities), and even if there were healthy and athletic men and women in high school, that's still a pretty small selection to choose from, given that most everywhere is ethnically mixed. So Eugenic pairing is breaking down across all levels.
    As you said, public trust is shot. And it appears that prostitution is now rampant - moral decay.
    Yeah we need to return to Nature for sure. At least return to the countryside and small homogeneous tribal towns, that would be healthiest. I don't know, maybe it's exciting for you, Prussian, to explore the public city spaces in search of interesting humans. I think we just need to make small groups of honorable men and have a patriarchy again.

    And while I will do my best now to work and build a life with this fellow Scottish-Swedish guy I met, I will still yearn and always remember Gatis and Prussian, like divine Messiah saviors, who set me straight, the culmination of my years-long searching for the Source

    I just --- we're not supposed to be alone here. It's about the heart, the connection The Unity

    1. @Olympic Virlity,

      From what I've seen, more and more these days, especially in the last 14 years even more so, is that NPC's are absolutely predominant. However, I haven't felt the great presence of more Pure Humans since the 90's, because we've gotten that much more suffocated with NPC Influence ever since.

      Almost any Event, Public Gathering, a Concert, a Beer Festival or Show, or anything these days, you will find that almost every person there is an NPC, and that the NPC's are always the ones worshiping each other and want nothing to do with Pure Humans.

      Yes, Public Trust is gone, and the people in control don't want anyone to notice.

      In the future, it will be taught that "Public Trust", just like "Free Will" or "Privacy" are things in the past, and it will be replaced by Apps and AI where people will place their "trust" instead of Human Beings, and the AI will grade a score for everyone based on their trust factor, where you don't decide yourself, but the system will decide everything and therefore will outlaw or abolish the idea that you can decide who or what you trust.

      They want everyone to do everything "within the system", and for one to go outside of it, will be viewed as taboo or forbidden, or a mental illness, since you should "trust the system", in their view.

      There are multiple factors for why Immigrants who are not Caucasian may treat their own better, or seem to work harder. But not all of them are inherent. For one, a lot of them do not need to pay taxes or have the same type of Propaganda being used against them, but yes, they do have stronger family structures than many Caucasians do, because Caucasians have become far too Individualistic. In other cultures, the families play a much larger role in how they do things and plan the future, and that's why they are able to thrive a lot better.

      Caucasian Families, tend to avoid and be least involved with each other these days, and only usually visit each other during Holidays, Weddings and Funerals.

      Caucasians, also tend to be the most obsessed with not having dependency on others, or view such as a "weakness" whereas other ethinicities accept and are comfortable with the notion of dependency, including co-dependency, because they recognize that it's the only way a people can become strong.

      That's why the West keeps growing weaker. There is a major issue with "Pride" and an inflated sense of self-importance and embrace of very destructive philosophies.

      Notice how many Caucasians see being alone as a "strength", and always talk about it, when it's been known since time immemorial that being alone is a weakness.

    2. i actually agree with you PSA. The problem about my self im not strong enough against my enemies for my negligence and isolation

  3. Well, unfortunately there's no solution. Everyone is so narcissistic and sociopathic that there's nothing there to connect with. Just a facade.

    Hell, even when I go to bars there many people with air pods in. Even if they don't they've no interest in talking to someone they don't know or think they can use for their own benefit.

  4. Gymcels are themost hilarious peasant slaves on earth. They will only become even uglier.


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