
What Alpha M. Doesn't Understand About "The Grind"

  Too Many Men are down the wrong path with what they are engendering in their lives, and especially with the "Business" obsession. Alpha M. does have "some" admirable qualities, but is a bit over the top at times, and it is evident he is going through some sort of Identity Crisis / Mid-Life Crisis combination, and part of it has to do with too much mental and emotional dependency on his Business Ventures, particularly Social Media. Many Men, have a bad tendency to double-down on the wrong strategies. They constantly think the answer is to pay more attention, invest more, and to expend all this insane level of energy to stay relevant and to also make income continue to come in. See, he is already Exhausted and Burnt out with life in general. Understandable! But he yet wants to embark on an even "GREATER" Chapter of Expansion of Exhaustion and Burn-out. You see, the worst part about being a "YouTube Influencer", is that it forces you to placate yo

Women Are Coping Hard Now With The "New Reality" of the Provider and Protector Role Disappearing

More than Ever, Men, Companies and even Government are rapidly giving Women the shaft. Women are really beginning to feel the pinch where it hurts, as they are being given  slowly but surely, a shove out of civilization. The boot in their dirty little asses. And what do Women do!? They lash out using their same old wrinkly playbooks in trying to shame Men back into his role of slavery to defend her. I really don't think Women should be defended or protected, quite honestly. What we can be grateful for, is the fact that the whole entire role of Man being a Protector or Provider for Women, is going to permanently be discarded for all eternity, and the best part is that Women have laid the pavement for that permanent future reality. In truth, they don't deserve it. What you Men must remember at all times is that there are 2 REALLY Hot Button Issues right now that Women are having a hell of a time dealing with that have been exposed about their Gender. 1. The fact that it has been

Dealing With NPC Clients

It's amazing how worse NPC's are becoming these days, especially in workplace settings. And especially more so, since the "COVID Vaccine". This New Trend I notice constantly, is for people asking me "What's Next / What Do You Need" or simply suggesting to proceed with something before I have either confirmed or reached something necessary, or if a part hasn't been provided or something hasn't been planned or organized ahead of time. What's "insane" is that they ask me "What's Next" when it's not even the right question to ask and is completely irrelevant to something I bring up! And when they ask me what they need, they do so after I already explained it! Then they look at me like I have 5 heads when I further elaborate something. These people really seem to think things can somehow just work or proceed anyway, and they seem very uninterested to come to understand technical terms in anything, especially when it com

Disseminating and Explaining Through Military Propaganda

The thing is, sure, it sounds all good in theory... And sure, so have nothing but respect for Firefighters, but we have to be honest in addressing the fact that for the most part that Public Servants project more of an image or idea than a reality. It is less problematic with Firefighters or EMTs, but let's be honest, most Policeman and Military Personnel are just slaves who take orders and have no thought, no honor or dignity. I would at least respect them a bit more if they had honor and were "willful" order followers as such, but let's be honest we live in the real world and we know that most Law Enforcement and Soldiers are brainwashed cucked slaves who are Perpetually told what to think. It's not that they even need to be told how to think, but constantly what to think, and the fact that they don't even know what or whose freedom they are fighting for. Here in America, most Soldiers and Servicemen are fighting for the freedoms and welfare of Capitalists,

What Does The Gym, Semen-Retention And Stoicism Have In Common?

All 3 of these activities are based on Self-Denial, Restriction and Self-Punishment. Men who can be subject to easily being controlled and manipulated, will easily succumb to this self-torture. Historically, it's also been the way that Militaries recruited Men to be willing to give their lives up for the benefit of someone else. Most Military Men are brainwashed sheep and utter losers and dregs, rejects and criminals of society. If you tell them to lick a frozen pole, they will go "Yes, Sir!!!" They are broken down to nothing and rebuilt to be a soulless killing machine. Men who are comfortably masculine do not believe in Self-Punishment, but instead believe in Self-Indulgence. These Punishment activities are major copes for Men who are broken and lost who want to feel like they have a virtuous edge over other Men who do not practice it. The ugly part of what will come of this, is those very same 3 activities will naturally result in Men becoming more irritable and consta

To Give Example Of How Cowardly and Inept Most Humans Are

As the owner of a website, including former websites and projects, I am definitely no stranger to Data Analytics, Monitoring Trends and also issues that emotionally stir people up. For example I've even mentioned time after time that many political agendas in history have been run by luring people by baiting them with the topic of 'Children" or somehow involving Children in the mix. It gets people super emotional and even to a point where they'd kill others in the name of the agenda over children if you could convince them of something. Children are just Humans that have not fully matured yet into an adult. It is purely emotional thinking, hormones and social conditioning that makes you think otherwise compared to a full aged human being about something. But most Human Minds cannot see what's wrong with that and it's the same reason we have nonsense for example whereby Juveniles can get less serious punishment for a crime compared to an adult. But I watch the s

Following What Goatis Promotes = The Only Possibility Of Attaining Highest Freedom and Spiritual Advancement

The degrees to how conditioned Humans are in this world, is at an alarming rate on Earth as it is right now. Why do you think someone like Goatis is so despised, denied, and ridiculed for his beliefs? On the other hand, he is absolutely Loved and Revered by those of us who identify with him. But a figure like Goatis, is bound to ruffle the feathers up with people who have all kinds of deep-rooted insecurities, mental hangups, lifestyles, or conditioning that they grew up with that they will refuse to accept or even entertain the remote possibility of what Goatis promotes or is trying to suggest in his messages. But the Message goes even further than just the subject of Raw Meat. I tell you, there are extremely few Men, not even Elderly Men who have come anywhere near close to the Enlightenment that Goatis possesses within himself. At times, I fear many of his messages are not fully understand or accepted, at least not to the depth they ought to be, by his viewers. There is a Sacred Geo

Not Participating In The Gender War / Trying To Remain Virtuous Is Pointless And Futile

One should never mistake the whole brainwashed notion of trying to appear as the Bigger / Better Person. Unfortunately, since most Modern Men, but especially Caucasian Men are inflicted with this mind virus, you will always find that Men are so eager to not take action and to relegate themselves to passive roles, or to try to convince others of their "virtue" by trying to appear "Good". It doesn't get any more Judeo-Christian than that! Meanwhile, the Barbarians come in and pillage while these so-called "Good Men" try to convince other Men who look up to them to be patient and not give in to calls of "Civil War" or falling into the enemy's "traps", even though the enemy brought War to our doorstep! I see far too many Men in our midst, who are always ready to turn the other cheek and are even lazy or ridiculously optimistic to a point even with the situation concerning our "Women" that they are all banking and waiting o

"You're Just Depressed!" Is an Egregore Promoted by Hive-minded NPC's

It's amazing this age-old term still gets tossed around by the NPC's who love to claim to someone "You're just depressed!" or "Sounds like you have depression!" whenever someone explains something about reality or sees something for what it is. It's always the go-to statement by NPC's who've never endured any real hardship. This is a pure example of an Egregore or a "Thought Form" Implant that is used and broadcasted into their minds. The whole objective of it is to make Pure Humans think there is something wrong with themselves and to question their own sanity or judgment, and it's a part of the NPC's keeping you along the lines of their "script". All NPC's are inevitably enforcers of the system, and this is why any time you step outside of it, or explain something that goes against it, you will be humiliated, ostracized and slandered for it by the NPC's.

On The Recent Strange Behavior Of Trump & New Assassination Attempt

None of this surprises me. In fact, I think there is even a great chance they might actually eventually do a real Assassination on Trump in order to ignite Anger in the Right-Wing to ignite the actual Civil War. But with the strange comments coming out of Trump lately, whether about people eating Cats or Dogs, and even with Taylor Swift (I hate her too of course), but these occurrences seem to be a very deliberate thing being done to make Trump out as a clown, which he of course is, but it's being done to orchestrate a new crisis. The objective, however is to put both the Left and Right into a total tail-spin, especially by the time the elections are actually done here. The thing is, even if Trump does make a truthful statement, he is being instructed by someone to say something in a way that hurts any kind of credibility behind it.