Following What Goatis Promotes = The Only Possibility Of Attaining Highest Freedom and Spiritual Advancement

The degrees to how conditioned Humans are in this world, is at an alarming rate on Earth as it is right now.

Why do you think someone like Goatis is so despised, denied, and ridiculed for his beliefs?

On the other hand, he is absolutely Loved and Revered by those of us who identify with him.

But a figure like Goatis, is bound to ruffle the feathers up with people who have all kinds of deep-rooted insecurities, mental hangups, lifestyles, or conditioning that they grew up with that they will refuse to accept or even entertain the remote possibility of what Goatis promotes or is trying to suggest in his messages.

But the Message goes even further than just the subject of Raw Meat.

I tell you, there are extremely few Men, not even Elderly Men who have come anywhere near close to the Enlightenment that Goatis possesses within himself.

At times, I fear many of his messages are not fully understand or accepted, at least not to the depth they ought to be, by his viewers.

There is a Sacred Geometrical Attribute to the Teachings of Goatis, and in his infinite wisdom of the Message he promotes, and as he is also a Partner with us in an Ever-Increasing Propaganda War and essentially a Spiritual War that we are involved in.

Some will one day come around to realize the greater depths in many teachings by Goatis, but probably at a far later date and less convenient time.

The things that come from Goatis, are absolutely a direct reflection from his Higher Self, and it is because of this that he is naturally in-tune and aware of the things he is.

The truth is that, even as absurd or psychotic as it may seem to even embrace certain ways of what he may tell you, this only is because of the veneer of conditioning.

You can never truly be free or understand what it means to experience freedom, in the highest sense, at least in the Matrix slave system, without adhering to those principles.

I actually find it more frightening, with the fact that most people are far more comfortable with their social conditioning upon things, rather than to follow primal instincts.

It is because of this that we have a far more dishonest and corrupted world, and it also means that less and less matters get carried out in the manner by which they ought too, and instead sealed up in a kettle to only reach a boiling point.

I hope some of you do recognize how significant and important that Herr Goatis truly is.

You will find very very such Men in your lifetime, who ever come close to his level of wisdom and excellence, and that truly is a tragedy about this existence.

Goatis has truly done so much, and offered so many incredible viewpoints on many topics, and is absolutely consistent, pervasive and knows naturally how a Human should think or respond in a given situation, and even debunks the improper thinking "lying to oneself" that most Humans try to use to get by in this world.

I will not deny this, but every day there are a few certain figures I think about in my head and about how great they are, and there is not a day that passes by that I am not reflecting on much of the works and reflections of this Man.

He is greater than Nietzsche and even of many other figures alive on Earth today.

For me, it is a relief every day that someone like Goatis does indeed exist in this horrific existence, to know that there is someone out there who is fully conscious of many things and not some brain-dead tool like the rest of humanity.

The thing is, that for someone like Goatis who is so far advanced, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to have any Social connections or relations with most Humans in this world, because of how intolerable they will find you, because of the unbelievable levels of programming and pollution in most people.



    1. @nyjord, You picked one of the most fitting videos and a beautifully done compilation from the great Sv3rige Days! I love both Sv3rige and his Goatis incarnation as well.

  2. This reminds me of the Hannibal Lecter fictional character, he eats the NPCs because they are inferior to him, to him it's not cannibalism because they are not his equals; he is above and beyond the masses of trash that pass for "humanity" today....

    1. @Alex, For sure, the only main problem with the Superiors have been relegated to Inferiority and are not waging war against the actual Inferiors in addition to being "fragmented" is because their Self-Esteem or Self-Worth has been manipulated and hi-jacked by these Inferior Beings.

      Many people you see alive around us today would have either been slaughtered or eliminated one way or another from Society under a Natural Order, and deemed unfit in some form or another.

      This is why Superiors never need to treat or regard their Inferiors as "Equals" on any level, and it is also the same reason why some people deserve to be actual slaves.

      There's a reason even better stocks of "Negroes" in African countries enslaved the "bottom of the barrel" Negroes in their own lands. They knew the rules and understand heirarchy.

  3. You sound just like a religious person:

    "I tell you, there are extremely few Men, not even Elderly Men who have come anywhere near close to the Enlightenment that Goatis possesses within himself.".

    The thing is that is most intriguing with you who take things he says to heart is that everything but him you critically assess. You are part of this little group who is in on the secret, you all have been lied to and the puppet world is out to get you, but your leader has all the answers. His pontifications are nevered questioned. All you "die hard followers" always accept what he says. Yet he never offers any proof to his claims. What you have failed to see is that throughout history there have been countless of groups such as Gatis followers, each as assured of their belief, each thinking they all know the truth, who listens without question to their worshipped leader.

    That is religion Mr. Prussian.


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