
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Willingness to be Relentless and Ruthless Without Limit For Revolution

These days, you would be hard pressed to find "righteous" individuals, who would be willing to use fear and terror, and even the willingness to go after a guilty individual's family and to even eradicate the whole family from existence. People have moral scruples about this, only because they only directly look at the parties involved, and do not take into consideration how families are enablers, and how families can also be looked at as ripe fruits to pluck to also pay the price for a blood relative's evil shenanigans. The Bolsheviks understood this, and most criminals also understand this, which is why they are able to wield power so well. When I suggest the type of intimidation and horrific acts that must be carried out, the unfortunate state is that most people will feel nervous or sick to their stomach. But what this also tells me, is that the righteous person who responds or reacts in this way, has not tasted enough bitter experiences and betrayal in this world

Understanding How Caucasians Will Easily Permit Their Own Countries To Be Overtaken

  For many many years, in fact decades, I have sat and watched how Caucasian people act, and it's not even just in America either, but also in Germany, because the Caucasians for many years, have been eager and desperate to give help always to others who do not need it or do not deserve it, while depriving those who really do need help. In Caucasians, I have found a people more than ever who are with the least vested interes to know, understand or accept the real life story of someone before passing judgment and action. They already decide what they will do and just assume the best of someone, or anyone. Even in today's Germany, there are so many German Nations both inside and outside of the country, who are eager to give the German living standard and way of life to "Foreigners". Many of these German Agents, are even young "Digital Nomads" as they are called, who come to other countries to study or work as teachers / professors or part of some kind of Inter

Why The West Will Be More Nightmarish between now and 2030

Even despite all the on-going events and depopulation event that is anticipated for 2025, the dynamics of how society is declining is going to all but ensure that conditions in your own neighborhoods and lives will deteriorate beyond your imagination. There are entirely new waves of sometimes "better" people who are now leaving the West to relocate elsewhere, and even Europe is no longer the top destination. The types of people who are leaving, tend to have some amount of capital with them, maybe an Independent Business owner, a Retiree or even someone in the Military, as these are the very common types who are leaving Western countries, and the gap that it is creating is being occupied by more and more low level scum taking up certain businesses or real estate. I still expect countries like the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France and Sweden to bear the worst brunt of these kind of conditions, but even countries like Italy or Austria have problems as well. The question

What Gangstalking Is / What Gangstalking Is Not

  This controversial subject, is one which remains a topic of large debate, however I feel the need time and time to address the differences beteween the Gangstalking Programs, of which there are really only Type A and Type B. A. Gangstalking of Pure Humans B. Gangstalking of people who have Family / Government / Federal & Freemasonry Connections C. Mental Illness / Paranoia / Schizophrenia or Drug Use Most who belong to Category A, will even go throughout their life never knowing they are under a gangstalking program. If you are a Pure Human, regardless of the country you live in, you are inevitibly under this program. It doesn't matter what you do or don't do in your life, since this is a program that has long been established as part of the New World Order Tyranny, and as a method to eliminate Pure Humans and replace them with NPC's However, even an NPC who decides to become a Freemason or work for the Government, may find himself to later in life, be affected by gan

No! Do Not Respect Your Elders!

As an Elderly Person myself, I am telling you that one should never respect their Elders, in Auto-Pilot Mode. Always be suspicious about someone who demands that you must "respect them". Such as Respect Women or Respect the Elderly. If a particular group or class is demanding this, this then means they want to be absolved of any shortcomings, or may be hiding something from you, because as we all know, Respect is earned! If you've earned Respects, you ought never need to ask for them, let alone demand them! These statements that are projected to others, are probably the most worthless statements to ever be told to others, since they expect you to blindly endorse someone just because of how they are born, into a certain ethnicity or gender maybe, or based on the "condition" they are at their point in their life. It's utter BUNK and NONSENSE! It is true today that many youths do not respect Elders, but one would be a fool if they ignored or denied the fact tha

Germany has become a wasteland on the level of the United States and United Kingdom

Germany eared a reputation it never had prior to 2020. It has become a Wasteland, much like America and the United Kingdom. A country that is no longer identifiable in what it wants to be or who it is, and whereby Non-Germans live the real dream, whereas Germans themselves do not. Interestingly enough, these 3 Nations have been the highest contendors of shaping the future in the last 2 centuries, without any possible rival, but Germany never really made it past 2nd place, and is relegated to third position in this regard, at least from the effects that Two World Wars had on it. It lost its ability for Hegemony attempts by 1945 in either circumstance. Germany used to be somewhat of a better country than even the United States even in more recent years aside from the Immigration issues, however with certain less freedoms, nevertheless, even by both official and unofficial metrics, Germany has lost that reputation between 2020 and 2024. The population of Germany is lost beyond even remote

A Summary of why the Irish, Scottish and all Celts are Scum and Dangerous

The Irish and Scots or whatever other names they hide under in host nations, are able to cleverly disguise their intentions to others, because they often try to court and appeal to Foreigners. They have done this even from their Ancient Mesopotamian influences and others around Asia. But behind your back, the Irish and Scots are always telling lies and destroying the Nation's best. They are uncivilized. Even the English despised this about them, because the English were essentially also on the receiving end of the malicious nature of these people, and it represented a threat for England's civilization. In America, only the much earlier settlers from Europe, including the English, Germans and Dutch, despised the Irish and knew what danger they represented. It is a myth that "religious differences" were the main cause of the hatred of them, because the thing is, many English in America were protestants in early times, and the so-called "Irish" or Scots-Irish w

Such a Sad, Sad, Empty People, Americans Are

This has always been a reflective topic for me, growing up in such an Alien country, and having lived out my entire life in this foreign culture, which isn't even a real culture. The suffocating atmosphere of how robotic and programmed Americans are, and to the extent that they identify with their careers or keeping up with the Joneses and not having any real uniqueness or passion amongst themselves, and lacking authenticity just never has failed to startle me, even as much as I am used to it. For them, it seems like nothing, as they are used to this way of life. For me, it's like biting into a bitter vegetable and I cannot pretend I don't taste the lingering bitterness. One example of this is someone recently who had taken note of some things in my surroundings which I actually don't maintain or at least some of the other circumstances behind something aren't exactly what they seem as. And, a person recently who has come to be involved in my life, for about a year

Society Is Absolutely Unbearable...

That's an understatement, because I'm really running out of words to even describe it any longer. It is unbelievable how bad things really are out there, especially in the US. Almost everyone is out to get you or searching for ways how too. It is actively on their radar. This is the world of NPC's. Friendship is largely a thing of the past. The people you think are your friends, are not your friends. Almost all interactions with others for any reason are based on a need basis, and it is impossible to have any normal relations with others outside of a particular "goal". This world is full of nothing but unsavory people, and it's far worse now as they are all COVID vaccinated. I'm involved in some unfortunate situations I have no choice to be as of recent until they soon are over, but the level of fakeness, mental gymnastics, and chameleon tactics that are used to navigate social relations by others in the United States is absolutely alarming. I'm not ev


As with everything, it takes time to run it's course. But, as I've said, it only takes time before the truth comes out. Nobody believes her lies anymore, and are getting tired of the mental masturbation, hype and constant dog-chasing-its-tail antics that are involved. The propagandists themselves are also losing steam, massively as well. They can't even keep the fairytales interesting anymore. Everything they have spoken about has been made up and fabricated. Just a castle built out of sand into the air. The TICK is getting desperate, as it hungers to feed off the vitality it's not receiving from others. The autists are now shitting their pants, as they frantically refuse to accept that they were totally duped and used and what they will come to learn is that the devil always comes to collect, in the end. Keeping living in your spiritual pipe dreams, autists! It's like waiting for the day that the sun won't rise!

Manifestelle Is Bitter Over "Pretty Privilege" Proving yet again, how Full of Flaws Gen Z is.

  I actually like this video from the standpoint that it serves as a great example and "extension" of discussion on a lot of things that Goatis has addressed in videos that illustrate the significance about how much "Looks Matter". Manifestelle really gets her panties in a bunch all the time, when it comes to "Pretty Privilege". Love it where she says "We don't get mad, We get paid..." And no, this "Spoiled Girlie" does not get paid. She may have a large channel, but if Manifestelle were really making it big, she wouldn't be clipping coupons and looking obsessively to find cheap recipes. She is a bitter, store loser. This is how you can read right through these jokers. Ever notice how these same Women over and over keep needing to remind their Female audiences that they are "So Perfect" and "So Special" and have so much "Value" and things to offer the world!? If this were true, why do they need to k

Another Thing Most People, Especially Youth Do Not Understand About The Internet

When it comes to talking to anyone on the internet, no matter the forum or method, and even as degenerate and in decline that Modern Society is, the Internet is not the "bigger picture" at all times about the Everyday Life outside that you see, with actual people. Most of your Experiences and Encounters online with anyone, will revolve only around certain corners of the internet or society, based on a subject or common interest, where there may be common trends or behaviors in people, but this is not how society is in a randomized, everyday environment, such as just being ramonly placed in an Urban City Center. Under such circumstances, anecdote online, matters not. Most people whom you will randomly encounter in public, will have no knowledge, opinions, interest or any beliefs to discuss with you, where you find such people online who seem to do. There is also a huge disparity in the lifestyles of people who spend most of their time online, versus offline. Most of the people

A Message To All The Neanderthal-Brained Losers with "Height Obsession"

The online Trend / Memes with Height Obsession. For one, it has to be predominantly Gen Z who holds this obsession, because Millenials are already presently well past the years of their prime and any kind of potential new growth. What I want to say, is all you little "turds" who think that your diet is going to be the be-all, end-all to your "Heightmaxxing" as you losers also call it, will do little to no effect, and the differences of any would hardly be even worth it. I see some of you retards beginning to turn your own inner self-loathing to begin blaming your parents, and even in the most ignorant fashion to blame your own "Shorter" mothers, because your autistic brains are so obsessed with this that you can't even stop to think rationally to recognize that Women of ALL races, tend to usually be shorter, at least considerably shorter than the Male counterparts of that race, and that nature designed it this way. It's not "bad genetics"

Today's Metal Song...

I really regret not keeping up with the Music Blog we also had published on Wordpress, but my motivation along with the overall stress of shit in society lately has made me very unenthusiastic with keeping it up, but in any case, I will post these things from time to time here. On the other hand, this DOES give great Motivation to go out and  "BURN A WITCH!"

Delusional Schizophrenic Girl Tries To Convince Others They Can Step Into "5D"

  A typical New-Ager, and what gets me is how many years these Hippie Nerds promote all this gobbedly-gook, utopian ideas, of "transcending" or rising to the "5th Dimension' and raising one's Awareness into a Higher Vibration. Most of the people who promote this nonsense are Demons, or are possessed in some way by them, or are NPC's who experimented with Mushrooms or Ayahuasca, and other Psychedelics. There is no such thing as "entering the 5th Dimension" and there is no such thing as the Earth merging with the 5th Dimension. What's even more telling about these clowns, if they can't even describe what the 5th Dimension is, but they tell you what is "not there". As Usual with thes Bogus Spiritual Gurus, if they always talk about "Light" and "Oneness", and they talk about how we will be uniting with everyone, including the degenerate and unloved scum of this "3D Realm". In addition of course, to make it

A Christian Cuck Who Is Having "Trouble" Accepting Women's Demonic Behavior And Men's Warnings About Marriage

I've gotten into arguments with this pathetic cucked loser, but he is such a milktoast loser and hypocrite and liar, it makes me sick. You can see how insecure and confused this little prick is, especially with how he is hesitant and even sounds like Biden at times trying to form "words". Blinded by his own religious propaganda nonsense that he cannot trust other Men's words! I'm going to tell you guys a quick little story about some girl I briefly dated many year ago. I can't remember how the heck the conversation came up between us, but, I was on vacation with this girl and rented a hotel for us, and we were getting in the mood. She was straddled right on top of me, with really nice tight jeans that show her crotch. In any case, I don't know how it happened, but the topic of "marriage" came up, I think either it she or I may have brought up a joke about marriage, but then it somehow took a turn for a "serious" conversation while she i

Why Transgenderism Represents The Greatest Sign Of Complacency In Men

Transgenderism in the West, especially in the USA, particularly with "Trans Women" is the absolute Canary in the Coalmine of just how Weak, Pathetic, Cowardly and Complacent Men have been about taking back Masculinity into their own hands and putting Women in their place. You may think that most Modern Trans Women, Men who either dress, obtain hormone replacement therapy or attempt to change their anatomy, are doing so in every case because they are "gay". But that's s not always the case. A lot of Men are doing this because they have become "privy" to the lifestyles and perks of living as a Woman, including red carpet treatment and VIP passes open to them for virtually everything in life. Free Drinks, Free Invitations to parties and all kinds of events. This is how far Men have permitted things to slide, in the West. Not even a slight inclination whatsoever to fight back or put your foot down on the nonsense Women get away with! Women should not have

Reviewing Another Video By "Zero Fucks Given" I do have to say I am quite impressed with his level of understanding some very nuanced and articulate details about American mentality and behaviors. Things of which I have observed and also studied for many years. His views about Genetics of the American people, are absolutely spot-on. And it also proves why the founding of America, was an absolute disaster, in its inception. The problem with the American People, is that from the get-go, they are descendants by and large from Criminal and Opportunistic Families. Most countries in Europe, are not necessarily "founded" by Criminals or a Criminal Class, and this distinguishes America from all the other Western Powers. The Genetic Pool of Americans, by and large, while relatives of Europeans, they are of different Genetic variation Sequences compared to most Europeans, or at least whom we've known of Europeans. This Man is absolutely correct in his statements, that Americans have