What Gangstalking Is / What Gangstalking Is Not


This controversial subject, is one which remains a topic of large debate, however I feel the need time and time to address the differences beteween the Gangstalking Programs, of which there are really only Type A and Type B.

A. Gangstalking of Pure Humans

B. Gangstalking of people who have Family / Government / Federal & Freemasonry Connections

C. Mental Illness / Paranoia / Schizophrenia or Drug Use

Most who belong to Category A, will even go throughout their life never knowing they are under a gangstalking program. If you are a Pure Human, regardless of the country you live in, you are inevitibly under this program. It doesn't matter what you do or don't do in your life, since this is a program that has long been established as part of the New World Order Tyranny, and as a method to eliminate Pure Humans and replace them with NPC's

However, even an NPC who decides to become a Freemason or work for the Government, may find himself to later in life, be affected by gangstalking, even if it had never formerly been the case.

The thing with Freemasonry, is that once a Freemason, always a Freemason, and this is an insider secret of the fraternity that most don't really know, but even if you fall on bad standing with them, you are still regarded in a way "as one" and will be subjective to their agents watching you everywhere.

As the "Hotel California" song goes, "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave."

The problem is that, almost all actual documented claims you will hear of Gangstalking, typically come from people who belong to Type C, and this is a result of making hyperviligant ideas into patterns that do not exist, such as constantly noting certain colors or synchronicities, which actually just might be circumstantial and not conspiratorial.

Most people who are genuinely under the gangstalking program, would not refer to themselves as a "Target Individual", this seems to be a term mostly used by Type B specimens.

Even as a Pure Human or even someone who is an NPC, it is dangerous to hang out with anyone who belongs to Type B for any reason, because typically there will be scenarios as the result of their family connections that put you at risk for being false accused of something or even involved in their family drama or problems.

The existence of Type B Gangstalking, is merely just the Overlords in power who are watching their children, as the tendency for these children to cause trouble is high, since they do not occupy seats of power.

How do you tell if you are really experiencing Gangstalking?

Gangstalking is not always open or overt, in fact many times it operates very discreetly through series of Networks on Local and Higher Levels of society, and these Networks also report to Central Authorities and have a chain of command in how they monitor unsuspecting victims.

A person who is under gangstalking, will likely have little to no friends in their life. They will also have a very hard time holding a job.

If you get to know new people anywhere you go, either at a party or event, or even moving somewhere, you may find that for that night only the people will like you, or maybe for another day or so, maybe even will drink with you. But you may find suddenly that they all begin to act differently around you and will also seem to be entirely synchronized to avoid you in unison.

You will often find that when people come around to you, that they feel put off by your presence, and that you generally find you are more mistreated by the general public than a lot of other people are, even those who may be disliked for some reason or another.

Gangstalkers are not necessarily only people in the government or authority circles, but are also your neighbors, family members, co-workers or peers you interact with, who are working against you, and telling great amounts of disinformation in your name to others, so as to sabotage your ability to have any place or status in society.

The goal of gangstalking is to eventually get you to commit suicide, or especially to act out, especially in a way that will incriminate you, as a result of isolation or other methods that will drive you insane in trying to understand why you have a problem functioning in this world, especially if you do everything the right way.

You cannot discuss gangstalking with anyone who is not a Pure Human, because they will not believe or understand you and will not even entertain the possibility of it.

There is also an Etheric component to how Gangstalking works and is initiated on the Quantum Level, because through these methods behind the scenes, information is fed and exchanged, even between multiple Human Specimens, without it being seen or known in the physical reality.

The Hybrid Classes of Humans, are the ones who specialize most in promoting this form of Gangstalking onto others, since they are constantly gleaning the environment, and they also know how to appeal to their victims to get information out of them that otherwise is not disclosed in a psychic manner.

Then, there is also of course, the case of the "Akashic Records", and this gives these entities all the knowledge about you ahead of time, even going back in the past, and even knowing in the future what you will do.

For example, if you have "Racialist" views, these Entities will be able to see that, and know who you are or what you will become, whether or not you are conscious of it yourself at the time.

Gangstalking does involve creating artificial street theater, and it also can mean manipulating traffic around you or creating certain sequential events, including a deja vu, or even repeating simulated events or experiences you have had with someone else in a similar environment but a completely different person.

But, in most cases, an actual Gangstalker is not necessarily someone down the street who is just sitting in their "car" that you think is watching you. Although that can happen, there is a lot more sophistication with these networks and how they transmit information.

Scripting Events, and even using thought implants in the NPC's also helps further the agenda to lead a Pure Human's life into total hell and hopelessness.

Anyone who tells you that you can get rid of gangstalking, even by intimidating others or moving to another place or country, is a liar.

Part of the problem with all this, however, is that even from the standpoint of Evil Beings, they will also view things done against them as being "Gangstalking".

So they will then believe that they are Pure Humans, as all of this comes down to very low level programming in Humans.

Gangstalking is all about keeping you according to a particular script, which basically entails your enslavement.

For example, let's assume if you are someone handsom or beautiful (in trueness) but you find yourself never having a relationship with the opposite sex and are unwanted. You may have these agents who tell you "How is someone who is so good-looking like you actually single!?"

This is designed to provoke a response, and a frustration in the Pure Human, and at the same time, the Pure Human knows that if they voice the truth about this, their answer will never be understood or empathized with by the offending NPC.

Gangstalking agents will also make sure you never get promoted anywhere in society or gain the level of acceptance and respect you deserve - assuming you deserve it - and yet will like to make you think that you mean the world to them.

Everyone will constantly talk about you and say that you are "gay" to others, or some kind of weird freak, but notice there are so many predatory people in society around and yet while these people are "weird freaks" but yet nobody ever calls them that. And in fact, they might even be gay, and yet these same people or even "agents" will be their best friends!

NPC's will never challenge anyone who is part of the "Matrix" system, because they are defenders of it.

When you are a Pure Human, they can immediately detect on the Etheric level that you are not from the Matrix system, and the attacks immediately begin.

Another common but rarely spoken about topic in gangstalking, is that if you've ever had difficulty obtaining credit or if you have found that there is something in your records where you are not recognized by the government. This is not always an indicative, but in a lot of cases it can be, especially if there seems to be no true answer for how to correct this situation in your life, if you are registered in the system from the beginning.

Gangstalking agents will always treat you like a child, or will troll you in a certain way that they would never dare to do with anyone else, even for people who actually deserve to be trolled.

Sooner or later, most people who have been gangstalked in their life, will eventually come to realize it or at least even if they do not know the name for it, will suspect something of the kind has occurred which has largely been responsible for the way their life turned out.

But the most soul-sucking part of it, will be the fact that no matter how legitimate your story might be, nobody will ever believe you or take you seriously.


  1. after reading this post i would let my self going in random places for absolutely no reason for getting gangstalked and fooling them haha. I would even be a curios target for my umbrella jacket ubcs

  2. i don't consider my self a human or npc. also becouse i don't have any of their characteristics. in terms of psychiatric and jewish gematria i have stuff related to demonic possession and narcissism

  3. I had hacked an npc via doxbin who told me that I would never have pussy if I didn't make money like him through cryptocurrencies. Being a narcissist I have threatened him with death several times and immediately a nanosecond later in saying: go away you inferior insect I have better things to do. because he kept sending gifs of a vagina and I replied with one of a terminator and a random jumping infant. I think I hurt his pride as I posted photos of myself and he told me I literally looked like a monster and that I had unnatural, fake eyes.

  4. it's curious that you want to come across as humanitarian and nice but then you're literally not even pro-Nazi but pro-Hitler who lost the war in the worst possible way. to tell you it's very difficult for you to talk about pure human friendship and bullshit of this kind if you then post stuff about hitler lol he himself would have even punished you

  5. I prefer the concept of fascism and Americanism instead of the hypocritical depressive stuff of national socialism. for me everything is like eradicating the demons in devil may cry I only do it out of narcissism and transcendentalism I don't have any kind of real empathy towards anything but the fact remains that the Jews are too hostile and must be eliminated from the face of the earth

  6. another thing that makes me laugh enough is the fact that you talk about pure humans and you are a fan of goatis. someone who spends his time criticizing the work of others by ridiculing them and is also suspected of having thrown acid in the face of his ex-partner Luna (personally I don't believe it since to me he just seems like a poor scammer but it's clear that he goes around with disreputable people) to tell you that you think you are good in the right but even you are not much better to tell you if a sewer rat like me who has contact with Islamic terrorism and Templars comes to write to you on your blog precisely there is something what's wrong.... what did you think you would attract your favorite girl with this blog? hahahahahhahah buulshittttt my friend

  7. when im going to send all the ultimate biowepaons for exterminate the jews on israel and eradicate jewish dna i would and the god of this earth and the wormish humanity would forever obey to me becouse: your'e hate is my strength, your'e degeneracy is my fuel and your suffering is my power and power is life!

    1. @TristanLouisino949, You do realize that none of your endless banter is taken seriously, right!? Even the way you form sentances, is typical of someone with severe mental illness, tendencies towards Cluster B type personality disorders, and a severe level of autism.

      Your brain is like mush. You also sound very reminiscent of a New Jersey crackhead, and you talk and think a lot like people from that filthy state.

    2. yes but I'm not going to proclaim a scammer on YouTube lol who says that you only have to eat raw meat all your life lol what would your much loved Hitler say when he himself was disgraced by his generals who also loved him? To me the one who doesn't seem coherent is you. This is why we fascists we are superior

  8. My non biological uncle lives in London and is a freemason. It seems like he is in the lower ranks of one but could this be bad? He comes across as a lovely man. He is 80 years old and is in remarkable health for his age. I have always wondered what secret freemason diet he is on to stay so healthy.

    Interestingly enough though, he has always had this fascination about me. I don't have siblings but have 6 cousins and he never bothers to see my cousins but every couple of months he wants to meet me for a few beers. It's even gotten to the point where other memories of my family find it very strange that he wants to see me but doesn't bother with the cousins. At a recent family wedding, he made sure he sat next to me at the dinner table and on another occasion which was my cousins birthday dinner, I was sitting next to my mother and he tried telling me it would be better for the group if I sat next to him.

    When we meet up, we usually discuss topics such as the meaning of life, society, women, human psychology, and politics. He claims I am rational and with a bit of luck, will go far in life. Whilst I do enjoy spending time with this man as he seems wise and not an NPC, I do wonder if he is up to shady activities because of his membership to freemasonry. I also wonder why he often asks to spend time with me, especially without my biological aunties presence.

    1. @Kyle, While technically there are some "decent" people who can get hoodwinked into joining Freemasonry, they usually are not allowed to join, or if they do, they will never get past the first 3 Levels of Masonry, of which the highest rank would be a "Master Mason", which is a part of the "Blue Lodge", as it's called.

      The problem is they are still part of the cult, and what little to no involvement they may have, they don't realize what they are support. The lower levels of Freemasonry are usually used as "peons" to go out and perform charity / volunteer work and to support as much funds as possible for all kinds of programs.

      I wouldn't trust anyone who is a Freemason, no matter what degree, plus the thing is they are all being watched, even in the first 3 Degrees.

      What most Freemasons who are part of the Blue Lodge do not understand, is that the higher Lodges are extremely Political and talk about Political affairs, whereas discussions of Politics are forbidden in the Blue Lodge.

      So the lower level Masons, are completely on the uninformed basis.

      For example, while a lower degree Freemason will always insist that they do not worship Lucifer or a specific God and that people of all religions are free to join, while that is technically "true" that all may join, the only insiders who know of the God they worship are at the higher degrees.

      There are 96 Degrees of Freemasonry, but most peoply only ever get to 32nd or 33rd, and those last 2 degrees in the 33-Degree Units are the most uninformed, because even those under them are extremely under-informed.

      At the high levels of Freemasonry, everyone knows that the Fraternity is Jewish and that Freemasonry is essentially all about Judaism and worshipping the Jewish God who comes under many different Hebrew names and identities.

      Low Level Masons are not allowed to participate in any real ritual work or other inner activities of the fraternity.

      However, the Lower Level Masons can appear as very "benevolent", because a lot of times they are expected to carry through duties and responsibilities, and they usually know at least a little bit about certain areas of businesses opening up or happenings that are local to the City or Province which they reside, and may know a lot about property holdings / certain big figures who own Real Estate or things relating to Municipal Employees and Activities.

      I don't trust any Freemasons whatsoever, and never will. We stay clear of them.

  9. People have an unnatural obsession with me. Is that gangstalking, I don't know. It is whatever. I prefer being by myself so it doesn't really affect me one way or the other.

    I guess I don't go out very much these days but people are such trash and usually fat, tattooed up and ugly anymore that what am I really missing? Plus all they seem to want to talk about is politics... like it matters anyway. No thanks.

    1. @Here for the apocalypse, Yes, it often can be, especially if their actions show that they keep you somehow excluded or isolated, or especially if they ask you questions to humiliate you in front of others or ones that insult your intelligence.

      A lot of times, the obsession can be geared around something they want from you, or want to take from you and then claim it as their own.

      There really is not much you are missing out on in public, it's horrible the way it is now.

      You can't talk to anyone, and interestingly enough, I am also finding others online who are finding the exact same unbearable nature of being in public at all right now.


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