25 Minute Compilation of Toxic Women At The Gym

A MUST WATCH... It's absolutely disgusting that it's really come down to all this, and of all places, "at the gym".

Even though I don't go to the gym and never really cared for it, it actually angers the hell out of me that the gym is such a big deal these days and whereby it's a sanctuary for these parasites, and that they get this much leverage over Men. Disgusting NPC Narcissists.

It's not going to end "pretty" for Women and the Human Species, because what these specimens don't realize is that they have long over-dealt their cards which absolutely warrant the near total annihilation of the Human Species. It's long far gone.


  1. Most 13 year old boy and girls go to the gym they have an obsession with body because as generations pass they are becoming uglier i showed my grandma what people think are “above”faces today she claims that’s average and it’s most certainly average in the 70s.

    As these boys and girls go to the gym the age even more which they already look older. Older women who go to the gym are ugly and worthless they are also very depressed and lonely trust me lol I hear conversations. Most couples today are roommates anyway. Just a bunch of narcissists in the gym.

    1. @JunkieAmerican look at this: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qIf2Oz0RCsI
      is this a 4 or 3?

    2. @blood 3 most likely in real life because she has a filter on.I wonder if she got inspired by leanbeefpatty.

    3. @JunkieAmerican I went through this woman's YouTube shorts. She looks like she's ill or exhausted even with a filter on. I'd say a 3 as well. I wonder how old she is.

      Oh yeah, she most likely did get inspired by Patty.

    4. @rey yeah all this gym stuff will age them very quickly she looks about in her 30s but knowing how old people look now she’s probably 22 because that’s how old 22 year olds look but biologically she’s in her 30s I can’t really say because she is a filter I can’t see her real skin texture which determines youth.

    5. I actually did look up her age. She actually is in her 30s, but what I read was in Spanish and despite being Mexican and taking three classes for it at school, I'm not the best at speaking the language. She still does look rough though and who knows what she looks like without a filter and ring light.

    6. @JunkieAmerican @Reys World I really enjoy watching people destroy their bodies, I don't know, I can't help it. I feel like it's because I increasingly understand that these people were the same ones who supported the entire covid system and in a case like that they would seek to destroy decent humans, that's why I love seeing them like this. This is another one, it's hard to see her without makeup and like many men, she tries to cope with her body:

      This is a man who says he's 26 years old, look at him carefully, it's incredible, he also accepts that he puts chemicals on himself and says that he doesn't care because it's what a man should do if he wants to achieve his goals:


      Obviously he also says that suffering is good because it helps him grow as a person.

    7. @blood, The worst part is how suffering has somehow become synonymous with Masculinity. I always emphasize that Suffering is not completely avoidable and somehow inevitable now and then, but the key is that it is absolutely wise to Mitigate suffering as much as possible, so as to avoid it unnecessarily. Today we have Men who are completely identifying their value and character from Suffering.

      So much so, that these Men either are deluded or are otherwise fibbing to sell a false bill of good to other Men for the value of suffering for something that will never come out of it.

      The thing is, it's an absolute HARD SELL to try to convince someone to do something or even anything at that rate, where there is a risk and absolutely no reward and in fact, almost certainty of punishment these days.

      From what I see, this is the course that Humanity is trying to gear younger Men towards, and not even I have the guts to try to pull the wool over the youth's eyes like that to ride them like a horse all to keep civilization or my own ambitions alive or chugging.

      But there are many Men and Leaders out there in this world, especially Christian ones, who have no qualms and no problems sleeping at night selling lies that they tell youth need to do, especially when nothing "fruitful" will even come of it!

      I also am starting to see that the Boomer lies are falling flat on their face, because believe it or not, Boomers never did the "Oh you know sonny, we used to walk to school / work over 2 miles per day back and forth".

      That stuff hasn't been true to any degree since at least the Silent Generation or Older, generations where it was still largely affordable for the public to purchase or own vehicles.

      The Boomers just never want anyone else to catch wind about their mostly easy ride through life, otherwise they could be criticized for what they've done.

    8. @blood @PSA it's funny how there are people that think going to the gym will make you become more "masculine" as a man when that's utter nonsense. A real "masculine" man wouldn't care about bulking up at the gym.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Do you have any statistics to back up that women are more likely to be toxic at the gym than men are you cherry picking worthless piece of misogynistic shit?!

    1. @Fandar, Hey Dumbo! The video pretty much speaks for itself! Loser!

    2. It would be better if you despised women based on your personal experience with them rather than by all these slanderous videos(allow on YouTube) of them.

    3. @Fandar, You can't even tell the difference because you're so autistic and that much of a loser. You're one of the most pussywhipped guys I've ever heard of, not even joking.

  4. Prussia, what do you think about what just happened to the creator of Telegram, Pavel Durov? He was supposedly caught by the woman he had as an assistant who always uploaded photos of where they were. It's all very strange, but the strangest thing for me is that a guy who is supposedly so intelligent would fall for that. Unless it's all a setup, but I don't know.

    1. @blood, Believe it or not, I guess I've been out of the loop lately, let me check on what this story is all about and I will get back to you!

  5. The first 2 minutes are brutal, it practically talks about how everything is so acted out in this society, there is no authenticity.



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