Great New Videos by Goatis on Telegram


As usual, he delivers us only the best! Goatis is on fire as of late, with pulling out all the stops on his content. I really can never get enough of it!

In his remarks about Slaves worshipping their own cage, this is absolutely the case with Slaves, and it's why I suggest you cannot have a true friendship or connection with a Slave.

Slaves should never be respected by any means, even if they are beautiful or talented or even intelligent. Because they are ultimate losers, and the reason why they worship the cage is because common familiarity breeds comfort for them, and this is also even boils down to their love of shared misery.

Slaves despise people who are not "in the cage" and who think and see for themselves. And they will seek to ostracize you and isolate you. Yet, somehow the Slaves manage to be seen as the "cool kids" even with how retarded they are.

A perfect example I can give you is that I was at a Goth night the other day, and I overheard this crowd of kids there who talked about getting "COVID" again and going through the list of all the symptoms they have, headaches and running nose and what not, and yet talk about how they were all vaccinated and boosted. The thing is, the way they talked, is as if they never had the flu before or heard of the flu or common cold, because all othose symptoms have existed FOR YEARS and YEARS AND YEARS and I've experienced them many times in my life.

I've noticed that most people rarely ever talked about their "respitory infection sytems" prior to the COVID Era. They may say something like they came down with the flu really hard and was bed-ridden, but they did not get into all the specific details.

Now, these kids probably thought they were all cool getting "COVID Vaccinated".

Imagine how "uncool" I look, as someone who did not take the vaccine, and how pathetic I would be viewed for saying COVID was a hoax and COVID-19 never existed and that it's just all in their heads, and how I have experienced all the symptoms they were describing with just regular flus and common colds!?

They would utterly CRINGE and become disgusted by my presence of course, and likely tell me to get lost or mind my own business. There is not a chance in hell they would be interested in the truth, we know this, and if anything, they would become super angry and look at me as the pathetic loser.

Even though it's "they" who are the pathetic losers in their own echo chambers! You see!

Echo Chambers, because of the Halo Effect and Social Bias, has the tendency to appear more "legitimate" and "endorsed" even by the public.

Relevant facts do not matter, in fact it doesn't even matter if those kids are actual losers and believe the lies about COVID and their vaccines, even while I'm not the loser and know the truth.

This is the problem with the world, everything is now like this, and it's why Decent people are constantly shat upon and made to look like tattered up soiled clothing, while the actual losers and useless incompetent dregs are made to look pristine and righteous.

Actual cool people are not seen as cool or fun, except very few, and sadly even Goatis has been victimized in this light as well.

All of this is just like in the Movie "Idiocracy".

This world exclusively caters to the whims of losers, and casts out anyone of substance.

At the same time, if the Superior points the finger to the Inferior, the Inferior specimen then lashes out to claim that the Superior is somehow "jealous" of them!

What Goatis states about "World Peace" is absolutely true.

This is why we Germans don't talk about a "World Peace". It's an idealistic thought, or ambition, and it's usually only Caucasian Peoples who speak of it.

The properties of this world, and its entropic system, do not make a World Peace "possible", nor "practical".

You could maybe have an Established Peace at least for some time, or as a tentative agreement between Nations, but as older generations who created them pass on, and newer generations take up the ranks of Leadership and Society, growing populations, challenges and demands, can almost guarantee possibilities of new wars, but not exactly in the style of the "Bankers Wars" as you know them.

A World Peace would also have Evolution as a prerequisite.

It's not to say you cannot have a more "peaceful" world, relatively speaking by some means, but it will be never become something absolute.


  1. Goatis has made me discover many things and confirm others that I already had in mind and I thought I was crazy for thinking that way, and in fact I thought I was the only one who thought that way. It was like pieces of a puzzle that I already had in my mind and just observing his reflections made me connect them very well. The same with the NPC issue that you mention, the truth is that for a long time I had something similar in mind but for me it was like soulless zombies, but it was hard for me to differentiate or if he was judging wrong and I had to wait to qualify a person, but also every time I deal with people I see the traits that you mention about NPCs and it scares me because it is hard to find something outside of that.

    For example, recently I was talking to some women that I used to play with as a child, they already have children but they are separated. What made me curious is that one of them asked me if I had a girlfriend or in a mocking way if I had a boyfriend, I used to ignore these things, but the reality is that you can see how women always look to attack you there, even if their lives are those of losers, and I remembered what you mentioned about how NPCs look for weaknesses in pure humans to embarrass them, I also noticed that when I started talking about relevant topics, about how they raised their children and how important it is to feed and care they should have, they completely ignored me and even looked uncomfortable, it's like a topic like that for them having children was not so relevant. I also have a hard time creating normal conversations with people after the pandemic, that is something I had already reflected on but after connecting some of your texts that talk about this, everything makes sense, I don't know, something feels off, I even feel like they turn me off, like my energy is going down like laziness. Another thing is that when there was a gap in the conversation, they would look at their phones, it was something that irritated me, but I understood that this is something typical of automatons, nothing seemed natural and fluid, and in a way I could only connect with them by trying when I talked about common NPC topics, but when I had a reflected opinion outside the norm, they would get uncomfortable and give that look you mention "what a pathetic loser", and yes I think that it is increasingly difficult to find people outside the box, I do not consider myself such an exceptional person, but for some reason I feel that I can connect with them in the passion of what they mention and goatis is a good example.

    1. @blood, And that's the exact design of this system we live in. It's geared towards making people have self-doubt, even over things that instinctively or otherwise they may be aware of slightly or are wondering about.

      As you can see, the Propaganda is effective, because most people follow whatever the Media says anyways, and have no independent thought, and think such people are crazy who "think for themselves".

      It is extremely rare to meet Pure Humans anymore anywhere these days, I have only like 2 people over the last 2-3 years who I've come across who "might" not be NPC's, but I haven't seen or spent enough time around them to determine it.

      The other thing is since most Pure Humans cannot really cope or function or have anything to do with society in general, they are more likely to stay in their house most or all of the time, so less public exposure to interact with others, so you would be less likely to find them.

      This world is extremely hostile to Pure Humans, and the objective is to make as certain as possible to Pure Humans that they do not understand what's going on but think the problem is "with them".

      The other thing about NPC's, is they love to get your hopes up when they ask you a question, sometimes with a certain tone of voice to almost make it seem like they are curious or interested in something about you or what you do, but in actuality they don't care, it's to obtain information from you that can later be used against you.

      NPC's have no depth to them, so they do not understand anything and actually really don't care about anything but will sometimes like to pretend they do, so that's probably why they got uncomfortable during your conversations.

      Everything after the plandemic is far worse, absolutely nothing makes sense now and people's toxicities are being worn openly on their sleeves as a badge of honor. The more toxic they are or someone else is, the more they love to celebrate and hang out and boast about it.

      Also as I've said in the past, the fact that Humans respond more generally to negative events or circumstances, and that a negative circumstance is what brings people closer together rather than a positive or even neutral stance, is a very demonic attribute about this world.

      Never let anyone make you think that positive things come out of the negative, and that these occurences get seeded from that, that's what the evil powers want you to think, when in reality something just got started off on a bad footing.

      Humans are worthless by and large, and the worst thing one can subscribe to is that people should be allowed to just "live". No they don't. They need to be exterminated in the most horrific ways imagineable and their resource consumption freed up for those who deserve it.

      Most people don't deserve anything. Watching Human scum suffer makes me feel warm and happy inside.

    2. @blood, the mother's you talked about remind me of something I've noticed about many new parents of this generation, in America.

      Here is an example of a 'personality' type I've been seeing more:



      I was just thrown off by how immature they seem and the braindead tiktok slang the couple used. There is also this air of immaturity, yet level of 'they know best' in these new mother's and families.

    3. @T345 I replied to your comment with some information you might find interesting about the UK, under the 'Never Trust People Who Act Like They Are A Friend But Never Involve You' article.

  2. I realized that this goatis is the total representation of cosmic nothingness and absolute mediocrity. his soul is as empty as his head. but he is harmless and intelligent and probably also a diplomat who doesn't even take offense. in a year he would end up in an isolated fascist prison, seeing nothingness and learning to eat the best Italian cuisine in the world for free. you are just rubbish goyim you disgust your life has no meaning insects human dung that you are and when I commit the worst terrorist attack against the Jews it will be the total END for you!

  3. How cute is this Goatis. I would even feed him for free because I feel so sorry for him hahahah I would almost be tempted to send him money just to humiliate this miserable bum. but it's impossible to hate or denigrate him, he's just a poor guy who has some slightly senseless ideas. he doesn't even know what the discovery of fire is, but PSA I would smash your face in real life, you miserable piece of shit, you who talk about humanitarianism make me vomit, you disgust me, you must deserve the bullying, useless shit that you are!

  4. I don't understand why I should give up my favorite game yu gi oh and try to get rich with it to follow a guy who claims that everyone is scammers and we should be reduced to eating raw meat and staying with nature. but how can he not get bored honestly speaking? he is absolutely right that bodybuilders and influencers are half slaves and scammers but he too lives in his matrix of being a bum on YouTube. one cannot have the ambition to eat raw meat all one's life even if it is good for you every now and then. He's a rather low-minded person, a bit like some rigid and hypocritical Nazis lol

    1. very low openness goatis have. i mean he seems like he doesn't have any passion or something else

    2. @TristanLouisino949 All Loser, Autistic, Low Testosterone Men are into things like Yu gi oh, or Anime and other nonsense like that. Real Men don't give a rats ass about that garbage like you do.


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