
Showing posts from August, 2024

An NPC Who Gives Men The Perfect Recipe For Living A Daily Life Of Slavery

  ▪ Promotes Morning Push-ups ▪ Promotes Cold Showers ▪ Promotes "Going To The Gym" (tm) ▪ Promotes being a Provider and Protector as what makes a "Man" ▪ Uses the word "CAP" in conversation for something that doesn't mean a hat on your head, a ceiling on something, or the tops on a bottle. If you ever listen carefully to these "gurus" or "influencers", you will always notice that everything they speak that comes from them is always Hypothetical or Idealistic, but never Practical and Realistic. They speak about realities or conditions that don't really exist. They'll tell you to "GO ON AND GET OUT THERE" and "Make Friends" in a time when Friendship is actually heading the way of the dodo bird and it's nearly impossible to make genuine connections with others. More Hustling and More Grinding. They will always be the ones to tell you about how there are so many great opportunities out there, and to have

How The Berlin Wall was a period of time when Punks were actually against the Establishment, not for it. In actuality even to this date, the Fall of the Berlin Wall is actually recognized as the last successful mobilization of a truly genuine rebellion and resistance movement that has actually occurred in Modern History, whereas anything new has really just been imitation or somehow controlled or orchestrated in some kind of fashion. What you will understand in months and years to come, is that because most people today are NPC's, even if they "hate" the current system by any stretch of the imagination or go broke, the thing is they will never band together with others in mutual interest even with their status of becoming underdogs or downtrodden by their own government, because as a rule, NPC's do not respect anyone who is not a status symbol and especially if that person is a "nobody" in society. Even if that "nobody" happens to be an ultra cool system. So it pretty m

A Disgusting Creepy PUA Grifter By The Name Of "Stirling Cooper" Tries Deceiving Young Men About Attracting Women

  I'm surprised I hadn't heard of this guy until now, but after seeing this video recommendation on my feed, I had to take a look, and my god what a downright lying bag of shit this guy is in selling his snake-oil! For starters, he is not even attractive whatsoever! He is downright ugly, even though there aren't necessarily the worst set of genetics out there, he does have a sloped forehead , receding hairline and a less flattering skull shape, he is certainly "not" gifted in the looks department, and yet is trying to convince you that as a Man gets older, that he gets more Women. It's not true, and it's just if anything that Women use and string along the Older Men for money because they are the ones who usually have it. You don't "attract" more Women as an older Man! Now if you notice early on in the video, he begins talking about how a guy has "wasted his life" or mostly references "financial" reasons for not attracting

On Parents Sending Their Daughters To College. I Already Warned About This Many Years Ago

Back on my old website, and even former websites, in which I received plenty of Hatred from others for telling about how every father who sent his daughter to school [university] has failed his daughter, and should be charged with crimes, it only has more recently come to light with the reality of how University does indeed Damage Women and make them worthless. I believe fathers who send their daughters to University should be executed. They are all cucks. This girl in this clip is a lying bitch and grifter anyways, but she just wants to ride coat-tails on the issue.

All The Ridiculous New Virus Scares

Has anyone taken note to the endless new virus scares that the Media is trying to push, especially new scares in Africa including things spread by Mosquitoes!? They are even trying to push a new scare of EEE here in Massachusetts. Even talking about new COVID strains and surges again. Anything to get the NPC's "prepped" to accepting an all new big event.

Someday, Even My Most Staunchest Critics and Evil People Will Agree With My Words

My words are not very fun to listen too. They bring dread and doom, of times and events people would prefer to never think about. They tell a story or a time that goes to a whole new way against the grain. Against everything you've been taught to believe was true. But what you don't realize is also how thankless and torturous the work is in this field, and in what kind of ways you become despised by others and how there is literally no benefit in it except for the fact of it being the truth. There is no reward, no praise and not even any support or encouragement in this line of work. Only suspicion, doubt, malice, anger, denial and rage are the emotions that get stirred up in others. Most people want to hear instead about God or Jesus. There is an amazing capacity in Humans to overlook the meaning or reality of their existence to be willing enough to cope in their hellscape. To even attempt to build a big life in this system and even ruin yourself and your health in the process

What "Uncommon Sense" doesn't "get" about the Ladies...

  Sadly, I have to be honest, but while I had initially liked this guy somewhat, my opinions on him have become a bit more soured as I see he is largely influenced by Social Media memes, trends, including New Age ideas, such as the "abundance" mindset. Which really is just another "cope". The people who sell the idea of "abundance" are actually part of the Matrix system and problem in this world, because it fuels Narcissism or this idea that anyone is somehow entitled or deserving of something, even anything, even to manifest "money", while they never have done anything to deserve it. There is no such thing as abundance in a finite system with finite resources and finite energy, and especially in a world that is overpopulated with Humans. The world IS overpopulated... Whether you wish to believe it or not, and it's not a "Left" thing nor a "Right" thing. Look around you and see what has changed especially since the 1970

Hammerhand Is Right!

Many times, he impressed me with how far ahead of his time he is in many things, and naturally has a very strong inclination towards the significance behind things and has a higher sense of intuitive processes than many people do. But he rightfully laid claim to what I have a problem with on both sides! Hammerhand IX 13 hours ago (edited) I'm what you'd call a political orphan. The Left are psychopaths that embrace being a psychopath while gaslighting EVERYONE about how that ain't that, The Right are confused, duplicitous cowards who are no longer Christians, Conservative OR Republican. The Libertarians are fence sitting cowards who join up with the political power no matter WHO it is and ME........I just try to get men to stop being used and ALL these motherfuckers hate me for it. Show less

25 Minute Compilation of Toxic Women At The Gym

A MUST WATCH... It's absolutely disgusting that it's really come down to all this, and of all places, "at the gym". Even though I don't go to the gym and never really cared for it, it actually angers the hell out of me that the gym is such a big deal these days and whereby it's a sanctuary for these parasites, and that they get this much leverage over Men. Disgusting NPC Narcissists. It's not going to end "pretty" for Women and the Human Species, because what these specimens don't realize is that they have long over-dealt their cards which absolutely warrant the near total annihilation of the Human Species. It's long far gone.

Are Bad Genetics Often Associated With Toxic Character In Humans?

Yes, in most cases. It depends specifically what the ailment or physiological indicator is, because the Eyes, even the shape of the Nose, Ears, Chin and Jaw or other body indicators are a telltale sign of Character, even Criminal and Undesirable Traits. For example, the classic "Flat Foot", this is a characteristic of all Jews and Witches by Blood. Teacup Ears which protrude is also a sign of criminals, especially those with the club nose, and sometimes the hook nose, not to be confused with the Quiline nose. Other traits for example such as an Overbite or an Underbite and a Weak Chin are often indicative of Subhumans. There are genetic traits which might make someone's hips or other bones larger than normal, or say maybe abnormal pattern of growth of facial hair, sometimes this can be strictly hormonal but if otherwise genetically inherited, it's not necessarily a sign of a predatory trait, whereas other traits "can be". You or someone might have an eye def

A Strange Synchronicity Yesterday on TV

I was trying to work on some project yesterday which required my TV, at the same time I thought I might just happen to see what was on "TV" and out of nowhere, I tuned into an episode of the X-Files, and immediately the discussion of this episode was "Mulder" being schooled by a Woman about how UFO's actually have nearly everything in common / to do with Insectoids, and the conversation immediately went onto the subject about how Humans were more or less some kind of experiment that "pretends" to be something it's not and how Humans are the only species of creatures who like to pretend that their life revolves around anything but Breathing, Eating, Reproducing and Sleeping. And how much I thought to myself, what are the chances of this coming on like that, at this very exact time!? And how true the statement is, in fact that's one of the things that bothers me most about the Human Species. Humans,would at least get a crumb more of respect from

Even as Much as I know most People are Losers, Sometimes Even I underestimate the Depth of their Loserness!

Granted, there are only two means by which one can "know" or understand the depths of anything... These means are by either the Intuitive Factulities, or Intellectual Faculties (i.e. the mind). And even as much as I am well learned on these aspects, even about certain Individuals, sometimes I am even taken aback by just how even greater a loser can be when I meet one. I got into a discussion with someone who bought out some business recently, and while I know this savage is one of the "dregs" of society, and I know he hasn't much of a life, I couldn't help but to mentally stand in astonishment how much of an even greater loser he actually was. We're literally discussing and debating about Avocados, Steaks and Women and Donalod Trump, of all things... And the thing is these topics came up as a result of this Organic Portal "gleaning from me", because he SPECIFICALLY even knew down to a specific company which carries shitty Avocados, and somehow

Reminiscing Thoughts While Mowing The Lawn...

Off the top of my head, I was thinking it might actually be "worthwhile" to make a list of Races from the most Superior to the most Inferior Races on Earth, along with a list of the most Beneficial to the most Toxic Ingrediets one can consume. You already know that the top 3 Races on Earth are Germanic Peoples, Romans and Greeks (or at least their former Ancestors), and I would go down the list to the most inferior specimens, even breaking down every individual race among Asians, Arabs, Latinos and Negroes... Would this be of any interest to anyone?

Great New Videos by Goatis on Telegram

  As usual, he delivers us only the best! Goatis is on fire as of late, with pulling out all the stops on his content. I really can never get enough of it! In his remarks about Slaves worshipping their own cage, this is absolutely the case with Slaves, and it's why I suggest you cannot have a true friendship or connection with a Slave. Slaves should never be respected by any means, even if they are beautiful or talented or even intelligent. Because they are ultimate losers, and the reason why they worship the cage is because common familiarity breeds comfort for them, and this is also even boils down to their love of shared misery. Slaves despise people who are not "in the cage" and who think and see for themselves. And they will seek to ostracize you and isolate you. Yet, somehow the Slaves manage to be seen as the "cool kids" even with how retarded they are. A perfect example I can give you is that I was at a Goth night the other day, and I overheard this crow

Why Now Is The Best Time To Detach From Modern Technology / Use Older Technology

The rapid change in the way things are evolving with technology, compatibility interfaces, Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Cloud Services, and other information sharing that is done across all kinds of platforms and devices, without any kind of clear consent to your own privacy measures, is a very major point of concern, and it's something I've been seeing worsen in about the last 15 or so years. In the beginning stages, it wasn't entirely intolerable, but still with the knowledge that it would only continue to get far worse. The thing is, I'm becoming a Complete Dinosaur with these platforms and devices, even just as the other day I learned that I was texting someone photos who could not receive them, because my phone or something is too old or not compatible with their device. Other things are increasingly getting ridiculous like this, as I can't even properly browse or use certain features on forums and find it becoming increasingly frustrating to bridge application

Watch Your Backs As It All Collapses

I am beginning to see very new phases of Collapse here in America. The worst part about it, is how out of touch with reality and mentally sick the population of there people are here. The days of being able to even remotely assume any level character of others on even small civil matters, is completely over. I refuse to even demonstrate civility to most people, unless they have somehow otherwise first proven it. Even that, is not a safe bet either. The one thing you can expect is that the most Aggressive, Backstabbing and Dangerous people at least from the standpoint of Race besides the Jews, will no doubt be Caucasians and Negroes. I was even accosted today twice in public, by an Older Lesbian looking lady who made a strange approach and negative comment to me, and also from some aggressive Homeless Negro. If there were no sujch thing as Law Enforcement, I would have slugged these people automatically. Here's what you need to know... There are really only 2 Options when dealing wi

Are All Pure Humans Subject To Gangstalking?

Yes, without exception, if you are a Pure Human, you are automatically "documented" by Governments and Special Firms, particularly Intelligence Agencies, who watch and monitor you and have Hired Networks of Gangstalking Agents. The UK Government and its Royal Houses and Military Apparatuses are particularly known, along with influences in the Vatican for the execution of Global networks of Gangstalkers. The thing is, however, depending on your "priority" level or coding in the system, or your own circumstances, you could go and live an entire lifetime without realizing you are being Gangstalked. Gangstalking is a program that had been released after World War II with the intention of terrorizing and ruining the lives of Pure Humans, without them realizing it, so this is not something that has always been the case exactly throughout Human History. You should not take seriously most people who talk about Gangstalking, because a lot of them are just mentally ill schizo

Women Complain They Are "Tired" Even While They Do And Give Absolutely 0%

Isn't it quite some irony!? They just want to ride off the coat-tails of the fact that Men are the ones who are Tired and Fed up. Women are such Entitled Bums!

There Are Some Benefits Towards Women Thinking You Are Gay

Contrary to how ridiculous it sounds, in the times we live in, there are a lot more benefits to be seen as or thought of as gay by other Women, even as a strictly heterosexual male. One thing you must understand about Untermenschen, such as the Woman is, is that they also do not understand how the forces of nature work, and naturally dominant forces do not attract, and therefore that Men do not flip a switch and decide to switch teams in the way Women are so ready and eager to do. I really hate to say this, but the truth must be told because you need to see how things are perceived from a woman's sick and twisted pathetic minds they have, but you should consider it a good thing if they think you are gay, especially if they really believe it or if you somehow try to make yourself seem like you are. Women have a love-hate relationship with Gay Men. Plus you will get to see how she really is as a person if she thinks you are gay. Women also buy Gay Men free drinks, invitations to part

Is It Possible To Repurpose Women Into Efficient Slaves?

Yes, despite the fact that Women are indeed a less valuable Slave than in a Man in blunt terms, Women can absolutely be repurposed to be beneficial slaves for the sake of carrying out necessary labor tasks. The fact, however though, is that unfortunately, a Female Slave will never be as Valuable as a Male Slave, and that will never change, even down to the actual Auction Market Prices for purchasing or making a bid on a slave. That's just the natural order of things, as Men have greater productivity value, strength and endurance. Deprivation is one of the best tools to use in the conditioning process to Prime a Female slave, and it can be achieved within 30-60 days of reconditioning the specimen to a new environment, and it is essential they have no access to windows or the time. The key to maintaining proper slaves, is that they must however be well-fed and have ample sleeping conditions and some form of health maintenance, and while these can become very much added expenses, the

Your Ambition Should Be To Become A Murderer

You need to become comfortable with this notion, and to recognize that it is to become your duty to become a murderer, if you have any decency or morality left in you as a Man. The fight that is coming real soon in this world is going to test you beyond your wildest imagination on what will become a necessity. There is a War against you, whether you recognize the full extent of this war or not. You will need to accept very soon, that you will not find yourself much on the side of taking Women sexually as you may desire, but the reality that you will be forced to terminate their lives in the most ruthless and inhumane matters imaginable. It's coming, and you need to be prepared for it. You should already have long been prepared for it, in fact. It's not just going to be 1 or 2 or 5 that you dispatch. Not 10 or 20 either. The system that is coming down will absolutely make it mandatory to eliminate stampedes of these vampires. If you refuse to do it now or when the time is absolu

Never Trust People Who Act Like They Are A Friend But Never Involve You

It's a major problem but also very manipulative, and it's actually a very disgusting form of backstabbing. It is also a part-time of all the Races from the British Isles, so naturally Americans very much take on this behavior from them. There are many people out there in this world that act like they are somehow doing us "favors" or "watching out for us behind the scenes" but are forced to lay low in their interactions with us. This is especially even more true for Germans in general, and I warn all Germans to never fall for this bait. It's an abusive tactic by people who see themselves as superior to us, even though they know they are not. They purposefully choose to not keep us informed about something, only to drum up demands on us at a moment's notice so they can blame you for either not responding or not responding properly. Another type of thing these people will do is make it very evident that they are watching you. They will even be the type

Just A Few More Faces Of Losers / Trolls I've Gotten Into Arguments With Over The Years

Click on their images below to "enlarge" them. I mean, it's not even "AVERAGE" Internet Users who call me and other Men online these things. The specimens below, have routinely called me an "Incel" or "Racist" or "Anti-vaxxer" and all kinds of other ridiculous things. I suppose the only part they get right is that I am an Anti-Vaxxer. I also had some pathetic bicyclist when I'll find the photo, who was sending me death threats everyday from trying to organize offline "meetups" to fight against the COVID Policies, but he is not pictured here, I'll find the photos sometime. For some reason, Obese, Absolutely Hideous, Disgustingly Demonic creatures, are the ones who think they are "better" than others, and that they belong to the club of "cool cats", and that someone everyone else is a loser. These people think they are "sane", "healthy" and "normal". And yet they wi