Your Ambition Should Be To Become A Murderer

You need to become comfortable with this notion, and to recognize that it is to become your duty to become a murderer, if you have any decency or morality left in you as a Man.

The fight that is coming real soon in this world is going to test you beyond your wildest imagination on what will become a necessity.

There is a War against you, whether you recognize the full extent of this war or not.

You will need to accept very soon, that you will not find yourself much on the side of taking Women sexually as you may desire, but the reality that you will be forced to terminate their lives in the most ruthless and inhumane matters imaginable.

It's coming, and you need to be prepared for it. You should already have long been prepared for it, in fact. It's not just going to be 1 or 2 or 5 that you dispatch. Not 10 or 20 either.

The system that is coming down will absolutely make it mandatory to eliminate stampedes of these vampires.

If you refuse to do it now or when the time is absolutely ripe, you are going to find out just how much worse things will become by not fighting back and eliminating the vampires.

From my viewpoint, I see the Holy War we must fight against Women to be our Real and True Crusade, and as if it is our Modern version of the ruthless fight on the Eastern Front for Germany, with the ruthlessness shown to the Slavs.

All that, put it must be put on steroids.

In 2024, as a Man, if you don't hate Women as people and with everything they've done, you have something seriously wrong with you.

Women are on track right now to unleash even more hell on Men, unless you are willing to terminate their existence.

You will see what I'm talking about really soon.

In the meantime, try to learn that you should have more dignity than to let yourself be ruled over and destroyed by vampires.

You need to wake up to realize Women are not your friends and Allies, and that they never were. They are just actors, because they want to take from you.

The only thing you will ever understand is you have a strong stomach and disregard for life as we Germans do is that you can face the literal stench of dead bodies and for that scent to smell sweet to your senses because it's from your destroyed enemies.

Women are your worst nightmare. You just don't know it yet, because they're pretty.

Women are the absolute equivalent of Jews, and it is the reason why they so very much get along with them.


  1. I have been sending this message indirectly to all of the famous "black pill" for some time now, but it even seems that they are not only inferior in attractiveness, but also in rebellion.

  2. This man had an interesting experience to share, especially starting at 6:30

  3. The West will literally become like a Mad Max movie, it will be kill or be killed. The West is already full with millions of third world subhumans, white trash and man hating feminists who will try to take your life; so it's essential that you can defend yourself.

    1. When was the last time a 'feminist' tried to kill any man?

  4. If I were to become a murderer, as a man, I will only murder other men. In fact I am planning to go to America some day and killing men at random, and I will do my best to get away with it. It's the more violent sex who deserves to be murdered far more. That's common sense. Kill yourself, Prussian.

    1. @fandar you sound heavily traumatized from men and clearly have issues. Women are just as prone to violence as men are. However because of their easier life, they feel less needy to lash out as they are always carried by men in life. It's easy to be peaceful when your life is easy, as in the case with most women.

      When it comes to men, when we have nothing to lose, which is usually down to the fact that we are never appreciated and are isolated from society unless we accept being a slave, we have nothing to lose and will invite violence.

      Women also invite violence when they have nothing to lose. Look at the violent female drug addicts on the streets.


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